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Average annual and monthly air temperatures [°C] by meteorological stations, Slovenia, 1981 - 2014
Annual and monthly precipitations [mm] by meteorological stations, Slovenia, 1981 - 2014
Humidity, precipitations, cloudiness and winds by meteorological stations, Slovenia, 1981 - 2014
Average annual and monthly precipitations [mm], Slovenia, 1981 - 2014
Territorial units and house numbers by the municipalities, Slovenia, 2004H2 - 2018H2
Territorial units and house numbers by the municipalities, Slovenia, 1996 - 2018
Territorial units and house numbers by the statistical regions, Slovenia, 2004H2 - 2018H2
Territorial units and house numbers by the statistical regions, Slovenia, 1996 - 2018
Territorial units and house numbers by the cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2004H2 - 2018H2
Territorial units and house numbers by the cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000 - 2018
Value added by activities and GDP (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
GDP by expenditures, Slovenia, quarterly
Exports and imports of goods and services by groups of countries, Slovenia, quarterly
GDP by income structure (NACE Rev. 2), current prices, mio EUR, Slovenia, quarterly
Employment (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
Gross domestic product, Slovenia, annually
GDP Production structure (output, intermediate consumption and value added by activities, NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Production and generation of income account (NACE Rev. 2), current prices, mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
GDP income structure, Slovenia, annually
Compensation of employees (NACE Rev. 2), current prices, mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
GDP expenditure structure, Slovenia, annually
Household final consumption expenditure by type of product and by purpose (COICOP 1999), Slovenia, 1995 - 2023
Household final consumption expenditure by type of product and by purpose (COICOP 2018), Slovenia, annually
Gross capital formation by activity and by type, Slovenia, annually
General government final consumption expenditure by main type of expenditure, Slovenia, annually
Exports and imports of goods and services, Slovenia, annually
Exports and imports of goods and services by groups of countries, Slovenia, annually
Employment (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Employment (NACE Rev. 2), sector S.13 general government, Slovenia, annually
Compensation of employees by socio-economic characteristics (NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, annually
Labour costs by socio-economic characteristics of employees and self-employed persons (NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, annually
Theoretical value added tax and VAT gap, Slovenia, annually
Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purcahsers`prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 1, 60 industries/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2007
Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers`prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 1, 30 industries/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2007
Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purcahsers`prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 2008 - 2010
Use table at purchasers` prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 1, 60 industries/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2007
Use table at purchasers` prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 1, 30 industries/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2007
Use table at purchasers` prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 2008 - 2010
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.1, 60 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2005
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.1, 30 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2005
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.2, 64 branches/products [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 2009 - 2010
Symmetric use of imports table, cif, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.1, 60 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2005
Symmetric use of imports table, cif, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.1, 30 branches/products [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2005
Symmetric use of imports table, cif, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.2, 64 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 2009 - 2010
Symmetric input-output table for domestic output at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.1, 60 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2005
Symmetric input-output table for domestic output at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.1, 30 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 1996 - 2005
Symmetric input-output table for domestic output at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.2, 64 branches/products, [ESA 1995], Slovenia, 2009 - 2010
Gross domestic product, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic product, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross value added at basic prices by activities, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross value added at basic prices by activities, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employment by activities, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Employment by activities, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Hours worked (Mio) by activities, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Compensation of employees by activities, current prices, mio EUR, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Household accounts, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross fixed capital formation, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross fixed capital formation, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Surplus (+) / deficit (-) and debt of general government, Slovenia, annually
Main aggregates of general government, Slovenia, annually
General government expenditure by function and type (ESA 2010), mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Fiscal burden by type, mio EUR, % of GDP, structure (%), Slovenia, annually
Detailed tax and social contribution receipts by type of taxation and receiving sector, mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Detail classification of national taxes and social contributions according to ESA 2010 by receiving sector, mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Implicit tax rates, Slovenia, annually
Surplus (+) / deficit (-) and debt of general government, Slovenia, quarterly
Main aggregates of general government, mio EUR, Slovenia, quarterly
General government debt, mio EUR, Slovenia, quarterly
Transactions with the EU (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Non-financial sector accounts, mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Household saving rate and investment rate in %, Slovenia, annually
Non-financial sector accounts, mio EUR, Slovenia, quarterly
Main national accounts aggregates, Slovenia, quarterly
Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance (EUR million, % GDP), Slovenia, multi-annually
Stocks of fixed assets on 31 December (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Consumption of fixed capital (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Dwelling stock on 31 December (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Consumption of fixed capital for dwellings (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Inventories, current prices (mio. EUR) on 31 December (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Value of land owned by households and non-profit institutions serving households (S.14, S.15), Slovenia, annually
Stocks of consumer durables held by households on 31 December, Slovenia, annually
Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers` prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, annually
Use table at purchasers` prices, current and previous year prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, annually
Use table at basic prices, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Use table for domestic output at basic prices, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Use table for imports, cif, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Table of trade and transport margins, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Table of net taxes on products, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev. 2, 64 industries/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.2, 64 branches/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Symmetric use of imports tables, cif, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.2, 64 branches/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Symmetric input-output table for domestic output, product by product, current prices, NACE/CPA Rev.2, 64 branches/products (ESA 2010), Slovenia, multiannually
Inbound tourism expenditure (expenditure of foreign tourists and same-day visitors), mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually
Domestic tourism expenditure (tourism expenditure by residents), mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually
Outbound tourism expenditure (expenditure of residents abroad), mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually
Internal tourism consumption, mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (at basic prices), mio EUR, Slovenia, multiannually
Total domestic supply and internal tourism consumption (at purchasers' prices), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of persons employed directly connected with tourism and total number of persons employed, Slovenia, multiannually
Tourism non-monetary indicators: number of trips, overnight stays, accomodation, Slovenia, multiannually
Tourism value added and tourism gross domestic product (GDP), mio EUR, %, Slovenia, multiannually
Direct and indirect effects of tourism consumption, mio EUR, %, Slovenia, multiannually
Education and training output, by sector of the provider and education and training purpose, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, annualy, experimental statistics
Education and training current expenditure by sector of the consumer and education and training purpose, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Gross fixed capital formation in education industry (ISIC 85) by type of investment and sector of the investor, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Financing of education and training by sector of financing and education and training purpose, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Cost structure of education and training by education and training purpose, sector and category of use, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Population, aged 15 years or more by educational attainment, sex and age groups, Slovenia, annually
Participants and teachers or academic staff (tertiary education), adjusted to calendar (financial)year, by levels of formal education, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15-64 enrolled in education and training in the last four weeks by type of education and training, sex and age groups, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by type and fields of education (KLASIUS_P16, 1st level) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by occupational groups (SKP-08), educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Distribution of household income by income quintiles (mio EUR), Slovenia, mulitannual
Distribution of household income by household types (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household income by main source of income (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household final consumption and gross saving by income quintiles (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household final consumption and gross saving by household types (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household final consumption and gross saving by main source of income (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household net property by income quintiles (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household net property by household types (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Distribution of household net property by main source of income (mio EUR), Slovenia, multiannual
Composition of household adjusted disposable income per income quintile (%), Slovenia, multiannual
Composition of household actual final consumption expenditure per income quintile (%), Slovenia, multiannual
Ratio to the average for household income, consumption and property by income quintiles, Slovenia, multiannual
Ratio to the average for household income, consumption and property by household types, Slovenia, multiannual
Ratio to the average for household income, consumption and property by main source of income, Slovenia, multiannual
Ratio highest to the lowest (Q80/Q20) for household income, consumption and property, Slovenia, multiannual
Saving as a percentage of household disposable income by income quintiles, Slovenia, multiannual
Labour and capital productivity indicators by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Capital productivity indicators by main asset types, Slovenia, annually
Labour productivity indicators (NACE Rev. 2), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Compensation of employees per hour worked by activity (NACE Rev. 2), cohesions regions, Slovenia, annually
Nominal labour productivity per person employed, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Multifactor productivity, Slovenia, annually
Consumer price indices by ECOICOP classification, Slovenia, monthly
Consumer price indices by COICOP/HICP by groups and subgroups, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2016M12
Consumer price indices, Slovenia, annually
Harmonised index of consumer prices by ECOICOP classification, Slovenia, monthly
Harmonised index of consumer prices at constant tax rates by ECOICOP classification, Slovenia, monthly
Consumer price indices and annual growth rates of prices by main groups, Slovenia, annually
Producer price indices of agricultural products [year / average of the year 2010], Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2017M12
Producer price indices and prices of agricultural products [year / average of the year 2010], Slovenia, 2000 - 2017
Producer price indices of agricultural products (average 2015=100), Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2023M12
Producer price indices of agricultural products (average 2015=100), Slovenia, annualy
Producer price indices of agricultural products (month / average of the year 2020), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of agricultural products (year / average of the year 2020), Slovenia, annualy
Retail price indices by groups and subgroups, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2005M12
Retail price indices, Slovenia, 1953 - 2005
Average retail prices of goods and services, Slovenia, 1997M01 - 2017M12
Average retail prices of goods and services, Slovenia, 2003 - 2017
Average retail prices of goods and services, Slovenia, annually
Purchasing power and time needed to purchase goods, Slovenia, annually
House price indices by type of dwellings, Slovenia, quarterly
House price indices and number of transactions by type of dwellings, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2006Q4
House price indices by type of dwellings, Slovenia, annually
Owner occupied housing price indices, Slovenia, quarterly
Owner occupied housing price indices (average of the quarters in current year / average of the quarters in 2015), Slovenia, annually
House sales by type of residential real estate, Slovenia, quarterly
Commercial property price indices, Slovenia, Quarterly
Transactions number, value and usable area by commercial property type, Slovenia, Quarterly
Price indices, transaction number, value and usable area by commercial property types, Slovenia, annually
Import price indices (CPA 2015), Slovenia, monthly
Import price indices, by main industrial groups (CPA 2015), Slovenia, monthly
Import price indices euro area (CPA 2015), Slovenia, monthly
Import price indices non-euro area (CPA 2015), Slovenia, monthly
Services producer price indices by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Business-to-Business data, Slovenia, quarterly
Services producer price indices by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Business-to-All data, Slovenia, quarterly
Producer price indices, by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices, by main industrial groups (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the domestic market, by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the domestic market, by main industrial groups (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the domestic market (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
The construction material cost index, Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the non-domestic market, by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the non-domestic market, by main industrial groups (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the non domestic market - euro area (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the non domestic market - non-euro area (NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, monthly
Construction Producer Price Indices by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
Construction Producer Price Indices by type of construction, Slovenia, quarterly
Construction Producer Price Indices by type of construction activity, Slovenia, quarterly
Population by age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Population by ethnic affiliation, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Population by sex and activity [excluding persons who are working abroad and their family members who live with them abroad], municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Households by number of members, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Families by type, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Families by number of children, municipalities, Slovenia, census 1991
Persons in employment by country of birth and activity [SKD 2002], Slovenia, 2004 - 2006
Immigrants in employment by country of citizenship and activity [SKD 2002], Slovenia, 2005 - 2007
Families by type, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by the number of children, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Family and non-family households by number of members, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Labour force by status in employment, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment by sectors of activity and sex, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups and sex, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Some population groups, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Women aged 15 or over by the number of live-born children, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Population attending educational programmes for obtaining state approved education*, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space and the number of rooms, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings and other residential premises by type of building, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by the year of construction, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by material of the bearing structure of the building and type of roofing, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by number of rooms, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by the year of last renovation, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by installations and utility spaces, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Occupied dwellings by average useful floor space per person, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings for leisure and recreation by number of rooms and useful floor space, recalculation according to municipalities, as of 1 January 2007, Slovenia, census 2002
Adoptions by territory of adoption, Slovenia, annually
Adoptions by territory of adoption and sex of child, Slovenia, annually
Adoptions by age of child at the time of adoption and territory of adoption, Slovenia, annually
Basic population groups by sex, Slovenia, quarterly
Demographic events, Slovenia, quarterly
Number of population and natural change of population, Slovenia, annually
Population by age and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by large and 5-year age groups, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population - selected indicators, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population density and femininity index, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by large and 5-year age groups, sex and urban/non-urban area, Slovenia, 2011 - 2014
Population - selected indicators, urban/non-urban areas, Slovenia, 2011 - 2014
Population by large and 5-year age groups, sex and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Population - selected indicators by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Population by age and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by large and 5-year age groups and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Population by large and 5-year age groups and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by selected age groups and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population - selected indicators, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population density and femininity index, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by large and 5-year age groups and sex, administrative units, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by age and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008H1 - 2020H2
Population by age and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by large and 5-year age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by selected age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population - selected indicators, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population density and femininity index, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by large and 5-year age groups and sex, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, 2008 - 2020
Population by sex and by age, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, annually
Population - selected indicators, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, annually
Population by large and 5-year age groups and sex, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, 2008H1 - 2014H2
Basic population groups by age and sex, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population by country of citizenship, 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Basic population groups by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Foreigners by groups of citizenship, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic population groups by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, half-yearly
Foreigners by groups of citizenship, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic population groups by sex, administrative units, Slovenia, half-yearly
Basic population groups by sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Population aged 15 or more by age, sex and marital status, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 or more by 5-year age groups, sex and marital status, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 or more by sex and marital status, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Population by household status, 5-year age groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by type of household, relation to the household reference person and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Population by family status, 5-year age groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by type of household, relation to the household reference person and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Population by place of birth and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Foreign-born population by year of first immigration and by region/country of birth, year of first immigration and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by region/country of birth, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Population aged 15 years or more by region/country of birth, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by region/country of birth, activity status and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by region/country of birth, citizenship and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Foreign-born population by year of first immigration and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by region/country of birth and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by statistical region of residence and statistical region of first residence and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Foreign-born population by region/country of birth, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by country of birth, immigrant status and age, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of members and type of household, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by type and number of men and women in household, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of members and number of men and women in household, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by type, number of members and urban/non-urban areas, Slovenia, 2011
Population, households and families, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of members and type of household, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by type and number of men and women in household, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Population, households and families, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by type of household, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of members, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of men in household, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of women in household, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of members, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, multiannually
Families by number of children and type of family, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Families by number of children, type of family and urban/non-urban area, Slovenia, 2011
Families with children by age of children and type of family, Slovenia, multiannually
Families with children by age of mother, number of children and type of family, Slovenia, multiannually
Families with children by age of father, number of children and type of family, Slovenia, multiannually
Couple families by age of husband and wife / unmarried couples, Slovenia, multiannually
Families by number of children and type of family, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Families with children by age of children and type of family, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Families by type of family, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Families with children by number of children, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by activity status and country of birth, Slovenia, 2005 - 2010
Persons in employment by educational attainment and country of birth, Slovenia, 2007 - 2010
Persons in employment by country of birth and activity [SKD 2008], Slovenia, 2008 - 2010
Persons in employment by occupation and country of birth, Slovenia, 2005 - 2010
Registered unemployed persons by duration of registered unemployment and country of birth, Slovenia, 2005 - 2010
Population by some benefits from the field of social protection in the observed year and country of birth, Slovenia, 2005 -2010
Population enrolled in vocational colleges and undergraduate and postgraduate higher educational programs in the observed academic year by country of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2004/2005 - 2009/2010
Population aged 15 years or more by education, age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by education, 5-year age groups and sex, cohesion regions, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by education, 5-year age groups and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by education and sex, municipalities, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by education, municipalities and settlements, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex and age, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex and education, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex and 5-year age groups, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex and education, cohesion regions, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex and age, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex and education, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Measures of activity of the population by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Measures of activity by sex, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, annually
Population aged 15 years or more by activity status, sex, age and urban/non-urban area, Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Population aged 15 or more by activity status, sex, age and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Employed persons by education, sex and age, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employed persons by activity (NACE Rev. 2), sex and age, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannaully
Employed persons by occupational groups, sex and age, cohesion regions, multiannually
Employed persons by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia multiannually
Employed persons by occupational groups and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Natural change of population, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Natural change of population, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Natural change of population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Natural change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2014 - 2019
Natural change of population, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, 1979 - 2013
Migration change of population, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Migration change of population, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Migration change of population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2012 - 2019
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2017
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2016
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2015
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2014
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2013
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 2012
Migration change of population, settlements, Slovenia, 1995 - 2011
Total increase of population, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Total increase of population, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Total increase of population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on live births, Slovenia, annually
Age-specific general fertility rates, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Live births by age of mother and sex of child, cohesion, regions, Slovenia, annually
Live births by birth order and mean age of a mother at birth of child by order of birth, Slovenia, annually
Live births, live births within and outside marriage by age of mother and order of birth, Slovenia, annually
Live births in the current marriage by duration of marriage and order of birth, Slovenia, 1994 - 2017
Live births within marriage by educational attainment of mother and father, Slovenia, 1985 - 2009
Live births by age and educational attainment of mother and order of birth, Slovenia, annually
Live births by months, Slovenia, annually
Live births by day of birth, Slovenia, monthly
Births, Slovenia, annually
Live births by age of father, Slovenia, annually
Live births by sex, age and year of birth of mother, Slovenia, 2016
Live births by sex, age and year of birth of mother, Slovenia, 2017
Live births by sex, age and year of birth of mother, Slovenia, 2018
Live births by age and year of birth of mother at childbirth and sex, Slovenia, 2019
Live births by age and year of birth of mother at childbirth and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Live births by age and year of birth of mother at childbirth and sex, Slovenia, 2021
Live births by age and year of birth of mother at childbirth and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Live births by age and year of birth of mother at childbirth and sex, Slovenia, 2023
Acknowledgements of paternity by age of child, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on live births, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Live births by age of mother, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Live births within or outside marriage by order of birth, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on live births, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Live births by age of mother, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Live births within or outside marriage by order of birth, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on live births, municipalites, Slovenia, annually
Women aged 15 or more by the number of live-born children and age, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Women aged 15 or more by the number of live-born children and age groups, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Fertility indicators by age of mother, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Fertility indicators by age groups of mother, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Women aged 15 or more by the number of live-born children and age groups, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Fertility indicators, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Women aged 15 or more by number of live-born children, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Fertility indicators, municipalities, Slovenia, 2011 - 2018
Women, aged 15 years or more, by the number of live-born children and age, Slovenia, censuses 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991
Basic data on deaths by sex, Slovenia, annually
Infant deaths by age and sex, Slovenia, 1960 and from 1977 on, annually
Deaths by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by months, Slovenia 1960 and from 1977 on, annually
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2019
Deaths by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 1960 and from 1985 on, annually
Deaths by age groups, sex and marital status, Slovenija, annually
Deaths (15 + years) by age groups, sex and education, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by day of death, Slovenia, monthly
Excess mortality, Slovenia, 2020M01 - 2023M02
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2021
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2023
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2017
Deaths by completed year, year of birth and sex, Slovenia, 2016
Basic data on deaths by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by age and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on deaths by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by age and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on deaths by sex, municipalities, annually
Deaths by underlying cause of death (ICD-10, chapters I-XIX), sex and age groups, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by external causes of deaths (ICD-10, Chapter XX), Slovenia, annually
Deaths as result of accidents and suicides, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by most frequent causes of death and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by most frequent causes of death and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Deaths by cause of death and sex, ICD, 9th. Revision, Slovenia, 1985 - 2007
Life expectancy by sex, Slovenia, 1960 - 1961 and from 1986 - 1987 on, annually
Abridged life table by sex, Slovenia, annually
Life expectancy at birth by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Life expectancy at birth by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on marriages, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
First marriages by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by marital status of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by order of marriage of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by month, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by age groups of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually
First marriages by age groups of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually
Age-specific first marriage rates for women and total first marriage rate for women, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on marriages, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on marriages, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on marriages, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by age groups of groom and bride, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Marriages by statistical region of residence of groom and bride, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on divroces, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by age groups of husband and wife, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by age groups of husband and wife and duration of marriage, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by number of dependent children, Slovenia, annually
Divorces with regard to whom the children were assigned, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2016
Divorces by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2017
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2018
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2019
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2020
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2021
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2022
Divorces by duration and year of marriage, Slovenia, 2023
Basic data on divorces, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on divorces, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Basic data on divorces, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by duration of marriage, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Divorces by number of dependent children, statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Formal civil unions, Slovenia, 2006 - 2022
International migration by sex, Slovenia, annually
International migration by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
International migration by age groups, citizenship and sex, Slovenia, annually
International migration by country of citizenship and sex, Slovenia, annually
International migration by citizenship, countries of previous and next residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
International migration by citizenship, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Internal migration by age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Internal migration, statististical regions, Slovenia, annually
Immigrants in employment by educational attainment and country of citizenship, Slovenia, 2005 - 2010
Immigrants in employment by country of citizenship and activity [SKD 2008], Slovenia, 2008 - 2010
Immigrants in employment by occupation and country of citizenship, Slovenia, 2005 - 2010
Immigrated foreigners by reason of immigration and country of citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Immigrants aged 15 or more by education, citizenship, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Immigrants aged 15 or more by education, citizenship, country of previous residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Immigrants aged 15 or more by activity status, citizenship, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Immigrants aged 15 or more by activity status, citizenship, country of previous residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Employed immigrants by activity (NACE Rev. 2), citizenship and sex , Slovenia, annually
Immigrants by country of previous residence, citizenship and age groups, Slovenia, annually
Emigrants by country of next residence, age groups and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Emigrants aged 15 or more by education, age groups, sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Emigrants aged 15 or more by education, country of next residence, sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Emigrants aged 15 or more by activity status, age groups, sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Emigrants aged 15 or more by activity status, country of next residence, sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Employed emigrants by activity (NACE Rev. 2), sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Eurostat's population projections for Slovenia, baseline variant, Slovenia, 2004 - 2051
Eurostat's Population Projections for Slovenia by sex, EUROPOP2008, convergence scenario (convergence year: 2150), Slovenia, 2008 - 2061
Eurostat's Population Projections for Slovenia by sex, EUROPOP2008 and cohesion regions, convergence scenario, Slovenia, 2008 - 2031
Eurostat's Population Projections for Slovenia by sex and age groups, EUROPOP2008 and cohesion regions, convergence scenario, Slovenia, 2008 - 2031
EUROPOP2010 population projections for Slovenia by sex and age, Slovenia, 2010 - 2060
EUROPOP2013 population projections for Slovenia by sex and age, Slovenia, 2013 - 2080
Population projections 2015 by sex and age, Slovenia, 2015 - 2081
Population projections 2015 - demographic balances and selected indicators, Slovenia, 2015 - 2081
EUROPOP2018 population projections by sex and age, Slovenia, 2018 - 2100
EUROPOP2018 population projections - demographic balances and selected indicators, Slovenia, 2018 - 2100
EUROPOP2019 population projections by sex and age, Slovenia, 2019 - 2100
EUROPOP2019 population projections - demographic balances and selected indicators, Slovenia, 2019 - 2100
EUROPOP2023 population projections by sex and age, Slovenia, 2022–2100
EUROPOP2023 population projections - demographic balances and selected indicators, Slovenia, 2022–2100
Persons with registered permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia by 5-year age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, half-yearly
Families, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Households, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by activity status, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment by activity, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment and daily commuters by place of residence and place of work in Slovenia, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment and daily commuters by place of work in Slovenia and place of residence, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups and sex - total, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by five-years age groups, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by selected age groups, ageing index and mean age, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by type of migration, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population attending educational programmes for obtaining state approved education by the level of education they will obtain after finishing the programme, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Population in formal education and daily commuters by place of residence and place of schooling in Slovenia, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings and dwellings, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by use, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by type of ownership and useful floor space of dwellings, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Occupied dwellings and useful floor space by tenure status, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Occupied dwellings by average useful floor space per person, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space and number of rooms, average useful floor space and average number of rooms, settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by the year of construction of the building, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by installations, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by the year of construction, municipalities and settlements, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by type, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by the number of children, municipalites, Slovenia, census 2002
Family and non-family households by number of members, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Labour force by status in employment and sex, municipalities of residence, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment by municipality of residence, municipality of place of work and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment - daily commuters by municipality of residence and municipality of place of work, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by ethnic affiliation, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population declared as Italians, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population declared as Hungarians, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population declared as Roma, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by religion, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by mother tongue, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Some population groups, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Immigrants to Slovenia by country of first residence and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Immigrants to Slovenia by year of first immigration and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Last migration by type of migration and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population in formal education by municipality of residence, municipality of place of schooling and sex, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Population in formal education - daily commuters by municipality of residence and municipality of place of schooling, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by use and other occupied premises, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space and the number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings and other residential premises by type of building, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by the year of construction, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by material of the bearing structure of the building and type of roofing, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by type of ownership and average useful floor space of dwellings, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellins by the year of last renovation, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by the year of construction of the building, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by installations and utility spaces, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by presence of different premises, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Occupied dwellings by average useful floor space per person, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings for leisure and recreation by number of rooms, useful floor space and type of building and total useful floor space, municipalities, Slovenia, census 2002
Households in dwellings by tenure status, municipalites, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by the number of children and type of settlement, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Families by the number of children, type of family and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Families with childen under 6, by the number of children, type of family and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Families with children under 25, by the number of children, type of family and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Households by number of members and type of settlement, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Households by number of members, type of household and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Households by number of children under 15, by number of members and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Households by number of persons aged 65 or over, number of members and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Principal characteristics of the population by activity and sex, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by activity status, educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups, sex and type of settlement, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Selected age groups, mean age and ageing index, by type of settlement, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by marital status, sex and age groups, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Population by ethnic affiliation, Slovenia, censuses 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002
Population by religion and type of settlement, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Population by mother tongue, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Population by citizenship, sex and age, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by ethnic affiliation, age groups and sex, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment, age and sex, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by the number of rooms, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space, Slovenia, censuses 1991, 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by use, other occupied premises and number of occupants, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space, number of rooms, type of settlement and the total number of rooms in dwellings, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space of dwellings by year of construction, type of settlement, type of building and the number of floors, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by material of the bearing structure of the building, type of roofing, type of construction and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by type of ownership, useful floor space, number of rooms and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings, useful floor space and number of rooms by position of a dwelling and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Occupied dwellings by number of households, type of building, number of rooms, useful floor space and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Households in dwellings by tenure status, type of building, number of rooms, useful floor space, utilility spaces, installations and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Total dwellings, dwellings for residence and business purposes by number of rooms, number of rooms used only for business purposes and type of settlement, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by type, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by the number of children, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by the number of children and type of family, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Family and non-family households by number of members, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Households by type and the number of members, number of labour force, and number of members by selected age groups, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Labour force by status in employment, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Activity measures by sex and statistical region of residence, Slovenia, census 2002
Labour force by status in employment and sex, statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment by status in employment and sex, statistical regions of work, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment by activities, sez and education, statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, census 2002
Persons in employment by activities, sex and education, statistical regions of work, Slovenia, census 2002
Unemployed persons by age groups, sex and education, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by ethnic affiliation, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population declared as Italians, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population declared as Hungarians, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population declared as Roma, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by religion, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by mother tongue, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Some population groups, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by ethnic affiliation, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by religion, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by language of conversation in the family, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Immigrants to Slovenia by the number of years of living in Slovenia, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Immigrants to Slovenia by the area of first residence and the number of years of living in Slovenia, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Migration of population by age at migration, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Migration of population by area of previous residence and age at migration, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 or over by educational attainment and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by use and other occupied premises, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space and the number of rooms, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings and other residential premises by type of building, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space, number of rooms and the total number of rooms in the dwellings, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings and dwellings by year of construction, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Building with dwellings by use, type of construction and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by type of building and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by the material of the bearing structure, type of roofing and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by type of building, number of floors, material of the bearing structure of the building, type of roofing and dwellings by type of building and number of floors, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings with asbestos-cement roofing by the year of the last change of the roofing and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by type of ownership and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by type of ownership, type of settlement and type of building, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by the material of the bearing structure of the building, type of roofing and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by main source of heating, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by sources of heating, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by type of heating, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings for leisure and recreation by number of rooms, useful floor space, type of building and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by installations, utility spaces and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Households in dwellings by installations, utility spaces and type of settlement, statistical regions, Slovenia, census 2002
Families by the number of children and type of family, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Households by the number of members and type of household, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Labour force by status in employment, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups and type of settlement, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Population by age groups and citizenship, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Population aged 15 years or over by educational attainment, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings and useful floor space by use, other occupied premises and number of occupants in dwellings, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Dwellings by useful floor space and the number of rooms and the total number of rooms in dwellings, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by the year of construction of the building, administrative units, Slovenia. census 2002
Buildings with dwellings by the material of the bearing structure and type of roofing, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
Occupied dwellings by average useful floor space per person, administrative units, Slovenia, census 2002
First names by frequency, Slovenia, annually
Male first names, Slovenia, annually
Female first names, Slovenia, annually
Family names (A-F), Slovenia, annually
Family names (G-L), Slovenia, annually
Family names (M-R), Slovenia, annually
Family names (S-Ž), Slovenia, annually
Population by days and months of birth, Slovenia, annually
Baby boys' first names, Slovenia, annually
Baby girls' first names, Slovenia, annually
Population by age groups and sex, comparative table of the 1996 and 2008 statistical definitions of population, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2007H2 - 2008H2
Population by age groups and sex, comparative table of the 1996 and 2008 statistical definitions of population, municipalities, Slovenia, 2007H2 - 2008H2
Population by selected age groups and sex, comparative table of the 1996 and 2008 statistical definitions of population, municipalities, Slovenia, 2007H2 - 2008H2
Basic population groups by age and sex, Slovenia, 1986H2 - 2008H1
Basic population groups by sex, according to the 1996 statistical definition of population, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000H2 - 2008H1
Basic population groups by sex, according to the 1996 statistical definition of population, municipalities, Slovenia, 1999H2 - 2008H1
Labour force and indices of labour force by sex, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2016M12
Number of persons in employment and indices by sex, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment (excluding farmers) by groups of citizenship, activities (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and by employment status, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment and indices by statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment in tourism by methodology (UNWTO and OECD) and by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment in tourism by methodology (UNWTO and OECD), cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Average number of persons in employment in tourism by methodology (UNWTO and OECD), cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment in public and private sector by sex, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rate by statistical regions of residence and by sex, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2016M12
Persons in employment by statistical regions of residence by sex, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rates by municipalities of residence and by sex, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2016M12
Persons in employment by municipalities of residence by sex, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rate by statistical regions of residence and by duration of unemployment, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2016M12
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rates by municipalities of residence and by duration of unemployment, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2016M12
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rate by statistical regions of residence and by age groups, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2016M12
Persons in employment by statistical regions of residence and by age groups, Slovenia, monthly
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rates by municipalities of residence and by age groups, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2016M12
Persons in employment by municipalities of residence and by age groups, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2008 - 2023
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2023M12
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2023
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2008 - 2023
Average monthly earnings and index of average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and administrative units of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and municipalities of employment, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings and index of average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Structure of average monthly gross earnings by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Average number of hours paid by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Number and share of persons in paid employment by legal persons, who received earnings, by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly gross and net earnings by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly gross and net earnings by legal persons by institutional sectors, Slovenia, monthly
Estimated number of persons employed by budget users, who received the difference to the minimum wage, by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2023M01 - 2024M12
Average monthly gross earnings and index of average monthly earnings calculated by the number of persons in paid employment on the basis of paid hours, by legal persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly gross earnings and index of average monthly earnings calculated by the number of persons in paid employment on the basis of paid hours, by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2] and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly earnings and index of average monthly earnings by registered natural persons by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, municipalities of employment, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2] and administrative units of employment, Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2] and municipalities of employment, Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Structure of average monthly gross earnings by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Average number of hours paid by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Number and share of persons in paid employment by legal persons, who received earnings, by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly gross and net earnings by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly gross and net earnings by legal persons by institutional sectors, Slovenia, 2014M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly earnings by collective and individual contracts by activities [NACE Rev. 2] for persons employed by legal persons that are not budget users, Slovenia, 2017M01 - 2024M03
Estimated number of persons employed by legal persons that are not budget users, who received earnings at the level of the minimum wage, by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2017M01 - 2019M12
Estimated number of persons employed by budget users, who received the difference to the minimum wage, by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2015M11 - 2024M03
Average monthly earnings and index of average monthly earnings by registered natural persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2022M11
Average monthly earnings and index of average monthly earnings by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average monthly earnings by activities [NACE Rev. 2], statistical regions, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average monthly earnings by activities [NACE Rev. 2], administrative units, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average monthly earnings by activities [NACE Rev. 2], municipalities, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Structure of average monthly gross earnings [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average number of hours paid [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Number and share of persons in paid employment who received earnings [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average monthly gross and net earnings by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average monthly gross and net earnings by institutional sectors, Slovenia, 2005M01 - 2015M10
Average monthly gross earnings and index of average monthly earnings calculated by the number of persons in paid employment on the basis of paid hours, by legal persons by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2020M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly gross earnings and index of average monthly earnings calculated by the number of persons in paid employment on the basis of paid hours, by legal persons in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2020M01 - 2024M03
Average monthly labour costs per person in paid employment (EUR), by sections of activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annual, provisional data
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2), level of education and sex, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of employment, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of residence, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), employment status and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), citizenship and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnigs (EUR) by occupational groups (SKP-08), citizenship and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by occupational groups (SKP-08) in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by statistical regions of employment and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by statistical regions of residence and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by citizenship and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of employment, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of residence, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of employment, level of education and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of residence, level of education and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly gross earnings (EUR) by occupational groups [SKP-V2] and sex, Slovenia, 2008 - 2010
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by field of education (KLASIUS-P16) and sex, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by level of education (KLASIUS-SRV) and sex, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of employment and occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of residence and occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by municipalities of employment and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by municipalities of residence and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by level (KLASIUS-SRV) and field of education (KLASIUS-P16) and sex, Slovenia, 2015 - 2022
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, field of education (KLASIUS-P16) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, level of education (KLASIUS-SRV) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by age groups, field of education (KLASIUS-SRV) and sex, Slovenia, letno
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of employment, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of residence, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), citizenship and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2), level of education and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), employment status and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by municipalities of employment and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by municipalities of residence and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by level (KLASIUS-SRV) and field of education (KLASIUS-P16) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by occupational groups (SKP-08) in public and private sector, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnigs (EUR) by occupational groups (SKP-08), citizenship and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by age groups, field of education (KLASIUS-SRV) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of employment and occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of employment, level of education and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of employment, age groups and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of residence and occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of residence, level of education and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by statistical regions of residence, age groups and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, field of education (KLASIUS-P16) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, level of education (KLASIUS-SRV) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) by employment status, age groups and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by citizenship and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by field of education (KLASIUS-P16) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by level of education (KLASIUS-SRV) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by age groups and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by statistical regions of employment and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by statistical regions of residence and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings, activity (NACE Rev. 2), employment status and sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2022
Persons in paid employment by amount of net earnings, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), employment status and sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2020
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings and sex in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2009 - 2022
Persons in paid employment by amount of net earnings, by public and private sector and by sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2020
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings, statistical regions of employment and sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2022
Persons in paid employment by amount of net earnings, by statistical regions of employment and by sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2020
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings, statistical regions of residence and sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2022
Persons in paid employment by amount of net earnings, by statistical regions of residence and by sex, Slovenia, 2009 - 2020
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings and sex in public and private sector, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings, activity (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings, statistical regions of employment and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Persons in paid employment by amount of gross earnings, statistical regions of residence and sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Job vacancy, occupied posts and job vacancy rate by activities B to S [Nace Rev. 2], original data, Slovenia, quarterly
Job vacancy, occupied posts and job vacancy rate by activities B to S (Nace Rev. 2), seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, quarterly
Job vacancy statistics by activities [Nace Rev. 2], original and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, 2008Q1 - 2014Q4
Job vacancy statistics by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2008 - 2012
Job vacancy statistics by major groups of occupations, Slovenia, 2001 - 2012
Job vacancies by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2001 - 2012
Job vacancies statistics by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2012
Average gross earnings per person in paid employment (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and sections of activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per person in paid employment (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and educational attainment, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per person in paid employment (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and main occupational groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per person in paid employment (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and age classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per person in paid employment (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and size classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per person in paid employment (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex in the public and private sectors, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per paid hour for October (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and sections of activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per paid hour for October (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and educational attainment, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per paid hour for October (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and main occupational groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per paid hour for October (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and age classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per paid hour for October (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex and size classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross earnings per paid hour for October (by the Structure of Earnings Survey) by sex in the public and private sectors, Slovenia, multiannually
Labour cost indices (quarter / average of the year 2020) by sections of activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly, provisional data
Persons in employment (excluding farmers) by municipalities of residence and municipalities of workplace by sex, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment (excluding farmers) by statistical regions of residence and statistical regions of workplace by sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment (excluding farmers) by cohesion regions of residence and cohesion regions of workplace by sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment (excluding farmers) by administrative units of residence and administrative units of workplace by sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment [excluding farmers], labour migrants between municipalities and the labour migration index by sex, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment (excluding farmers), labour migrants between statistical regions and the labour migration index by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment (excluding farmers), labour migrants between cohesion regions and the labour migration index by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment (excluding farmers), labour migrants between administrative units and the labour migration index by sex, administrative units, Slovenia, annually
Foreign daily migrants from neighbouring countries by sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Working time structure by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Working time structure by cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Working time structure by public and private sector, Slovenia, multiannually
Working time structure by type of legal entity, Slovenia, multiannually
Working time structure by size classes of business entity, Slovenia, multiannually
Work incentive indicators (in %), Slovenia, annually
Total number of paid hours and hours worked (mio.) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
Average monthly number of paid hours and hours worked per person in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
Total number of hours worked indices by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
Average labour costs (by the Labour Cost Survey) by sections of activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Average labour costs (by the Labour Cost Survey) by statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Average labour costs (by the Labour Cost Survey) by size classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Average labour costs (by the Labour Cost Survey) by the public and the private sectors, Slovenia, multiannually
Population by activity (in 1000) and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Working age population by country of birth, activities, activity rates and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Working age population by activity and activity rates, age groups, sex and cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Employed by status in employment, sex and cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Employed (in 1000) by section of activity (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Employed by major group of occupation and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Employed with full-time or part-time work by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Employees (in 1000) by type of employment, age groups and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Employees (in 1000) by work arrangement, full-time or part time work and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Average hours usually and actually worked per week by employed by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Unemployed by duration of unemployment and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, quarterly
Transitions in labour market status, Slovenia, quarterly
Monthly unemployment rate by sex, age groups and data adjustment, Slovenia, monthly, experimental statistics
Population (in 1000) by activity and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Working age population by activity and measures of activity, country of birth and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Working age population by activity and measures of the activity, age group and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employed by educational attainment level and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employed by section of activity (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employed by occupational groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employed with full-time or part-time work by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employees (in 1000) by type of work, age groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Employees (in 1000) by working time and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Average hours usually and actually worked per week by employed by sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Unemployed by duration of unemployment and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Unemployed by educational attainment level and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Working age population by educational attainment level, age groups and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Measures of the activity by type of household (%), Slovenia, annually
Measures of the activity (in %), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Social cohesion indicators (in %), Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by activity (NACE Rev. 2), 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment in public and private sector by 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by statistical regions of employment, employment status, 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by statistical regions of residence, employment status, 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by municipalities of employment, 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by municipalities of residence, 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by activity (NACE Rev. 2), educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment in public and private sector by educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by statistical regions of employment, employment status, educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by statistical regions of residence, employment status, educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by municipalities of employment, educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by municipalities of residence, educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by occupational groups [SKP-V2] and sex, Slovenia, 2005 - 2010
Persons in employment by occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by occupational groups (SKP-08) and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by occupational groups (SKP-08) and statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in employment (excluding farmers) by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in employment (excluding farmers) in public and private sector by educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in employment (excluding farmers) in public and private sector by 5-year age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in employment (excluding farmers) by statistical regions of employment, employment status, educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in employment (excluding farmers) by municipalities of employment and sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in employment (excluding farmers) by occupational groups (SKP-08) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises employing persons with disabilities by activities (SKD 2008), Slovenia, annually
Enterprises employing persons with disabilities by size with regard to the number of persons in paid employment, Slovenia, annually
Persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector by sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities by level of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities in public and private sector and by sex, Slovenia, annually
Disabled persons in paid employment in enterprises employing persons with disabilities by level of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, 2005 - 2023
Average monthly earnings by legal persons by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, 2005 - 2023
Labour Migrations - selected indicators, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Labour Migrations - selected indicators, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Labour Migrations - selected indicators, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Labour force - selected indicators, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 - 2016
Labour force - selected indicators, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2002 - 2016
Persons in employment - selected indicators, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment - selected indicators, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Labour force by sex, Slovenia, 2005 - 2016
Average number of persons in employment by sex, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment (excluding farmers) by groups of citizenship, activities (NACE Rev. 2) and sex, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and employment status, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment by cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment in tourism by methodology (UNWTO and OECD) and by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment in public and private sector by sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rate by sex and by cohesion and statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, 2005 - 2016
Average number of persons in employment by sex, cohesion and statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rates by municipalities of residence, Slovenia, 2005 - 2016
Average number of persons in employment by sex and municipalities of residence, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rate by cohesion and statistical regions of residence and by duration of unemployment, Slovenia, 2010 - 2016
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rates by municipalities of residence and by duration of unemployment, Slovenia, 2010 - 2016
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rate by cohesion and statistical regions of residence and by age groups, Slovenia, 2010 - 2016
Average number of persons in employment by age groups, cohesion and statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, annually
Average number of persons in employment by age groups and municipalities of residence, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment, registered unemployed persons and registered unemployment rates by municipalities of residence and by age groups, Slovenia, 2010 - 2016
Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and employment status, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of employment, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and cohesion regions of residence, Slovenia, annually
Self-employed by the main reason for self-employment, sex, Slovenia, 2017Q2
Employed by influence over their work tasks, Slovenia, 2017Q2
Employed by job satisfaction, Slovenia, 2017Q2
Self-employed by main difficulty in self-employment, sex, Slovenia, 2017Q2
Employed by job preference in main work, Slovenia, 2017Q2
Young by activity and age groups, Slovenia, 2016Q2
Employees by main method through which they find the current job, sex, 15-34 years, Slovenia, 2016Q2
To what extent your achieved education corresponds to demands of your current job, 15-34 years, Slovenia, 2016Q2
Work during education by activity status, 15-34 years, Slovenia, 2016Q2
Willingness to move by employment status, sex, 15-34 years, Slovenia, 2016Q2
Residents with children younger than 15 years by use of childcare services, activity status, sex, 18 to 64 years, Slovenia, 2018Q2
Impact on employment due to the care responsibilities of children by sex, 18 to 64 years, Slovenia, 2018Q2
Possibility to vary the start or end of working day for care reasons by sex, 18 to 64 years, Slovenia, 2018Q2
Main difficulty in work reconciliation with care responsibilities by sex, 18 to 64 years, 2018Q2
Duration of work interruption due to caring of children throught entire working age by sex, 18 to 64 years, Slovenia, 2018Q2
Employed persons on organization of their working time, Slovenia, 2019Q2
Employed persons working under time pressure, Slovenia, 2019Q2
Employed persons on working time flexibility, Slovenia, 2019Q2
Employed persons on getting a day off in short notice, Slovenia, 2019Q2
Gender pay gap by cohesion and statistical regions of employment and age groups, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by cohesion and statistical regions of residence and age groups, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by municipalities of residence, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and level of education (KLASIUS-SRV), Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap in public and private sector by level of education (KLASIUS-SRV), Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Distribution of average monthly gross earnings (EUR) by EUR 50 class midpoints (%), Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Gender pay gap by level (KLASIUS-SRV) and field of education (KLASIUS-P16), Slovenia, 2020 - 2022
Gender pay gap by occupational groups (SKP-08) in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2020 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by sex, Slovenia, 2020 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by age groups, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by level of education (KLASIUS-SRV), Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by field of education (KLASIUS-P16), Slovenia, 2020 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, 2020 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by cohesion and statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by degree of urbanisation of residence, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by degree of urbanisation of residence, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings in public and private sector, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by size of enterprises, Slovenia, 2010 - 2022
Gini coefficient of earnings by size of enterprises, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by cohesion and statistical regions of residence, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by field of education (KLASIUS-P16), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by level of education (KLASIUS-SRV), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by sex, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by age groups, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by degree of urbanisation of residence, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings by degree of urbanisation of residence, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gini coefficient of earnings in public and private sector, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and level of education (KLASIUS-SRV), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by cohesion and statistical regions of employment and age groups, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by cohesion and statistical regions of residence and age groups, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by municipalities of residence, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by level (KLASIUS-SRV) and field of education (KLASIUS-P16), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by occupational groups (SKP-08) in public and private sector, Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap by occupational groups (SKP-08), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Gender pay gap in public and private sector by level of education (KLASIUS-SRV), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Distribution of average monthly gross earnings (EUR) by EUR 50 class midpoints (%), Slovenia, selected month of the year
Average monthly gross earnings (EUR) in public and private sector by sex, Slovenia, annually
Employed by weekly hours and working time, by sex, Slovenia, annually
Share of employed persons with unusual workig time (%), by sex, Slovenia, annually
Employed persons by frequency of working at home, by sex (%), Slovenia, annually
Security of employment by sex (in %), Slovenia, annually
Employed persons participating in non-formal education or training, by sex, Slovenia, annually
Persons participating in formal or informal voluntary activities in the last 4 weeks by type of volunteer activity, activity status and sex, Slovenia, 3rd quarter 2019
Persons participating in formal or informal voluntary activities in the last 12 months by type of volunteer activity, activity status and sex, Slovenia, 3rd quarter 2019
Persons participating in voluntary activities through formal organisations in the last 4 weeks by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 3rd quarter 2019
Persons participating in voluntary activities through formal organisations in the last 4 weeks by type of volunteer activity, sex and average number of volunteer hours, Slovenia, 3rd quarter 2019
Share of persons (%) performing voluntary work through formal organizations in the last 12 months by age groups and gender, Slovenia, 2022
Share of persons (%) performing voluntary work in the last 12 months by type of organization of volunteer work performed and gender, Slovenia, 2022
Persons participating in informal voluntary activities in the last 4 weeks by type of volunteer activity, sex and average number of volunteer hours, Slovenia, 3rd quarter 2019
Persons participating in informal voluntary activities in the last 4 weeks by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 3rd quarter 2019
Share of persons (%) performing informal voluntary work in the last 12 months by age groups and gender, Slovenia, 2022
Employed persons with any physical or mental health problem during the year before, 15-74 years, Slovenia, 2020Q3
Work is the reason for health problem, employed persons 15-74 years, Slovenia, 2020Q3
Factors that pose the greatest risk of developing a health problem, employed persons, Slovenia, 2020Q3
Number of working-age population (15+) (in 1000) by citizenship group, activity status and sex, Slovenia, 2021
Number of working-age population (in 1000) by educational attainment, citizenship group, age group and sex, Slovenia, 2021
Number of migrants (in 1000) by time required to find the first paid job in Slovenia after migration, Slovenia, 2021
Persons at the beginning of receiving old-age pension by activity situation and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2023
Persons at the beginning of receiving old-age pension by type of first receipt and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2023
Persons at the beginning of receiving old-age pension by type of first receipt and educational attainment level, Slovenia, 2023
Employees aged 50–64 who stated that they would be entitled to an old-age statutory and personal pension by occupational groups, Slovenia, 2023
Share of employed (%) by job skills, working time spent and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2022
Share of employed (%) by job skills, working time spent, occupational groups (ISCO) and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Share of employed (%) by job skills, working time spent, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Share of employed (%) by job skills, working time spent, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Employed by the autonomy over tasks, Slovenia, 2022
Consumer survey, original and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Consumer survey, original and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, quarterly
Consumer survey, past trend of consumer prices perceptions, Slovenia, monthly
Consumer survey, future trend of consumer prices expectations, Slovenia, monthly
Indicators for housing standards, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupants by type of settlement and housing arrangement, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by type of ownership, type of building and density standard, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of occupied dwellings by number of rooms and number of occupants, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of occupied dwellings by usefull floor space and number of occupants, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings, occupants and households by number of rooms, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings, occupants and households by useful floor space, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings and occupants by type of ownership, type of building and useful floor space, Slovenia,multiannualy
Dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and period of construction, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and number of rooms, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and type of heating, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings and households by occupancy status and number of rooms, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and useful floor space, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupany status and basic facilities of dwelling, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and installations, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings reserved for seasonal and secondary use by type of building and number of rooms, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Dwellings reserved for seasonal or secondary use by type of building and useful floor space, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Indicators for housing standards, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by type of ownership, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by density standard, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of occupied dwellings by number of rooms and number of persons, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of occupied dwellings by useful floor space and number of occupants, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings, occupants and households by number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings, occupants and households by useful floor space, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and type of building, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and period of construction, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and type of heating, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and useful floor space, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and facilities, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and installations, municipalities, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings reserved for seasonal or secondary use by type of building and number of rooms, municipalities, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Dwellings reserved for seasonal or secondary use by type of building and useful floor space, municipalities, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Indicators for housing standards, statistical and cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by type of ownership and useful floor space, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by type of ownership and density standard, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of occupied dwellings by number of rooms and number of occupants, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of occupied dwellings by useful floor space and number of occupants, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings, occupants and households by number of rooms, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings, occupants and households by useful floor space, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by type of ownership and type of building,statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and period of construction, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and number of rooms,statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and type of heating, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by number of rooms, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and useful floor space, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and basic facilities, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by occupancy status and installations, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings reserved for seasonal or secondary use by type of building and number of rooms, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
Dwellings reserved for seasonal or secondary use by type of building and useful floor space, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2011, 2015, 2018
At-risk-of-poverty threshold, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty threshold, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate by age and gender, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate by educational attainment level, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate by most frequent activity status, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate by most frequent activity status, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate by work intensity of the household, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate by work intensity of the household (EU 2020 Strategy), Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate by household type, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate by household type, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time, Slovenia, annually
People at-risk-of-poverty, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2012
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by age and gender, Slovenia, 2008 - 2012
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
Relative at-risk-of-poverty gap, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Relative at-risk-of-poverty gap, Slovenia, annually
Inequality of income distribution, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Inequality of income distribution, Slovenia, annually
Inequality of income distribution - Gini coefficient (%), Slovenia, annually
Aggregate replacement ratio, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Aggregate replacement ratio, Slovenia, annually
Relative median income ratio, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Relative median income ratio, Slovenia, annually
Mean disposable household income by type of income, Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income by inclusion of social transfers and gender (EUR), Slovenia, annually
Top cut-off points of quantiles (EUR), Slovenia,annually
Distribution of household disposable income by quantiles (%), Slovenia, annually
Mean disposable household income by income quintiles, Slovenia, annually
Mean disposable household income by income deciles, Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income by income groups and gender (EUR), Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income by age and gender (EUR), Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income by educational attainment level, age and gender (EUR), Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income by most frequent activity status, age and gender (EUR), Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income by accommodation tenure status, age and gender (EUR), Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income (EUR), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Disposable household income (EUR), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Material deprivation rate, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Material deprivation rate, Slovenia, 2005 - 2022
Intensity of material deprivation, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Intensity of material deprivation, Slovenia, 2005 - 2022
Materially deprived people, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2012
Materially deprived people, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Materially deprived people, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Material and social deprivation rate by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
Material and social deprivation rate by household type, Slovenia, annually
Material and social deprivation rate by income quantiles, Slovenia, annually
Materially and socially derpived persons, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Materially and socially derpived persons, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Severe material and social deprivation rate by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
Severe material and social deprivation rate by income quantiles, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate by age and gender (EU 2020 Strategy), Slovenia, 2005 - 2022
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (EU 2020 Strategy), Slovenia, 2005 - 2022
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate (EU 2020 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate (EU 2020 Strategy), statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
At-risk-of-poverty rate, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty rate, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Severe material deprivation rate (EU 2020 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Severe material deprivation rate (EU 2020 Strategy), statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Very low work intensity rete (EU 2020 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
Very low work intensity rate (EU 2020 Strategy), statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2022
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate by age and gender (EU 2030 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate (EU 2030 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate (EU 2030 Strategy), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Severe material and social deprivation rate (EU 2030 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Severe material and social deprivation rate (EU 2030 Strategy), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Very low work intensity rete (EU 2030 Strategy), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Very low work intensity rete (EU 2030 Strategy), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by housing conditions and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by housing conditions and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by housing conditions and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by housing conditions, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by housing conditions, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Housing deprivation rate by item, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Housing deprivation rate by item, Slovenia, annually
Housing deprivation rate by number of items, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Housing deprivation rate by number of items, Slovenia, annually
Overcrowding rate by age and gender, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Overcrowding rate by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
Overcrowding rate by household type, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Overcrowding rate by household type, Slovenia, annually
Overcrowding rate by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Overcrowding rate by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Overcrowding rate by household income, Slovenia, 2005 - 2012
Overcrowding rate by household income, Slovenia, annually
Overcrowding rete, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Overcrowding rate, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by possession of durable consumer goods and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by possession of durable consumer goods and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by possession of durable consumer goods and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by possession of durable consumer goods, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by possession of durable consumer goods, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by capacity to afford holiday, meals with meat or vegetarian equivalent every second day and face unexpected expenses by income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by capacity to afford holiday, meals with meat or vegetarian equivalent every second day and face unexpected expenses by household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by capacity to afford holiday, meals with meat or vegetarian equivalent every second day and face unexpected expenses by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by capacity to afford holiday, meals with meat or vegetarian equivalent every second day and face unexpected expenses, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by capacity to afford holiday, meals with meat or vegetarian equivalent every second day and face unexpected expenses, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by ability to make ends meet and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by ability to make ends meet and household type. Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by ability to make ends meet and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by ability to make ends meet, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by ability to make ends meet, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by savings in a typical month and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by savings in a typical month and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by savings in a typical month and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by savings in a typical month and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by ability to maintain the same standard of living using only savings and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by ability to maintain the same standard of living using only savings and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by ability to maintain the same standard of living using only savings and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by ability to maintain the same standard of living using only savings and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by burden the total housing cost represent and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden the total housing cost represent and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden the total housing cost represent and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden the total housing cost represent, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden the total housing cost represent, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Housing cost overburden rate by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
Housing cost overburden rate by household type, Slovenia, annually
Housing cost overburden rate by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Housing cost overburden rate by household income, Slovenia, annually
Median of the housing cost burden distribution by age and gender, Slovenia, annually
Median of the housing cost burden distribution by household income, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on hire-purchase instalments or other non-housing loan payments in the last 12 months due to inability to pay and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on hire-purchase instalments or other non-housing loan payments in the last 12 months due to inability to pay and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on hire-purchase instalments or other non-housing loan payments in the last 12 months due to inability to pay and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on hire-purchase instalments or other non-housing loan payments in the last 12 months due to inability to pay, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on hire-purchase instalments or other non-housing loan payments in the last 12 months due to inability to pay, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on utility bills in the last 12 months due to financial difficulties and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on utility bills in the last 12 months due to financial difficulties and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on utility bills in the last 12 months due to financial difficulties and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on utility bills in the last 12 months due to financial difficulties, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on utility bills in the last 12 months due to financial difficulties, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by arrears on non-housing bills in the last 12 months due to financial reasons and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by arrears on non-housing bills in the last 12 months due to financial reasons and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by arrears on non-housing bills in the last 12 months due to financial reasons and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by arrears on non-housing bills in the last 12 months due to financial reasons and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by burden repayments of debts from hire-purchases or other non-housing loans and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden repayments of debts from hire-purchases or other non-housing loans and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden repayments of debts from hire-purchases or other non-housing loans and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden repayments of debts from hire-purchases or other non-housing loans, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by burden repayments of debts from hire-purchases or other non-housing loans, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by number of loans and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of loans and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of loans, by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of loans and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by number of loans and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by number of loans and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by number of loans and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by number of loans and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by source of loans and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by source of loans and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by source of loans and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of indebted households (%) by source of loans and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Average monthly amount (EUR) spent on loans by indebted households by income quintile and amount, Slovenia, multiannually
Average monthly amount (EUR) spent on loans by indebted households and income quintile and amount, Slovenia, multiannually
Average monthly amount (EUR) spent on loans by indebted households and income quintile and amount, Slovenia, multiannually
Average monthly amount (EUR) spent on loans by indebted households by accommodation tenure status and amount, Slovenia, multiannually
General health of the persons by self-defined current economic status, Slovenia, 2005 - 2022
General health of the persons by age group, Slovenia, 2005 - 2022
Share of persons (%) by general health, income quintile and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health, self-defined economic status and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health, age groups and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health, educational attainment level and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by general health and long-standing limitation in activities because of health problems , Slovenia, annually
Number of dwellings by occupation status , settlements, Slovenia, multiannually
Occupied dwellings by usefull floor space, settlements, Slovenia, multiannualy
Dwellings by usefull floor space, settlements, Slovenia, multiannually
Dwellings by type of heating, settlements, Slovenia, multiannualy
Dwellings by period of construction, settlements, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year by income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year by household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year by most frequent activity status, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) receiving material and/or financial help from charities in the past year by educational attainment level, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by age groups and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfcation by material and social deprivation status and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenija, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by at-risk-of poverty or social exclusion status and gender, cohesion region, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by age groups, gender and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2012 - 2023
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by educational attainment level and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by self-defined current economic status and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by income quintile and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by at-risk-of-poverty status and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by material deprivation status, gender and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2012 - 2022
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction by self-perceived general health and gender, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall life satisfaction, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
At-risk-of-poverty threshold, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate by age and gender, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate by current activity status, age 16+, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate by household type, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time [t-3], Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
Equivalised disposable household income, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
Relative at-risk-of-poverty gap, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
Inequality of income distribution, Slovenia, 1997 - 2004
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, age groups and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, material and social deprivation status and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Affordability of goods by age groups and gender, Slovenia, 2014 - 2023
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, educational attainment level and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, self-defined economic status and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, income quintile and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, at-risk-of-poverty status and gender, Slovenia
Share of persons (%) by affordability of goods, material deprivation status and gender, Slovenia, 2014 - 2022
Average annual allocated assets of households, Slovenia, 2000 - 2018
Average annual allocated assets of households by quintiles, Slovenia, 2000 - 2010, 2012, 2015, 2018
Average annual allocated assets of households, by household type, Slovenia, 2012, 2015, 2018
Average annual allocated assets of households by main source of the household's income, Slovenija, 2012, 2015, 2018
Average annual quantity of food and beverages consumed per household member, Slovenia, multiannually
Average annual allocated assets of households by size of household, Slovenia, 2012, 2015, 2018
Household expenditure (EUR) in a typical month by selected necessities and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Household expenditure (EUR) in a typical month by selected necessities and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Household expenditure (EUR) in a typical month by selected necessities and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Household expenditure (EUR) in a typical month by selected necessities and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Household expenditure (EUR) in a typical month by selected necessities and size of household, Slovenia, multiannually
Average annual allocated assets of households, Slovenia, multiannually
Average annual allocated assets of households by main source of the household's income, Slovenija, multiannually
Average annual allocated assets of households by size of household, Slovenia, multiannually
Average annual allocated assets of households by quintiles, Slovenia, multiannually
Average annual allocated assets of households by household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Average annual available assets of households, Slovenia, 2000 - 2012
Average annual available assets of households by quintiles, Slovenia, 2000 - 2012
Share of households with certain consumer durables (%), Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons aged 25-59 (%), by poverty and social exclusion indicators and education of their mother and father when the persons were 14 years old, Slovenia, 2011, 2019
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59, by poverty and social exclusion indicators and the activity status of their mother and father when the persons were 14 years old, Slovenia, 2011, 2019
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by their current education and the activity status of their parent when the persons were 14 years old, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by their current education and the education of their parents when the persons were 14 years old, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by the period of their birth and the financial situation of the household when the person was 14 years old, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59, by the financial situation of the household when the person was 14 years old and by the current education of the person, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59, by the financial situation of the household when the person was 14 years old and by the number of children in the household at that time, Slovenia, 2019
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by their households' current ability to make ends meet and the financial situation of the households when the person was 14 years old, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons aged 25-59 (%), by the affordability of selected goods when they were 14 years old and the activity status of parent at that time, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by the affordability of selected goods when they were 14 years old and the financial situation of the household at that time, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons aged 25–59 (%), by the affordability of selected goods when they were 14 years old, and by the number of children in the household at that time, Slovenia, 2019
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by the affordability of selected goods when they were 14 years old and the education of parent at that time, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59 by the affordability of goods when they were 14 years old, and by the period of their birth, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) aged 25-59, by poverty and social exclusion indicators and the education of their parent when the persons were 14 years old, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons aged 25-59 (%), by poverty and social exclusion indicators and the activity status of their parent when the persons were 14 years old, Slovenia, multiannually
Gross income received by the population, Slovenia, annually
Net income received by the population, Slovenia, annually
Gross income received by the population, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Net income received by the population, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross income received by the population, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Net income received by the population, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by the change in the net household income in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by the change in the net household income in the last 12 months and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by the change in the net household income in the last 12 months by household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by the change in the net household income in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by increased income in the last 12 months and reasons for increase in income, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by reasons for decrease in income in the last 12 months, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by expected change in the net household income within the next 12 months and income quintile, Slovenenia, annually
Share of households (%) by expected change in the net household income within the next 12 months and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by expected change in the net income within the next 12 months and household type, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by expected change in the net income within the next 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, annually
Share of households with children, aged 15 or less (%), by goods, affordability of goods and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households with children, aged 15 or less (%), by goods, affordability of the goods and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households with children, aged 15 or less (%), by goods, affordability of goods and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of children, aged 15 or less (%), by general health and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of children (%), aged 15 or less, by general health, gender and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of children, aged 15 or less (%), by general health and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of children, aged 15 or less (%), by limitation in activities because of health problems and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of children (%), aged 15 or less, by limitation in activities because of health problems, gender and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of children (%), aged 15 or less, by limitation in activities because of health problems and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall job satisfaction by age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall job satisfaction by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall job satisfaction by educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall job satisfaction by occupation, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall job satisfaction, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Health expenditure (1,000 EUR) by sources of funding and functions and services of healthcare, Slovenia, annually
Health expenditure (1,000 EUR) by health care providers and sources of funding, Slovenia, annually
Health expenditure (1,000 EUR) by health care providers and functions and services of healthcare, Slovenia, annually
Revenues of health care financing scheme (1,000 EUR) by sources of funding, Slovenia, annually
Share of households (%) by main heating system used in the dwelling and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main heating system used in the dwelling and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main heating system used in the dwelling, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main heating system used in the dwelling, dwelling type and construction year, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main heating system used in the dwelling and the at-risk-of poverty and social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main energy source used for heating the dwelling and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main energy source used for heating the dwelling and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main energy source used for heating the dwelling, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main energy source used for heating the dwelling, type of building and construction year, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by main energy source used for heating the dwelling and the at-risk-of poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of dwelling renovations in the last five years and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of dwelling renovations in the last five years and accomodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of dwelling renovations in the last five years, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of dwelling renovations in the last five years and dwelling type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by number of dwelling renovations in the last five years and the at-risk-of poverty and social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of measure in the building in the last five years and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of measure in the building the last five years and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of measure in the building in the last five years, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of measure in the building in the last five years and type of buldinge, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of measure in the building in the last five years and the at-risk-of poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of windows and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of windows and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of windows, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of windows and type of building, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by type of windows and the at-risk-of poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of household (%) by adequately cool dwelling during the summer and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately cool dwelling during the summer and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately cool dwelling during the summer, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately cool dwelling during the summer, type of bulding, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately cool dwelling during the summer and the at-risk-of poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately cool dwelling during the summer and the provision of air conditioning unit in the apartment, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately warm dwelling during the winter and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately warm dwelling during the winter and accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately warm dwelling during the winter, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately warm dwelling during the winter and type of bulding, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately warm dwelling during the winter and the at-risk-of poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by adequately warm dwelling during the winter and used heating system in the dwelling, Slovenia, multiannually
Elements defining energy poverty, Slovenia, annually
Energy poverty by household type, Slovenia, annually
Energy poverty by accommodation tenure status, Slovenia, annually
Energy poverty, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Energy poverty by age groups and gender, Slovenia, annually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with financial situation by age groupd and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with financial situation by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with financial situation by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with financial situation by educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with financial situation by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with financial situation, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with personal relationships by age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with personal relationships by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfcation with personal relationship by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with personal relationships by educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with personal relationships by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with personal relationships, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time by age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time by educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of happiness in the last four weeks before the survey, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of happiness in the last four weeks before the survey by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of happiness in the last four weeks before the survey by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of happiness in the last four weeks before the survey and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of happiness in the last four weeks before the survey by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of happiness in the last four weeks before the survey, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of loneliness in the last 4 weeks before the survey, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of loneliness in the last four weeks before the survey by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of loneliness in the last 4 weeks before the survey by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of loneliness in the last 4 weeks before the survey and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of loneliness in the last 4 weeks before the survey by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by feeling of loneliness in the last 4 weeks before the survey, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) who can count on the help of relatives, friends, neighbours by age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) who can count on the help of relatives, friends, neighbours by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) who can count on the help of relatives, friends, neighbours by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) who can count on the help of relatives, friends, neighbours by educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) who can count on the help of relatives, friends, neighbours by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) who can count on the help of relatives, friends, neighbours, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by experiencing housing difficulties and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by experiencing housing difficulties, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by experiencing housing difficulties and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by experiencing housing difficulties and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by experiencing housing difficulties and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by main reason for housing difficulties and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by main reason for housing difficulties and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by reason for getting out of housing difficulties and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by reason for getting out of housing difficulties and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working), age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working), statistical regions, Slovenia, 2022
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working) and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, 2022
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working) and educational attainment level, Slovenia, 2022
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working) and income quintile, Slovenia 2022
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working) and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, 2022
Share of persons (%) by frequency of physical activity (excluding working) and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, 2022
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consumption of fruit and vegetables and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by medical care use in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of medical care services in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by dental care use in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of dental care services in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of using medicines in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by medical care use in the last 12 months and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by medical care use in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by medical care use in the last 12 months, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of medical care services in the last 12 months and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of medical care services in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by dental care use in the last 12 months and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by dental care use in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by dental care use in the last 12 months, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of dental care services in the last 12 months and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of dental care services in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of using medicines in the last 12 months and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of households (%) by financial burden of using medicines in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations, type of doctor, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations and type of doctor in the last 12 months and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations in the last 12 months and, type of doctor and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations in the last 12 months, type of doctor and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations and type of doctor in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations in the last 12 months, type of doctor and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of consultations in the last 12 months and and type of doctor, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by cinema and live sport events attendance in the last 12 months, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by attendance of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites in the last 12 months, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by type of live cultural performances and visits of cultural sites, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relatives, by age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relatives and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relatives and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relatives and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relatives and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relativesa and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of contacts and getting together with relatives, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends, age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends and self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends and educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by frequency of getting together and contacts with friends, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of trust in others by age groups and gender, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of trust in others by income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of trust in others by self-defined economic status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of trust in others by educational attainment level, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of trust in others by at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, multiannually
Self-assessment of trust in others, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems, age groups and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems, self-defined economic status and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems, educational attainment level and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems, income quintile and gender, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems and at-risk-of-poverty status, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems and at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion status, Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by long-standing limitation in activities due to health problems, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Pupils attending basic music and dance education by educational programs, Slovenia, annually
Participants in basic music and dance education by type of program and statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Participants in basic music and dance education by type of program, age and grade, Slovenia, annually
Participants in basic music and dance education by municipality and type of program, Slovenia, annually
Pupils attending music and dance programs by subject, Slovenia, annually
Participants in music and dance programs by subject and sex, Slovenia, annually
Music schools and participants by type of institution, type of program and statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Music schools and participants by type of institution, type of program and cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Student enrolment in music schools by educational programs, end of the school year, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils attending music and dance programs by success, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils attending music and dance programs by success at individual subjects, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2000/2001 - 2014/2015
Pupils attending school orchestras, chamber and other groups, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils attending music and dance programs by age groups, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Private music schools by source of funding, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2010/2011 - 2014/2015
Management and professional staff in music schools by type of employment, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Participants in formal education by type of program and sex, Slovenia, annually
Participants in formal education by type of program and age, Slovenia, annually
Share of population in formal education by type of program and age (%), Slovenia, annually
Participants in formal education per 1000 population by type of program and statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Children in pre-school education by municipality of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Children in pre-school education by statistical region of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Children in pre-school education by statistical region of permanent residence and age, Slovenia, annually
Children in pre-school education by cohesion region of permanent residence, sex and age group, Slovenia, annually
Children in pre-school education by type of institution, age, sex and cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Children attending kindergartens by the performer of pre-school education, age and sex of children, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2006/2007 - 2015/2016
Children in pre-school education by statistical region, type of institution and age, Slovenia, annually
Children in pre-school education by municipality and age group, Slovenia, annually
Children, foreign citizens, in pre-school education by age and sex, Slovenija, annually
Children, foreign citizens, in pre-school education by country of citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Children with special needs enrolled in pre-school education, Slovenia, 2006/2007 - 2015/2016
Kindergartens by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Kindergartens by number of children and statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Kindergartens by number of children and cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Kindergartens by type of class units, Slovenia, 2006/2007 - 2014/2015
Kindergartens by legal status, Slovenia, 2006/2007 - 2014/2015
Private kindergartens by source of funding, number of children and professional staff, Slovenia, 2007/2008 - 2014/2015
Professional staff for care and education in kindergartens by posts, municipalities, Slovenia, 2006 - 2015
Professional staff for care and education in kindergartens by five year age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2006 - 2015
Management, advisory and other professional staff in kindergartens by type of employment and sex, Slovenia, 2006 - 2015
Professional staff for children with special needs by field of activity and type of employment, Slovenia, 2006 - 2015
Employed in the post of educator by educational attainment, Slovenia, 2010 - 2015
Employed in the post of assistant educator by educational attainment, Slovenia, 2010 - 2015
Administrative and other employed persons in kindergartens, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Professional staff in kindergartens by posts and type of employment, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2006 - 2015
Professional staff for care and education, management, advisory and other professional staff in kindergartens by sex, type of employment and type of ownership, Slovenia, annually
Proffesional staff for care and education, management, advisory and other professional staff by sex, age and type of ownership, Slovenia, annually
Professionl staff for care and education, management, advisory and other professional staff in kindergartens by sex, educational attainment, and type of ownership , Slovenia, annually
Employed in the post of educator by educational attainment and sex [old classification], Slovenia, 2007 - 2009
Employed in the post of assistant educator by educational attainment and sex [old classification], Slovenia, 2007 - 2009
Pupils in basic education, Slovenia, annually
Pupils in basic education by type of institution and sex, Slovenia, annually
Pupils in basic education by type of program, grade, age and sex, Slovenija, annually
Pupils in basic education by grade, type of enrollment, age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Pupils in basic education by grades, age and sex, Slovenia, beginning of the school year, 2006/2007 - 2015/2016
Repeators in basic education by grades, Slovenia, beginning of the school year, 2008/2009 - 2015/2016
Pupils in private basic schools by grades, sex and age, beginning of the school year, Slovenia, 2007/2008 - 2015/2016
Pupils in basic education by cohesion region, grade, age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Schools and pupils by form of organisation, Slovenia, annually
Private basic schools by organizational form, grades, number of class units and pupils enrolled, beginning of the school year, Slovenia, 2007/2008 - 2015/2016
Schools and pupils by type of institution, grade and program, Slovenia, annually
Private basic schools by source of funding, number of class units and number of pupils, Slovenia, 2012/2013 - 2015/2016
Public and private basic schools by number of class units, pupils and first graders, Slovenia, 2007/2008 - 2015/2016
Schools and pupils by type of school, sex and cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Schools and pupils by type of school and statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Schools and pupils by type of institution and municipality, Slovenia, annually
Schools and pupils by form of organisation and statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Basic schools by type of program provided, organizational form, grades, number of class units and number of pupils, end of the school year, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010/2011 - 2014/2015
Pupils with special needs by type of program and type of disability, Slovenia, annually
Pupils with special needs, enrolled in the basic school program with adapted curriculum by type of disabilities, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils with special needs, attending basic school program with adapted performing and additional professional support by type of disabilities and success, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils with special needs by type of disability, sex and age, Slovenia, annually
Pupils with foreign citizenship by country of citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Pupils studying foreign languages and languages of environment in the scope of curriculum, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2006/2007 - 2014/2015
Pupils studying foreign language as an optional subject, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils studying foreign languages and other subjects as a facultative subject by grades, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils in regular programmes of basic education studying foreign languages in the scope of curriculum by language and class, Slovenia, annually
Pupils by success in basic school programs with regular and special curriculum, municipalities, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils in Italian and bilingual basic schools, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils attending basic school program with regular curriculum by success, cohesion and statistical regions, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005/2006 - 2014/2015
Pupils completing basic education, Slovenia, annually
Pupils completing basic education by sex and age, Slovenia, annually
Adult participants in basic education, Slovenia, annually
Adult participants in basic education by sex and age, Slovenia, annually
Adult participants in basic education by statistical region of institution, Slovenia, annually
Adults completing basic education, Slovenia, annually
Adults completing basic education by sex and age, Slovenia, annually
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic schools by type of employment and sex, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2001 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic schools by age, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2005 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic schools by educational attainment and sex, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2009 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in private basic schools by type of employment, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2006 - 2014
Administrative, technical and other personnel in basic schools, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2006 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic schools for adults by sex, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in Italian and bilingual basic schools, end of the school year, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic education for youth and adults by sex, type of employment, type of ownership, Slovenia, annually
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic education for youth and adults by educational attainment, sex and form of ownership, Slovenia, annually
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in basic education for youth and adults by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students by sex, age, grade and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students by grade, mode of enrolment, type of education and Slovenia, annually
Students by type and field of education and sex, Slovenia, 2016/2017 - 2017/2018
Students in public and private schools by type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students by field (KLASIUS_P16) and type of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students, new entrants, by type of education, age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students by statistical region of permanent residence, type and field of education (KLASIUS_P16), Slovenia, annually
Students by statistical region of permanent residence and type and field of education, Slovenia, 2016/2017 - 2017/2018
Students by municipality of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students by cohesion region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students by statistical region of permanent residence, statistical region of the institution (school) and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Pupils, learning foreign languages by grade, type of education and languages, Slovenia, annually
Number of students with special needs by type of education and type of disability, Slovenia, annually
Pupils by grade, field of education, sex and succes, end of school year, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Pupils who live outside permanent residence and number of commuters, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Pupils, who take meals in school, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Equipment of schools with computers, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Graduates by sex, age and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Graduates by sex, age and type of education, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Graduates by sex, field and type of education, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2016/2017
Graduates by type and statistical region of institution and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Graduates by field (KLASIUS_P16) and type of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Adults in upper secondary education by type of institution and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Adults in upper secondary education by type of education, age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Adults in upper secondary education by municipality of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Adults in upper secondary education by statistical region of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Adults in upper secondary education by field (KLASIUS_P16) and type of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Adults in upper secondary education by type and field of education and statistical region of institution, Slovenia, 2015/2016 - 2016/2017
Adults in upper secondary education by type and field of education and sex, Slovenia, 2015/2016 - 2016/2017
Adults in upper secondary education by type and field of education and type of institution, Slovenia, 2015/2016 - 2016/2017
Adults (new entrants) by type of education, age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Adults by sex, type of education, field of education and type of organisation [old methodology], statistical region, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults by sex, type of education and type of organisations [old methodology], Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults, new entrants, by sex, age, type of education and type of organisation [old methodology] , Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults, new entrants, by sex, age and type of education [old methodology], cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults by sex, age and type of education, cohesion regions[old methodology], Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults, learning foreign languages by type of education, type of organisation and languages [old methodology], Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults in education by municipalities of permanent residence [old methodology], Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Adults graduating from upper secondary education by type and field of education and sex, Slovenia, 2015/2016 - 2016/2017
Adults graduating from upper secondary education by type and field of education and statistical region of institution, Slovenia, 2015/2016 - 2016/2017
Adults graduating from upper secondary education by type and field of education and type of institution, Slovenia, 2015/2016 - 2016/2017
Adults graduating from upper secondary education by field (KLASIUS_P16) and type of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Graduates [adults] by sex, type of education, field of education [old methodology], statistical region, Slovenia, 2008/2009 - 2014/2015
Teachers, professional support, counselling and management stuff in upper secondary schools for youth by sex, teaching language and type of employment, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, professional support, counselling and management stuff in upper secondary schools for youth by sex, teaching language and educational attainment, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Counselling stuff in upper secondary schools for youth by professional profile, sex, teaching language and form of ownership, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, professional support, counselling and management stuff in upper secondary schools for youth by sex, teaching language, and age groups, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Administrative and maintenance personnel in upper secondary schools for youth by sex and type of employed personnel, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, professional support, counselling and management stuff in upper secondary schools for adults by sex, type of organisation and type of employment, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, professional support, counselling and management stuff in upper secondary schools for adults by sex, type of organisation and educational attainment, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, professional support, counselling and management stuff in upper secondary schools for adults by sex, type of organisation and by age groups, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Administrative and maintenance personnel in upper secondary schools for adults by sex, form of ownership and type of employed personnel, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008 - 2014
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in upper-secondary schools for youth and adults by sex, type of employment and type of ownership, Slovenia, annually
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in upper-secondary schools for youth and adults by educational attainment, sex and form of ownership, Slovenia, annually
Teachers, management, advisory and other professional personnel in upper-secondary schools for youth and adults by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Instructional and professional support staff at higher education institutions and short-cycle higher vocational colleges by teaching load, workplace and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Number of ionstructional and professional support staff at higher education institutions and short-cycle higher vocational colleges by type of employment and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Number of instructional and professional support staff at higher education institutions and short-cycle higher vocational colleges by workplace, age class and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Instructional and professional support staff at higher education institutions and vocational colleges by workplace, education, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Other employment staff at higher education institutions and short-cycle higher vocational colleges by workplace, working time, education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Interns assistants and young researchers by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Instructional and professional support staff at higher education institutions and short-cycle higher vocational colleges by teaching load, workplace, sex and property, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Instructional and other professional support staff at higher education institutions and short – cycle higher vocational colleges by workplace, sex and type of employement, Slovenia, annually
Instructional and other professional support staff at higher education institutions and short – cycle higher vocational colleges by workplace, sex and age class, Slovenia, annually
Instructional and other professional support staff at higher education institutions and short – cycle higher vocational colleges by workplace, sex and educational attainment, Slovenia, annually
Number of professional staff at higher education institutions and vocational colleges by sex and type of employment, Slovenia, annually
Number of occasional employees, without full-or part-time contract at higher educational institutions or vocational colleges by education level, activity status and educational attainment, Slovenia, annually
Number of occasional employees, without full- or part-time contract at higher education institutions and vocational colleges by education level, educational attainment, sex and age class, Slovenia, annually
Number of occasional employees, without full- or part-time contract at higher education institutions and vocational colleges by education level, activity status and sex, Slovenia, annually
Participants in non-verified educational programs by sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Non-verified educational programs, realised hours, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Participants in Verified educational programs, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Verified educational programs, realised hours, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Participants in language programs, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Language programs, realised hours, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Continuing education providers [institutions], educational programs, participants and persons in paid employment by municipalities, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Persons in paid employment in continuing education providers [institutions], statistical regions, Slovenia, 2013 - 2015
Number of training and non-training enterprises and the number of employees, by activity (NACE Rev. 2.0), Slovenia, multIannually
Number of training and non-training enterprises and the number of employees, by size classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Main variables for enterprises providing CVT courses, by activity (NACE Rev. 2.0), Slovenia, multiannually
Main variables for enterprises providing CVT courses, by size classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Adult participants in formal or non-formal education by type of education, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Adult participants in informal learning by sex, age groups and main learning methods, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Number of adults by sex, age groups and knowledge of foreign languages, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Share of participants in cultural activities by sex and age groups, Slovenia, 2011
Adult participants in formal or non-formal education by sex, type of education and level of education, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Adult participants in informal learning by sex, level of education and main learning methods, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Number of adults by sex, level of education and konowledge of foreign languages, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Share of participants in cultural activities by sex and attained education, Slovenia, 2011
Number of participants in formal or non-formal education by sex, type of education and parents' level of education, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Adult participants in informal learning by sex, parents' level of education and main learning methods, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Number of adults by sex, parents' level of education and knowledge of foreign languages, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Students in tertiary education by type of education and mode of study, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by sex and age, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by fields of education [ISCED 97], sex, mode of study and type of education, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Students in tertiary education by fields of education (KLASIUS_P), sex, mode of study and type of education, Slovenia, 2012/2013 - 2017/2018
Students in tertiary education by fields of education (KLASIUS_P), sex and type of education, Slovenia, 2012/2013 - 2016/2017
Students in tertiary education by field of education (KLASIUS-P-16, 1st level), sex, mode of study and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by field of education (KLASIUS-P-16, 2nd level), sex and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by type of institution (regarding ownership and funding), mode of study, sex and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Share of population in tertiary education by age, sex and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by type of education, sex, mode of study and mobility status, Slovenia, annually
Foreign and international students in tertiary education by type of education, group of countries, sex and type of mobility, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by municipality of permanent residence and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by statistical region of permanent residence, type of education, mode of study and sex, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education students by statistical region of permanent residence, statistical region of the institution (study) and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by cohesion region of permanent residence, type of education, mode of study and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by municipality of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by cohesion region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students in short cycle higher vocational education by mode of study, grade, type of enrolment and age, Slovenia, annually
Students in higher education by universities and single higher education institutions, type of education, mode of study and year of study, Slovenia, annually
Students in higher education by type of education, age, mode of study and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students in higher education by universities and single higher education institutions, type of education, mode of study and statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Students in undergraduate higher education and in 2nd level uniform master's study programs who are entering into tertiary education for the first time by age, sex and mode of study, Slovenia, annually
Students in higher education by type of education, mode of study, type of enrolment and year of study, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by type of education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by age, sex, type of education, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by fields of education [ISCED 97], sex and type of education, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Tertiary education graduates by type of education, field of education (KLASIUS_P), mode of study and sex, Slovenia, 2012 - 2017
Tertiary education graduates by type of education, sex and field of study (KLASIUS_P), Slovenia, 2012 - 2017
Tertiary education graduates by type of education, field of education (KLASIUS-P-16, 1st level), mode of study and sex, Slovenia, annually
Graduates in tertiary education by institution (by owner and financing), type of education, sex and mode of study, Slovenia, annually
Average age of tertiary education graduates by type of education, sex and mode of study, Slovenia, annually
Graduates in tertiary education by citizenship, type of education, sex and mode of study, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by type of education and by municipality of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates by cohesion region of permanent residence and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Graduates in tertiary education, indicators by municipality of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates, indicators by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Tertiary education graduates, indicators by cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Graduates from vocational colleges by fields of education by the International Standard Classification of Education [ISCED 97], mode of study, sex and citizenship, Slovenia, 2009 - 2011
Graduates from higher undergraduate education by universities and single higher education institutions, type of education, mode of study and sex, Slovenia, annually
Graduates from higher undergraduate education by universities and single higher education institutions, type of education, mode of study and duration of study, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Graduates from higher undergraduate education by statistical region, universities and single education institutions and type of education, Slovenia, annually
Graduates from higher undergraduate programs, foreign citizens, by universities and single higher education institutions, mode of study and country of citizenship, Slovenia, 2005 - 2011
Masters, specialist's and doctors of science by higher universities and single higher education institutions, type of education completed and sex, Slovenia, annually
Adult participants in formal or non-formal education by sex, type of education and labour status, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Adult participants in informal learning by sex, labour status and main learning methods, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Number of adults by sex, labour status and knowledge of foreign languages, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Adult participants in formal or non-formal education by sex, type of education and degree of urbanisation of permanent residence, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Adult participants in informal learning by sex, degree of urbanisation of permanent residence and main learning methods, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Number of adults by sex, degree of urbanisation of permanent residence and knowledge of foreign languages, Slovenia, 2011 - 2022
Share of participants in cultural activities by sex and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2011
Participation in pre-school education by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Participation in pre-school education by the municipality of permanent residence and by age periods, Slovenia, annually
Share of children in pre-school education by statistical region of permanent residence and age group, Slovenia, annually
Share of children in pre-school education by statistical region of permanent residence and age group, Slovenia, annually
Number of children per kindergarten and number of children per educator and assistant educator, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Number of children per kindergarten and number of children per educator and assistant educator, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of children per kindergarten and number of children per educator and assistant educator, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of pupils in class in basic schools by tape of programme, type of organisation and municipality, Slovenia, annually
Number of pupils in class in basic schools by tape of programme, type of organisation and cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Pupils per class by type of program, form of organisation and statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Share of children with special needs in basic education by sex and grade, Slovenia, annually
Share (%) of 7-year-olds in 1st grade by statistical region of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Public expenditure for formal education by level of education and purpose of expenditure (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Public, central and local government expenditure for formal education by levels of education (1000 EUR), Slovenia annually
Public, private and international expenditure for educational institutions by level of education (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Expenditure in educational institutions by level of education and nature (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Share of population in basic music and dance education by age and sex, Slovenia, annually
Share of children and youth in pre-school, basic and upper secondary education participating in basic music and dance education by statistical region and sex, Slovenia, annually
Share of boys and girls among participants of music and dance programs by subject and cohesion region, Slovenia, annually
Students per 1000 population by municipality of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students per 1000 population by statistical region of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Students per 1000 population by cohesion region of permanent residence and sex, Slovenia, annually
Share of students in different types of education, Slovenia, annually
Share of male and female students, Slovenia, annually
Share of students by field of education, Slovenia, 2016/2017 - 2017/2018
Share of adults in upper secondary education by type of education, Slovenia, annually
Share of students by field of education (KLASIUS_P16), Slovenia, annually
Tertiary completion rate (%) by type of tertiary education, sex, upper secondary education and timeframe, Slovenia, experimental statistics
Distribution of students (%) by timeframe, type of tertiary education, status of completion of tertiary eduacation and sex, Slovenia, experimental statistics
Distribution of students (%) by status of enrollment at the start of the second year of study, sex and type of tertiary education, Slovenia, experimental statistics
Distribution of 1st cycle higher education students (%) at the theoretical duration plus 3 years by status of graduation, sex and field of education (KLASIUS_P16, 1st level), Slovenija, experimental statistics
Tertiary completion rate (%) by parents' educational attainment and sex, Slovenia, experimental statistics
Tertiary completion rate (%) by sex, type of tertiary education, type of institution and timeframe, Slovenia, experimental statistics
Basic indicators on participation in lifelong learning, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults involved in formal or informal education in the last 12 months by sex, type of education, level of education, age groups and source of survey, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in formal or non-formal education in the last 12 months by sex, type of education, age groups and source od survey, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in formal or non-formal education in the last 12 months (according to the LFS survey) by sex, type of education, labour status and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in formal or non-formal education in the last 12 months (according to the AES survey) by age groups and type of education, cohesion and statistical regions Slovenia, multiannually
Older adults participating in formal or non-formal education in the last 12 months by type of education and survey source, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults who searched for information about educational opportunities by participation in formal or non-formal education, sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults who searched for information about educational opportunities by participation in formal or non-formal education, sex and (self-defined) labour status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults according to the results of the search for information on educational opportunities by level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults according to the results of searching for information on educational opportunities by (self-defined) labour status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults who found information on educational opportunities by source of information, sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults who found information on educational opportunities, by source of information, sex and (self-defined) labour status, Slovenia, multiannually
Want and need of adults for (additional) education by sex and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Want and need of adults for (additional) education by sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Want and need of adults for (additional) education by sex and (self-defined) labour status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share od adults who did not not participate in formal or non-formal education by reasons for non-involvement, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults who participated in formal or non-formal education by reasons for participating less, Slovenia, multianually
Adults participatng in non-formal education by type of non-formal activities, sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in non-formal education by type of non-formal activities, sex and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in non-formal education by type of non-formal activities, sex and (self-defined) labour status, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in non-formal educational activities by field of educational activity (ISCED-F-2013), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in non-formal educational activities by main reason for participation, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in non-formal educational activities by provider of the activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in non-formal educational activities by source of funding, Slovenia, multiannually
Share od adults participating in various types of informal learning by sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in various types of informal learning by sex and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults participating in various types of informal learning by sex and (self-defined) labour status, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults by number of foreign languages they understand or use, by sex and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults by number of foreign languages they understand or use by sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Adults, by level of knowledge of the best-known foreign language, by sex and age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults, by level of knowledge of the best-known foreign language, by sex and level of education, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults by the most common foreign language, they understand or use, by age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Share of adults by the most common foreign language, they understand or use, by highest educational attainment, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of radio and television programs by program status, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of radio and television programs by distribution, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of radio broadcasting organizations that provide additional services, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of television broadcasting organizations that provide additional services, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Regional and local program contents, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Hours of radio program by type, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Hours of television program by type, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Purchased TV and radio program, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Archive recording of works from the field of culture, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Persons in paid employment in radio and TV broadcasting organisations, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Revenues in radio and TV broadcasting organisations, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Expenditure in radio and TV broadcasting organisations, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of radio and TV broadcasting organisations by language, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Access for physically handicapped in radio and TV broadcasting organisations, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Organisational form and predominant ownership of radio and TV broadcasting organisations, Slovenia, 2005, 2008
Radio programme output, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
In-house broadcasted radio programme of all radio broadcasting institutions, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
TV programme output in TV broadcasting institutions, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
Transmitted TV programmes of TV broadcasting institutions by type of programme, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
Transmitted TV programmes of TV broadcasting institutions by type of programme and type of transmission, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
Persons in paid full employment in RTV broadcasting institutions by professional categories, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
RTV broadcasting institutions status, Slovenia, 2000 - 2003
Number of performances and exhibitions, and attendance in cultural institutions, municipalities, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Education in cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Additional services in cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of festivals organised by cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Type of employment in cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Revenues in cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Expenditure in cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Organisational form of cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2012
Number of halls in cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2005 - 2011
Organisational form and predominant ownership of cultural institutions, Slovenia, 2005 - 2008
Number of short and medium-length films shown in cinemas, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Type of projectors in cinemas, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Persons in paid employment in cinemas, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Revenues in cinemas, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Expenditure in cinemas, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Cinemas by municipalities, Slovenia, 2004 - 2006
Number of seats in cinemas, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Access for physically handicapped in cinemas, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Organisational form and predominant ownership of cinemas, Slovenia, 2005 - 2008
Number of cinemas with long films in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Attendance at Slovenian and foreign long films in cinemas in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Attendance at new and old long films in cinemas in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2005 - 2014
Cinema films produced and shown for the first time, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Number of cinema films distributed to Slovenian, European [excl. Slovenia] and non-European cinemas, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Number of produced audio-visual TV works, Slovenia, 2004 - 2012
Number of children and youth works shown for the first time, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Persons in paid employment in film production, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Revenues in film production [in EUR], Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Expenditure in film production [in EUR], Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Organisational form and predominant ownership of film production companies, Slovenia, 2005, 2008
Producers of films and videofilms by organisational form, Slovenia, 2013 - 2014
Distributed audio-visual works for TV, duration in minutes and revenues from distribution by age of work and country of origin, Slovenia, 2004 - 2013
Audio-visual works distributed on audio-visual media in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2004 - 2012
Persons in paid employment in film distribution, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Revenues in film distribution, Slovenia, 2004 - 2012
Expenditure in film distribution, Slovenia, 2004 - 2012
Organisational form and predominant ownership of film distribution companies, Slovenia, 2005 - 2008
Number of new and old long films in distribution, number of copies and gross income in EUR, Slovenia, 2004 - 2014
Number of long films by origin, number of films, number of copies and gross income in EUR, Slovenia, 2013 - 2014
General data on school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Equipment in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Type of computer equipment in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Use of the computer hardware and software in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Type and language of books in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Type and purpose of non-book material in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Electronic publications in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
School libraries additions - library material, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
School library additions - non-book material, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Material on the shelves of school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Lending of library material in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Interlibrary loans in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009
Visitors in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Type of activities in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Revenues of school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Expenditure of school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009, 2012
Persons in paid employment in school libraries, Slovenia, 2006, 2009
The number of lending points by type of school libraries and municipalities, Slovenia, 2009
Number of school libraries by municipalities, Slovenia, 2006
New productions in theatres, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Public performances at the theatre headquarters, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of tours in and outside theatres, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Persons in paid employment in theatrical activity, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Revenues in theatrical activity, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Expenditure in theatrical activity, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Organisational form of theatres, Slovenia, 2012
Number of theatres by language, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Access for physically handicapped in theatres, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Organisational form and predominant ownership of theatres, Slovenia, 2005, 2008
Theatrical activity by municipalities, Slovenia, 2004 - 2012
Predominant type of orchestra / choir, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Works, concerts, performances and attendance at orchestras / choirs, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of tours outside the orchestra / choir headquartes, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of tours of other orchestras / choirs at the orchestra / choir headquarters, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Revenues in orchestras / choirs, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Expenditure in orchestras / choirs, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Orchestras / choirs by language, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Number of orchestra / choir halls and seats in them, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Organisational form and predominant ownership of orchestras / choirs, Slovenia, 2005 - 2008
Number of museums, galleries and exhibition grounds by the predominant collection by municipalities, Slovenia, 2004 - 2011
Number of museums objects, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of purchased and sold museum objects and art works, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of exhibitions and visitors in museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, municipalities, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of tours of museums, galleries and exhibitions grounds, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of education programs, seminars and participants in museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Type of employment in museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Revenues in museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Expenditure in museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of museums, museum collections, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2012
Museums, galleries and exhibition grounds by the number of days tehy are open for the public, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Floor area of museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Access for physically handicapped in museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Organisational form and predominant ownership of museums, galleries and exhibition grounds, Slovenia, 2005, 2008, 2011
Number of museums and exhibition grounds per 10,000 population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Number of museums and exhibition grounds per 10,000 population, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Temporary exhibitions in museums and exhibition grounds [% of all exhibitions], cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Temporary exhibitions in museums and exhibition grounds [% of all exhibitions], statistical regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Average number of visitors per exhibition in museums and exhibition grounds, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Average number of visitors per exhibition in museums and exhibition grounds, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Visitors in museums and exhibition grounds by region [% of total in Slovenia], cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Visitors in museums and exhibition grounds by region [% of total in Slovenia], statistical regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2015
Number of exhibitions and visitors in museums, museum collections, galleries and exhibition grounds, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Number of exhibitions and visitors in museums, museum collections, galleries and exhibition grounds, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Institutions with museum or gallery activity by status of institution, Slovenia, annually
Museums' and galleries' works and objects, Slovenia, annually
Acquired and purchased museums' and galleries' works and objects, Slovenia, annually
Value of acquired and purchased museums' and galleries' works and objects, Slovenia, annually
Museums' and galleries' exhibitions, Slovenia, annually
Attendance of museums' and galleries' exhibitions by type of visitors, Slovenia, annually
Attendance and tickets of museums and galleries, Slovenia, annually
Exhibitions in tours, Slovenia, annually
Educational programs in museums and galleries by type of program, Slovenia, annually
Other non-cultural activities of museums and galleries, Slovenia, annually
Floor area in museums and galleries by type, Slovenia, annually
Access for physically, visiually and hearing impaired in museums and galleries by type of access, Slovenia, annually
Employees in museums and galleries by type of employment, Slovenia, annually
External associates in museums and galleries, Slovenia, annually
Revenues and expenditures of museums and galleries, Slovenia, annually
E-exhibitions, e-attendance and e-educational events, Slovenia, annually
COVID-19 impact on museum and gallery activity, Slovenia, annually
Performances in institutions with stage activity and e-events by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Performances in institutions with stage activity by type of preformances, Slovenia, annually
Performances and attendance in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Performances and attendance in institutions with stage activity by type of performances, Slovenia, annually
Tickets and free of charge performances in institutions with stage activity, Slovenia, annually
New productions in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
New productions in institutions with stage activity, Slovenia, annually
All productions in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
All productions in institutions with stage activity by type of productions, Slovenia, annually
All productions in institutions with stage activity by type of productions and Slovene works, Slovenia, annually
Tours of own performances and performances of other institutions, Slovenia, annually
Performances on tours of institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Performances on tours of institutions with stage activity by type of performances, Slovenia, annually
Festivals and festival performances in institutions with stage activity by festival by type and type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Educational programs in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Educational programs in institutions with stage activity by type of program, Slovenia, annually
Other non-cultural activities of institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Floor area for performances of institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Access for physically, visually and hearing impaired in institutions with stage activity by type of access and type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Employees in institutions with stage activity by type of employment and type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Employees in institutions with stage activity by type of employment, Slovenia, annually
External associates in institutions with stage activity by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
Revenues and expenditures of institutions with stage activity (EUR) by type of institutions, Slovenia, annually
COVID-19 impact on cultural activity on the stage, Slovenia, annually
Expenditure for social protection schemes (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Receipts of social protection schemes (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Number of people in care in old people's homes by gender and age groups, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in old people's homes by occupation, Slovenia, 2006 - 2010
Number of people in care in old people's homes by reason for their admission, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in care in old people's homes by categories of care, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in care in old people's homes by the mode of payment for care, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in care in old people's homes by the source of income, Slovenia, 2006 - 2010
Number of health care and social welfare personnel in old people's homes, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Accomodation capacities of old people's homes, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in care in special social welfare institutions by gender and age groups, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
The number of people in care in special social welfare institutions by state of health [level of handicap], Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in care in special social welfare institutions by the source of income, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of people in care in special social welfare institutions by the mode of payment for care, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of health care, social and welfare personnel in special social welfare institutions, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of proteges in centres for protection and training by gender and age groups, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of proteges in centres for protection and training by levels of disturbances, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of proteges by residence, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
The number of personnel employed in centres for protection and training, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Number of personnel employed in centres for protection and training for performing social welfare services by different programmes, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Accommodation capacities in centres for protection and training, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Adults against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reporter of the crime, Slovenia, annually
Adults against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence, sex, age at the time of committing a crime and type of decision, Slovenia, annually
Adults against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reason for dismissal, Slovenia, annually
Adults against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and type of decision, Slovenia, 2006 - 2012
Adults [known perpetrators] against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reporter of the crime, Slovenia, 2006 - 2012
Adults against whom the criminal procedure before senate has been finished by sex, criminal offence and type of decision, Slovenia, annually
Adults against whom the criminal procedure before senate has been finished by sex, criminal offence and type of decision, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Adults against whom the criminal procedure before the senate has been finished - organised crime, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Convicted adults (known perpetrators) by sex, criminal offence and main penal sanction (suspended sentence included), Slovenia, annually
Convicted adults (known perpetrators) by sex, criminal offence and security measure, Slovenia, annually
Convicted adults (known perpetrators) by criminal offence and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Convicted adults (known perpetrators) by criminal offence, education and activity status, Slovenia, annually
Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, criminal offence and main penal sanction, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, criminal offence, re-offending and merger, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, criminal offence and security measure, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Suspended sentences for adult [known perpetrators] by sex and criminal offence, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by sex, criminal offence and secondary sentence, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Convicted adults [known perpetrators] by criminal offence and duration of the procedure from the criminal charge to the final judgement, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reporter of the crime, Slovenia, annually
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence, sex, age at the time of committing a crime and type of decision, Slovenia, annually
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reason for dismissal, Slovenia, annually
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by sex, criminal offence and type of decision, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure through a senate has been legally concluded by sex, criminal offence and type of judgement, Slovenia, annually
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure through a senate has been legally concluded by sex, criminal offence, type of judgement and duration of the procedure from filing the criminal complaint to reaching the final judgement, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Juveniles (known perpetrators) who were imposed an educational measure or a sentence by sex, criminal offence and main penal sanction, Slovenia, annually
Juveniles against whom the criminal procedure through a senate has been legally concluded by criminal offence and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
Juveniles [known perpetrators] who were imposed an educational measure or a sentence by sex, criminal offence and complicity, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Juveniles [known perpetrators] who were imposed an educational measure or a sentence by sex, criminal offence, re-offending and merger, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Juveniles [known perpetrators] who were imposed an educational measure or a sentence by sex, criminal offence and main penal sanction, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Juveniles [known perpetrators] who were imposed an educational measure or a sentence by sex, criminal offence and security measure, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Convicted adults and juveniles by the municipality of permanent residence, Slovenia, annually
Convicted adults and juveniles by the statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Convicted adults and juveniles, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reporter of the crime, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and type of decision, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and reason for dismissal, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons against whom the criminal procedure at the public prosecutor's office has been finished by criminal offence and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Legal persons against whom the criminal procedure before senate has been finished by criminal offence and type of decision, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons against whom the criminal procedure before senate has been finished by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Legal persons, found guilty by criminal offence, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons, found guilty by criminal offence and main penal sanction, Slovenia, annually
Legal persons, found guilty by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Proportion of population who have experienced violence since the age of 15, by type of violence, sex and age, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced physical (including threats) or sexual violence since the age of 15, by occurrence of the last episode, sex and age, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence since the age of 15, by sex, frequency and type of violence, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced stalking since the age of 15, by sex, age and sex of perpetrator, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by a domestic perpetrator since the age of 15, by type of violence, sex and age, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by a domestic perpetrator since the age of 15, by type of violence, occurrence of the last episode and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by an intimate partner, by type of violence, sex and age, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by an intimate partner, by type of violence, occurrence of the last episode and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by an intimate partner, by sex, frequency and type of violence, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who experienced physical (including threats) or sexual violence by their intimate partner, by sex and person (institution) they talked to, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by a non-partner since the age of 15, by type of violence, sex and age, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by a non-partner since the age of 15, by type of violence, occurrence of the last episode and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced violence by a non-partner since the age of 15, by sex, frequency and type of violence, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who experienced physical (including threats) or sexual violence by a non-partner since the age of 15, by sex and person (institution) they talked to, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of ever-working population who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by sex and perpetrator, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of ever-working population who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by sex, age and occurrence of the last episode, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of ever-working population who in the last 12 months experienced sexual harassment at work, by sex and person (institution) they talked to, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced different types of victimization, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced different types of victimization in the past five years, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Proportion of population who have experienced different types of victimization in the past five years, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2020
Investment in fixed assets by types of assets and municipalities (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Investment in fixed assets by types of assets and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Investment in fixed assets by technical structures and activity of investor - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Investment in fixed assets by types of assets and activity of investor - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Sources of financing of investment in fixed assets by activity of investor (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Gross investments in new [and existing] assets by types of assets and municipalities [1000 EUR], Slovenia, 1996 - 2011
Gross investments in new assets by types of assets and statistical regions, Slovenia, 1999 - 2011
Gross investments in new assets by municipalities and purpose [1000 EUR], Slovenia, 1996 - 2011
Gross investments in new assets by purpose and statistical regions [1000 EUR], Slovenia, 1999 - 2011
Basic business demography indicators presented by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and legal form, Slovenia, 2004 - 2020
Basic business demography indicators presented by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size of enterprise, Slovenia, 2004 - 2020
Basic business demography indicators presented by cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2020
Enterprise births and enterprise deaths by activity (Nace Rev. 2) and legal form, Slovenia, annually
Enterprise births and enterprise deaths by activity (Nace Rev. 2) and size of enterprise, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprise survivals and their employees and self-employed persons by activity (NACE Rev. 2), number of years of survival and size of enterprise, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises by activities (NACE Rev. 2) and size class by number of employees and self-employed persons, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises by organisational form and size class by number of emplyees and self-employed persons, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises by activities (SKD 2008), Slovenia, annually
Enterprises by cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises by municipalities and size class by number of employees and self-employed persons, Slovenia, annually
Turnover by residency of clients by activities and size class by number of persons employed (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008-2020
Turnover by type of products by activities and size class by number of persons employed (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008-2020
Financial institutions by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2013 – 2020
Statistics on insurance services, Slovenia, 2002 - 2012
Statistics on credit institutions, Slovenia, 2002 - 2012
Statistics on pension funds, Slovenia, 2002 - 2012
Basic employer business demography indicators presented by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and legal form, Slovenia, 2004 - 2020
Basic employer business demography indicators presented by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size of enterprise, Slovenia, 2004 - 2020
Basic employer business demography indicators by cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2004 - 2020
Enterprises having the first employee and enterprises having no employees anymore by activity (Nace Rev. 2) and legal form, Slovenia, annually
Enterprises having the first employee and enterprises having no employees anymore by activity (Nace Rev. 2) and size of enterprise Slovenija, annually
Number of survivals of enterprises having at least one employee and their employees and self-employed persons by activity (NACE Rev. 2), number of years of survival and size of enterprise, Slovenia, annually
Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, quarterly
High-growth enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
High-growth enterprises by cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2020
Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2005 – 2020
Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and turnover size classes, Slovenia, 2008 – 2020
Performance of enterprises by industrial activities and size class by number of persons employed (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2005 – 2020
Performance of enterprises by service activities and size class by number of persons employed (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2005 – 2020
Performance of enterprises by activities and size class by number of employees and self-employed persons (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2020
Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross insurance premiums and claims by insurance classes and by business subjects, Slovenia, annually
Business demography, employer business demography and high-growth enterprises by activity (Nace Rev. 2), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Business demography and employer business demography by size of enterprise, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Indices of registrations of legal units by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and type of data, Slovenia, quarterly
Indices of declaration of bankruptcies of legal units by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and type of data, Slovenia, quarterly
Indices of registrations of legal units by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and type of data, Slovenia, monthly
Indices of declaration of bankruptcies of legal units by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and type of data, Slovenia, monthly
Land use and use of arable crops (ha), Slovenia, annually
Production of crops (ha, t, t/ha), Slovenia, annually
Production of vegetables (ha, t, t/ha), Slovenia, annually
Production of fruit in orchard plantations and olives in olive plantations (ha, number of trees, t, t/ha), Slovenia, annually
Production of fruit in extensive orchards and olives in extensive olive orchards (number of trees, t, kg/tree), Slovenia, annually
Production of grapes in vineyards (ha, number of vines, t, t/ha, kg/vine), Slovenia, annually
Production of permanent grassland (ha, t, t/ha), Slovenia, annually
Land use and use of arable crops (ha) by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Production of main agricultural products, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Average yield (t/ha) of main agricultural products, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Autumn sowing of winter cereals and winter turnip rape (ha), Slovenia, annually
Forecast of the average yield of the some important main agricultural products, Slovenia, annually
Quantities and average prices of purchased agricultural products, Slovenia, annually
Value of purchased agricultural products (in 1000 EUR), Slovenia, monthly
Purchase of some important agricultural products, Slovenia, 2000 - 2012
Livestock slaughter in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, monthly
Livestock slaughter, Slovenia, annually
Varieties review of some important fruit species and olives, Slovenia, 1997, 2002
Number of agricultural holdings and net area of apple and pear trees by size classes of density of plantation, Slovenia, 2002, 2007, 2012
Number of agricultural holdings and net area of peaches, nectarines and apricots trees by size classes of density of plantation, Slovenia, 2002, 2012
Irrigated areas of fruit and olive plantations by some fruit species, Slovenia, 2002, 2007
Number of producers, number and gross area of fruit and berry [excluding olive trees] by administrative units, Slovenia, 2002, 2007
Production of vegetables, strawberries, cultivated mushrooms, dry beans, crop seedlings and herbs by stat. regions [SKTE 3], Slovenia, 2000 - 2006
Production of vegetables, strawberries, cultivated mushrooms, dry beans, crop seedlings and herbs by different categories by statistical regions [SKTE 3], Slovenia, 2000 - 2006
Professional education of horticultural producers by statistical regions [SKTE 3], Slovenia, 2000 - 2006
Production of main vegetables by indoors and outdoors, Slovenia, 2000 - 2006
Production of ornamental plants, Slovenia, 2000 - 2006
Agricultural input price indices [year / average of the year 2010], Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2017M12
Agricultural input price indices [year / average of the year 2010], Slovenia, 2000 - 2017
Agricultural input price indices (average 2020=100), Slovenia, monthly
Agricultural input price indices (average 2020=100), Slovenia, annually
Agricultural input price indices (average 2015=100), Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2023M12
Agricultural input price indices (average 2015=100), Slovenia, 2010 - 2023
Cows´ milk collected and milk products obtained by dairies, Slovenia, monthly
Cows' milk collected and milk products obtained by dairies, Slovenia, annually
Production and utilization of milk on agricultural holdings (t), Slovenia, annually
Quantity of milk products, share of fat and protein content, dairies, Slovenia, annually
Export and import of milk and milk products, Slovenia
Production and utilization of milk on agricultural holdings (t), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Cows' milk delivered from agricultural holdings by size classes of delivered milk (t), Slovenia, annually
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on agricultural holdings by source of labour, Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Distribution of annual working units [AWU] by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Family members on family farms by age groups, Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013
School education and annual working units [AWU] of managers of family farms, Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Agricultural education and annual working units [AWU] of managers on family farms, Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Gainful activities on family farms, Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Family labour force on family farms by sex and age groups and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Family labour force on family farms by age groups, Slovenia, 2010, 2013, 2016
Number of family farms by gainful activities (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020) , cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2020
Family members on family farms by sex and age groups (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Family labour force on family farms by size classes of anual working units [AWU] (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Family labour force by occupation status and annual working units [AWU] (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2020
Agricultural education and annual working units [AWU] of managers on family farms (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2020
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on agricultural holdings by source of labour (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2020
Number and annual working units of managers and family members in employment on family farms, by age groups (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2020
Removals on family farms by use of wood, Slovenia, multiannually
Own agricultural machinery and equipment, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LSU and AWU by economic size classes, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, economic size and UAA by type of farming, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of holders - managers by age groups and type of farming, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings by economic size classes and type of farming, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, SGM, UAA and LSU by size classes of economic size [ESU] [SGM coefficients used], Slovenia, 2003, 2005, 2007
Agricultural holdings, UAA and SGM by type of farming [SGM coefficients used], Slovenia, 2003, 2005, 2007
Age of holders by principal type of farming [SGM coefficients used], Slovenia, 2003, 2005, 2007
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], Slovenia, multiannualy
Crops on arable land, main area, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of arable land, Slovenia, multiannually
Use of permanent grassland, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock size units [LSU], Slovenia, multiannually
Number of livestock, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of cattle, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of dairy cows, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of pigs, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of horses, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of chicken for fattening, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of the number of layers, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural consumption of mineral fertilisers, Slovenija, annually
Consumption of mineral fertilisers by crops, Slovenia, biannually
Plant protection products sale by chemical classes (kg of active substances) - new EU classification, Slovenia, annually
Pesticide sale [kg], Slovenia, 1997 - 2011
Pesticide sale by chemical classes (kg) - old EU classification, Slovenia, 2011 - 2015
Cattle, alteration in livestock number, production of meat and milk, Slovenia, annually
Pigs, alteration in livestock number, production of meat, Slovenia, annually
Poultry, production of meat and eggs, Slovenia, annually
Sheep, production of meat, milk and wool, Slovenia, annually
Goats, production of meat, milk and wool, Slovenia, annually
Beekeeping, production of honey, Slovenia, annually
Number of laying hens for eggs for human consumption by size clases, Slovenia, annually
February forecast of Gross Indigenous Production of bovines for slaughter, Slovenia, half-yearly
February forecast of Gross Indigenous Production of pigs for slaughter, Slovenia, quarterly
Number of cattle, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of pigs, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of poultry, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of sheep, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of goats, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Aquaculture - mass of bred water organisms and value of aquaculture production, Slovenia, annually
Freshwater angling in kilograms, Slovenia, annually
Registered fishing vessels, by lenght, Slovenia, annually
Facilities for aquaculture production, Slovenia, annually
Marine freetime fishing in kilograms, Slovenia, annually
Marine fishing, discard of marine animals by species in kilograms, Slovenia, annually
Persons in employment in fisheries, by economis activities, Slovenia, annually
Marine fishing, catch and landing of marine animals in kilograms, Slovenia, annualy
Aquaculture in kilograms, Slovenia, 1990 - 2011
Sale of agricultural products of private producers on food markets, Slovenia, 2000 - 2023
Producers and area by type of plantation by the address of the agricultural holding, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Producers, area, number of vineyards and number of vines by the address of the agricultural holding, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Producers, area, number of vineyards and number of vines by the address of the agricultural holding, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Producers, area, number of vineyards and number of vines by the address of the agricultural holding, municipalities, Slovenia, 2009
Area and number of plantations, wine-growing regions, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Producers, area and number of vineyards and number of vines by size classes of producers, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area, number of vineyards and number of vines by size classes of vineyards, wine-growing regions and districts, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area of vineyards and number of vines by age classes, wine-growing regions and districts, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area of vineyards and number of vines of the most common varieties, wine-growing regions, Slovenia,2009, 2015, 2020
Area of vineyards of the most common varieties by age classes, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area of vineyards and number of vines by training systems, wine-growing regions, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area of vineyards and number of vines by rootstocks, wine-growing regions, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area and number of vineyards by vertical inclination, wine-growing regions and districts, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area and number of vineyards by vertical inclination before terracing, wine-growing regions and districts, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Area, number of vineyards and number of vines by soil management, wine-growing regions and districts, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2020
Producers and area of vineyards by yield class by the address of the agricultural holding, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2009
Nitrogen balance (t), Slovenia, annually
Indicators of nitrogen balance per ha of utilised agricultural area (kg/ha), Slovenia, annually
Phosphorus balance (t), Slovenia, annually
Indicators of phosphorus balance per ha of utilised agricultural area (kg/ha), Slovenia, annually
Open-air irrigable and irrigated areas, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2009
Irrigated areas and water need, Slovenia, 2009
Irrigated areas and water need by irrgation method, Slovenia, 2009
Irrigated areas and water need for water source, Slovenia, 2009
Agricultural holdings, general overview, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings - general overview, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannualy
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannualy
Agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA] and cohesional regions, Slovenia, multiannualy
Number of livestock, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannualy
Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LSU and AWU by economic size classes, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, economic size and UAA by type of farming, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of economis size [ESU] [SGM coefficients used], cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2007
Agricultural holdings by type of farming and cohesional regions [SGM coefficients used], Slovenia, 2007
Economic accounts for agriculture by product [New Chronos] and values at current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Economic accounts for agriculture by products [New Chronos] and values [mio EUR] at constant prices of the preceding year, Slovenia, annually
Employment in agriculture measured in Annual Work Units [thousand AWU], Slovenia, annually
Number of organic agricultural holdings and agricultural holdings in conversion, Slovenia, annually
Utilised agricultural area with organic farming (ha), by agricultural land use categories, Slovenia, annually
Number of organic of livestock, by species of animals, Slovenia, annually
Number of organic water organisms, by species of water organisms, Slovenia, annually
Organic crop products production (t), by important groups of crops, Slovenia, annually
Organic products of animal origin (t), by categories of products, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for cereals (1000 t), market year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for potatoes (1000 t), market year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for sugar (1000 t), market year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for vegetables (1000 t), market year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for rice (1000 t), market year, Slovenia, annually
Supply and use balance sheet for wine (1000 hl), wine year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for meat (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for eggs (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for cereals (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for potatoes (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for sugar (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for vegetables (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for rice (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for fruits (1000 t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Supply balance sheet for main oilseeds (1000t), calendar year, Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Consumption of plant protection products on selected agricultural areas (kg) and treated areas (ha), Slovenia, 2017
Consumption of plant protection products on selected agricultural areas (kg) and treated areas (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2017
Consumption of plant protection products for cereals (kg) and treated areas (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2017
Consumption of plant protection products for some crops (kg) and treated areas (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2017
Consumption of plant protection products for vineyards and orchards (kg) and treated areas (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2017
Pesticides consumption in agriculture (kg), Slovenia, 2014
Pesticides consumption on utilised agricultural area (kg) and treated area (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2014
Pesticides consumption for cereals (kg) and treated area (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2014
Pesticides consumption for some groups of crops on arable land (kg) and treated area (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2014
Pesticides consumption for plants harvested green from arable land (kg) and treated area (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2014
Pesticides consumption for permanent crops (kg) and treated area (ha) by active substances, Slovenia, 2014
Agricultural holdings - general overview, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA] and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of livestock, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LSU and AWU by economic size classes, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, economic size and UAA by type of farming, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings by size classes of economis size [ESU] and statistical regions [SGM coefficients used], Slovenia, 2003, 2005, 2007
Agricultural holdings by type of farming and statistical regions [SGM coefficients used], Slovenia, 2003, 2005, 2007
Average annual prices of arable land and permanent grassland (EUR/ha), by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Average annual rents of arable land and permanent grassland, total (EUR/ha), by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Tillage methods on area of arable land, Slovenia, 2010, 2016
Area of arable land, regarding the soil conservation, Slovenia, 2010, 2016
Area of arable land included in crop rotation, Slovenia, 2016
Irrigated areas and actual irrigated areas in the open, by irrigation method and water source, Slovenia, 2016
Import and export of the manure to / from agricultural holding, Slovenia, 2010, 2016
Number of agricultural holdings by technique of manure and slurry application to the utilised agricultural area, Slovenia, 2016
Agricultural holdings with ecological focus area, Slovenia, 2016
Housing facilities for cattle (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Housing facilities for laying hens (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Housing facilities for pigs (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Facilities and capacity for storing livestock manure (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020
Import and export of the manure to / from agricultural holding (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), Slovenia, 2020
Number of agricultural holdings by technique of manure and slurry application to the utilised agricultural area (Sample data, EU threshold for coverage, 2020), Slovenia, 2020
Agricultural holdings - general overview by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Organic production, Slovenia, 2010
Agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock size units [LSU], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings with animals, by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings, total UAA, LSU and average LSU per ha UAA, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
The purpose of agricultural production by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Labour input on family farms in agriculture and other gainful activities raleted to family farms, Slovenija, 2010
Agricultural holdings - general overview by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock size units [LSU], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings with animals, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings, total UAA, LSU and average LSU per ha UAA, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
The purpose of agricultural production, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010
Agricultural holdings - general overview by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings with animals, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings, total UAA, LSU and average LSU per ha UAA, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
The purpose of agricultural production, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2010
Number of livestock, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Number of livestock, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of cattle, cows, dairy cows and other cows by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of pigs by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of breeding saws by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of horses by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of small cattles, sheeps and goats by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of breeding sheep and goats by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of poultry by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of chickens for fattening by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of layers by size of herd, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of honey bee colonies, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of rabbits by size of herd, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Number of livestock, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of cattle, cows, dairy cows and other cows by size of herd, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of pigs by size of herd, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of horses by size of herd, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of small cattles, sheeps and goats by size of herd, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of breeding sheep and goats by size of herd, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of honey bee colonies, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agriculture holdings with the number of rabbits by size of herd, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Number of livestock, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by number of trees in extensive orchards, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings with vineyards, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings with cultivated mushrooms, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings by size classes and land use, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Land use on agricultural holdings, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of arable land and crops by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of permanent grassland, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of orchards, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of vineyards, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of forest, Slovenia, by cohesion regions, 2000, 2010, 2020
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by number of trees in extensive orchards, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings with vineyards, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Land use on agricultural holdings, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of permanent grassland, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by size classes of forest, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Total and agricultural area of agricultural holdings, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by number of trees in extensive orchards, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Own and shared agricultural machinery and equipment, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own agricultural machinery and equipment by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own agricultural machinery and equipment by size classes of livestock size units [LSU], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Number of own two axle tractors by size classes of tractors, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Milking equipment by size classes of cattle, cows, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings [AH] by use of personal computer, by age classes of holder - manager, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own forestry machinery and equipment, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own forestry machinery and equipment by size classes of forest, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings [AH] with equipment used for renewable energy production by type of energy source and type of use, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Own and shared agricultural machinery and equipment, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own agricultural machinery and equipment by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own agricultural machinery and equipment by size classes of livestock size units [LSU], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Number of own two axle tractors by size classes of tractors, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Milking equipment by size classes of cattle, cows, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural holdings by use of personal computer, by age classes of holder - manager, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own forestry machinery and equipment, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own forestry machinery and equipment by size classes of forest, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own and shared agricultural machinery and equipment, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Number of own two axle tractors by size classes of tractors, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Own forestry machinery and equipment, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on agricultural holdings by source of labour and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Distribution of annual working units [AWU] by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA] and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Family members on family farms by age groups and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
School education and annual working units [AWU] of managers of family farms by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural education and annual working units [AWU] of managers on family farms by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Gainful activities on family farms by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on family farms in forestry by source of labour and cohesion regions, Slovenija, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on family farms in forestry by forest size classes and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Family labour force on family farms by size classes of anual working units [AWU], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Family labour force by occupation status and annual working units [AWU], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on agricultural holdings by source of labour and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010
Distribution of annual working units [AWU] by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Family members on family farms by age groups and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
School education and annual working units [AWU] of managers of family farms by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural education and annual working units [AWU] of managers on family farms by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Gainful activities on family farms by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Family members on family farms by sex and age groups and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on family farms in forestry by source of labour and statistical regions, Slovenija, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on family farms in forestry by forest size classes and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010
Family labour force on family farms by size classes of anual working units [AWU], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010
Family labour force by occupation status and annual working units [AWU], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010
Distribution of annual working units [AWU] by size classes of utilised agricultural area [UAA] and municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Family members on family farms by age groups and municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Labour input in annual working units [AWU] on family farms in forestry by municipalities, Slovenija, 2010
Removals on family farms by use of wood, Slovenia, by cohesion regions, 2000, 2010
Removals on family farms by use of wood and by size classes, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Removals on family farms by use of wood, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Main area of market horticultural production by indoors and outdoors, statistical regions, Slovenia, multi-annually
Main area by indoors and outdoors, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multi-annually
Production of vegetables by species outdoors and indoors, Slovenia, multi-annually
Production of vegetables by groups, statistical regions, Slovenia, multi-annually
Production of ornamental plants and cut-flowers Slovenia, multi-annually
School education of managers on agricultural holdings with horticultural production, cohesions regions, Slovenia, 2010
Agricultural education of managers on agricultural holdings with horticultural production, cohesions regions, Slovenia, 2010
Number of agricultural holdings, number of trees or shrubs and gross and net area by fruit species, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings, plantations, trees and shrubs, gross and net area of orchards, by statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings, trees and shrubs and gross area by size classes of orchard plantations, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings, trees, net and gross area of apples and pears by age classes, Slovenija, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings, trees, net and gross area of peaches, nectarines and apricots by age classes of trees, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of plantations, gross area and number of trees of apples and pears by size classes of density of plantation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of plantations, gross area and number of trees of peaches, nectarines and apricots by size classes of density of plantation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings, trees, net and gross area of most common fruit species and varieties, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of trees and gross area by training systems and fruit varieties, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of trees and gross area by rootstocks and fruit species, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings and irrigated gross area of orchard plantations by method of irrigation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings, plantations, trees and shrubs and gross area by irrigation, hail protection and vertical inclination of plantation, Slovenia, multiannually
Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LSU and AWU by economic size classes, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings, UAA and economic size by type of farming, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Number of holders - managers by age groups and type of farming, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings, economic size by type of farming, economic size classes, cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010 and 2020
Agricultural holdings, economic size, UAA, LSU and AWU by economic size classes and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings, UAA and economic size by type of farming, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Number of holders - managers by age groups and type of farming, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 and 2020
Agricultural holdings, municipalities, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Agricultural holdings by type of farming, municipalities, Slovenia, 2010, 2020
Agricultural land use, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Livestock size units [LSU], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Labour input in agriculture [AWU], by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Economic size of agricultural holdings, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2010
Agricultural machinery, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural land use, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Livestock size units [LSU], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Labour input in agriculture [AWU], by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Economic size of agricultural holdings, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010
Agricultural machinery, by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Agricultural land use, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000t, 2010, 2020
Livestock size units [LSU], by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010, 2020
Labour input in agriculture [AWU], by municipalities, Slovenia, 2000, 2010
Economic size of agricultural holdings, by municipalities, Slovenia, 2010
Agricultural machinery, by municipalities, Slovenia 2000, 2010
Area of forest and other wooded land (1000 ha), Slovenia, annually
Area of forest and other wooded land (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Timber stocks in forest and on other wooded land (1000 m3 overbark), Slovenia, annually
Timber stocks in forest and on other wooded land (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Economic accounts for forestry by products and values [mio EUR] at current prices, Slovenia, annually
Output of the forestry industry by type of production (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Supply of wood in the rough by type of industry (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Use of wood in the rough by type of industry (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Supply of wood in the rough by type of industry (1000 m3 overbark), Slovenia, annually
Employment in forestry measured in annual work units [thousand AWU], Slovenia, annually
Crown defoliation by tree species (number of trees), Slovenia, annually
Export and import of roundwood (m3), Slovenia, annually
Purchase of roundwood, Slovenia, monthly
Purchase of roundwood, Slovenia, annually
Felling and consumption of roundwood in forestry (m3), by type of activities, business entites, Slovenia, annually
Number of machinery and equipment, business entities, Slovenia, annually
Fuel consumption in forestry activities (litres) by type of activity and the type of fuel, business entities, Slovenia, annually
Forest area (ha), Slovenia, annually
Growing stock and annual gross increment, Slovenia, annually
Regeneration, tending and protection of forest by types of works, Slovenia, annually
Regeneration, tending and protection of forest by ownership of the forest, Slovenia, annually
Removals by ownership of the forest and by tree species (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Removals by kinds of cutting (m3), Slovenia, annually
Sanitation removals (m3), Slovenia, annually
Production of raw wood categories (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Hunting (number), Slovenia, annually
Removals on agricultural holdings by use of wood, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of hours worked in forestry on agricultural holdings, Slovenija, multiannually
Forestry machinery on agricultural holdings, Slovenia, multiannually
Business tendency in manufacturing (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in manufacturing (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, quarterly
Business tendency in manufacturing by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities and by main industrial groups (NACE Rev.2 ), unadjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in manufacturing by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities and by main industrial groups (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, Slovenia, quarterly
Business tendency in manufacturing by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), limits to production, unadjusted data, Slovenia, quarterly
Business tendency in manufacturing (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, 1995M05 - 2021M04
Business tendency in manufacturing by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities and by main industrial groups (NACE Rev.2 ), unadjusted data, Slovenia, 1995M05 - 2021M04
Indices of industrial production (month / average of the year 2015) by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Indices of industrial production (month / average of the year 2015) by section and by main industrial groupings (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Value indices of stocks in industrial production (month / average of the year 2015) by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2023M12
Value indices of stocks in industrial production (month / average of the year 2015) by section and by main industrial groupings (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2023M12
Indices of industrial production (month / average of the year 2015) by technological intensity (NACE Rev.2) in manufacturing, unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2023M12
Total market production indices (month / average of the year 2015) by the type of data, Slovenia, 2011M01 - 2023M12
Weights by activities according to NACE Rev. 2, Slovenia, 2023
Indices of industrial production (month / average of the year 2021) by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, monthly
Indices of industrial production (month / average of the year 2021) by section and by main industrial groupings (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, monthly
Value indices of stocks in industrial production (month / average of the year 2021) by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, monthly
Value indices of stocks in industrial production (month / average of the year 2021) by section and by main industrial groupings (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, monthly
Indices of industrial production (month / average of the year 2021) by technological intensity (NACE Rev.2) in manufacturing, unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, monthly
Weights by activities according to NACE Rev. 2, Slovenia, 2024
Total market production indices (month / average of the year 2021) by the type of data, Slovenia, monthly
Sold production of industrial products and services by CPA activity (EUR), Slovenia, 2011 - 2020
Sold production of industrial products and services by section and by 2-digit and 4-digit CPA activities (EUR), Slovenija, annually
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2011), Slovenia, 2011
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2012), Slovenia, 2012
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2013), Slovenia, 2013
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2014), Slovenia, 2014
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2015), Slovenia, 2015
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2016), Slovenia, 2016
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2017), Slovenia, 2017
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2018), Slovenia, 2018
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP 2019), Slovenia, 2019
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP), Slovenia, 2020
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP), Slovenia, 2021
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP), Slovenia, 2022
Production and sold production of industrial products and services by Nomenclature of industrial products (NIP), Slovenia, 2023
Business tendency - investment in manufacturing (NACE Rev. 2), total investment by activity, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency - investment in manufacturing (NACE Rev.2) type of investment by main industrial groups and activities, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency - investment in manufacturing (NACE Rev. 2), by activity and type of investment and base period, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency - investment in manufacturing (NACE Rev. 2) by activity, base period and type of factor, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Value indices of turnover in industry (month / average of the year 2015) by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Value indices of turnover in industry (month / average of the year 2015) by section and by main industrial groupings (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Value indices of turnover in industry (month / average of the year 2021) by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, monthly
Value indices of turnover in industry (month / average of the year 2021) by section and by main industrial groupings (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, monthly
Sold production of industrial products and services by section and by 2-digit activities of CPA (EUR), Slovenia, 2023
Indicators of energy consumption, households, Slovenia, multiannually
Final energy consumption by energy source, households, Slovenia, annually
Final energy consumption by end use and energy source (TJ), households, Slovenia, annually
Electricity consumption by end use (GWh), households, Slovenia, annually
Energy for space and water heating by type of heating (%), households, Slovenia, annually
Energy sources for space and water heating (TJ), households, Slovenia, annually
Equipment of dwellings with light bulbs, households, Slovenia, 2010, 2014
Electrical appliances and appliances with energy label (%), households, Slovenia, 2010, 2014
Average distance travelled and fuel consumption of passenger cars, households, Slovenia, 2010, 2014
Common indicators [old methodology], Slovenia, 1996, 2002
Final energy consumption in households by energy source [old methodology] , Slovenia, 1996, 2002
Heated dwellings, water heating and cooking devices by energy source [%] [old methodology], Slovenia, 1996, 2002
Electrical appliances in dwellings and appliances with energy label [%] [old methodology], Slovenia, 1996, 2002
Average number of kilometers covered, fuel consumption for personal car per year and share of personal cars used in households [old methodology], Slovenia, 1996, 2002
Natural gas prices for household consumers, Slovenia, quarterly
Prices of petroleum products [EUR/l], Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2014M06
Retail price of heat for selected standard consumer in households (EUR/MWh), Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2017M12
Natural gas prices for non-household consumers, Slovenia, quarterly
Electricity prices for household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly
Electricity prices for non-household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly
Natural gas prices for household consumers, Slovenia, half-yearly
Comparison of retail prices of petroleum products [%], EU comparison, Slovenia, 2004H1 - 2016H2
Natural gas prices for non-household consumers, Slovenia, half-yearly
Electricity prices for household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, half-yearly
Electricity prices for non-household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, half-yearly
Comparison of natural gas and electricity prices for selected consumers, Slovenia and EU, half-yearly
Natural gas prices for household consumers, Slovenia, annually
Natural gas prices for non-household consumers, Slovenia, annually
Electricity prices for household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, annually
Electricity prices for non-household consumers (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, annually
Electricity (GWh), Slovenia, monthly
Electricity (GWh), Slovenia, annually
Fuel consumption and stocks at main activity producers at the end of month, Slovenia, monthly
Generation and net power in Electric power plants - public power plants, autoproducers and small hydro-power plants, Slovenia, annually
Nuclear heat production, Slovenia, monthly
Gross electricity and heat production from individual fuels, Slovenia, annually
Consumption of electrical energy (kWh) by type of customer, municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
Consumption of electrical energy (kWh) in production and service activities (NACE Rev. 2), municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
Consumption of electrical energy (kWh) by type of customer, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Consumption of electrical energy (kWh) in production and service activities (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Consumption of electrical energy (kWh) in households and business entities by type of customer, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Balance of heat (TJ), Slovenia, annually
Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and heat by activity (NACE Rev. 2), natural units, Slovenia, annually
Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and heat by activity (NACE Rev. 2), TJ, Slovenia, annually
Stocks of fuels at the end of year by activity (NACE Rev.2) (t), Slovenia, annually
Consumption of each energy products by various purposes of use, Slovenia, annually
Consumption of energy products by various purposes of use according to individual manufacture activities (NACE Rev. 2), TJ, Slovenia, annually
Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and heat by activity [NACE Rev. 1.1], natural units, Slovenia, 2003 - 2007
Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and heat by activity [NACE Rev. 1.1], TJ, Slovenia, 2003 - 2007
Stocks of fuels at the end of year by activity [t] [NACE Rev. 1.1], Slovenia, 2004 - 2007
Energy balance (1000 toe), Slovenia, annually
Energy indicators, Slovenia, annually
Energy balance (TJ), Slovenia, annually
Indicators of electricity consumption in households and business entities, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of electricity consumption in households and business entities, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels, Slovenia, monthly
Balance of solid, liquid and gas fuels, Slovenia, annually
Renewable energy and waste use (TJ), Slovenia, annually
Average household disposable income spent on electricity, gas and other fuels in dwellings, Slovenia, 2000–2015
Consumption of fuels, electricity and heat in commercial and public services by activity (NACE Rev. 2), natural units, Slovenia, annually
Consumption of fuels, electricity and heat in commercial and public services by activity (NACE Rev. 2), TJ, Slovenia, annually
Estimation of dwellings under construction and dwellings completed, Slovenia, annually
Estimation of dwellings completed of newly built, extension or conversion - improvement, by type of investor, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Estimation of dwellings completed by number of rooms and useful floor space, by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Estimation of dwellings - selected indicators, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Estimation of dwellings - selected indicators, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Estimation of dwellings - selected indicators, by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Dwelling stock, dwellings by year of construction according to the 1991 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 1999 - 2001
Dwelling stock, dwellings by year of construction according to the 2002 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 - 2010
Dwellings stock, dwellings by installation and auxiliary spaces according to the 1991 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 1999 - 2001
Dwellings stock, dwellings by installation and auxiliary spaces according to the 2002 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 - 2010
Dwelling stock, dwellings by number of rooms and useful floor space according to the 1991 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 1999 - 2001
Dwelling stock, dwellings by number of rooms and useful floor space, according to the 2002 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 2002 - 2010
Dwelling stock, dwellings by number of rooms and useful floor space, according to the 2002 methodology of census, statistical regions , Slovenia, 2002 - 2010
Dwellings stock, dwellings by installation and auxiliary spaces, according to the 2002 methodology of census, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2002 - 2010
Dwellings stock, dwellings by year of construction, according to the 2002 methodology of census, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2002 - 2010
Estimation of the dwelling stock, dwellings by year of construction, according to the 2011 methodology of census, municipalities, Slovenia, 2010 - 2014
Estimation of dwellings stock, dwellings by installation and auxiliary spaces, according to the 2011 methodology, municipalities of census, Slovenia, 2010 - 2014
Estimation of dwelling stocks, dwellings by number of rooms and useful floor space, according to the 2011 methodologyof census, municipalities, Slovenia, 2010 - 2014
Estimation of dwelling stocks, dwellings by number of rooms and useful floor space, according to the 2011 methodology of census, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 - 2014
Estimation of dwellings stock, dwellings by installation and auxiliary spaces, according to the 2011 methodology of census, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 - 2014
Estimation of dwellings stock, dwellings by year of construction according to the 2011 methodology of census, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 - 2014
Business tendency in construction (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in construction by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in construction by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), limits to construction activities, unadjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in construction (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, 2002M03 - 2021M04
Business tendency in construction by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, Slovenia, 2002M03 - 2021M04
Value of construction put in place [in EUR] by type of activity and by type of construction, Slovenia, annually
Value of construction put in place [in 1000 EUR] by investor, by the contractor’s activity [NACE Rev. 2] and by type of constructions, Slovenia, annually
Value of construction put in place [in EUR] by type of construction activity and by type of construction, Slovenia, 2019
Value of construction put in place (in EUR) by investor and by activity (NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, 2019
Value of construction put in place [in EUR] by investor, type of construction activity and by type of construction, Slovenia, 2020
Value of construction put in place (in EUR) by investor and by activity (NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, 2020
Value of construction put in place by type of activity and by type of construction by old CC-SI classification for 2003 [old methodology], Slovenia, 1998 - 2011
Value of construction put in place by investor, by the contractor’s activity [NACE Rev. 2] and by type of constructions [old methodology], Slovenia, 1998 - 2011
Buildings completed and buildings under construction at the end of the year, Slovenia, annually
Nominal and real indices of the value of construction put in place (month / average of the year 2015) (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Real indices of construction put in place (month / average of the year 2015) (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, seasonally adjusted data and working day adjusted data, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Nominal and real indices of the value of construction put in place (month / average of the year 2021) (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Real indices of construction put in place (month / average of the year 2021) (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, seasonally adjusted data and working day adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Share of value of construction put in place and contracts by types of construction (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly, 1998M01 - 2020M12
Share of value of construction put in place and contracts by types of buildings (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly, 1998M01 - 2020M12
Indices of construction costs for new residential buildings (NACE Rev. 2) (quarter / average of the year 2021), Slovenia, quarterly
Indices of construction costs for new residential buildings (NACE Rev. 2) (quarter / average of the year 2015), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2023Q4
Number and floor area of buildings for which buiding permits were issued, Slovenia, monthly
Number and useful floor space of dwellings for which buiding permits were issued, Slovenia, monthly
Number of buildings, their size and dwellings in them, by type of building, statistical regions, Slovenia, monthly
Buildings for which building permits were issued, Slovenia, monthly
Indices for newconstructions (month / average of the year 2015), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Building permits: Number of buildings, their size and dwellings in them, by type of building and investor, Slovenia, annually
Building permits: Number of buildings, their size and dwellings in them, by type of building and investor, by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Building permits: Number of buildings, their size and dwellings in them, by type of building and municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Building permits: Number of buildings, their size and dwellings in them, by type of activity by administrative units, Slovenia, annually
Building permits - selected indicators, by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Building permits - selected indicators, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Building permits - selected indicators, by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Indices for newconstructions (month / average of the year 2021), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
The value and volume indices of turnover in retail trade, wholesale, and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (month / average of the year 2015) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
The value and volume indices of turnover in retail trade, wholesale, and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (month / average of the year 2021) by activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form, Slovenia, monthly
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by basic activity of enterprises (NACE Rev. 2) and other organisations on domestic market in retail trade, Slovenia, annually
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by kind of buyers on domestic market in retail trade, Slovenia, annually
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by commodity groups in retail trade, Slovenia, 2008 - 2021
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by basic activity of enterprises (NACE Rev. 2) and other organisations on domestic market in wholesale, Slovenia, annually
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by kind of buyers on domestic market in wholesale, Slovenia, annually
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by commodity groups on domestic market in wholesale, Slovenia, 2008 - 2021
Turnover in commission trade (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by commodity groups on domestic market in retail trade, Slovenia, annually
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) by commodity groups on domestic market in wholesale, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency in retail trade (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in retail trade by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in retail trade by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), limits to retail trade activities, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in retail trade (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, 1999M01 - 2021M04
Business tendency in retail trade by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, Slovenia, 1999M01 - 2021M04
Stores and sales area in retail trade by groups of activities and size, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by groups of activities and type of store, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by type of store and size, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by groups of activities, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by size, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by type of store, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by groups of activities in 30 shopping centres, Slovenia, 2005
Stores and sales area in retail trade by groups of activities in 30 shopping centres, Slovenia, 2005
Business tendency in services (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in services by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), unadjusted data, Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency in services by activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev. 2), limits to services, Slovenia, monthly
Value indices of turnover in service activities (month / average of the year 2015), in unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2023M12
Value indices of turnover in service activities (month / average of the year 2021), in unadjusted and seasonally adjusted form (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Indices of services and trade production (month / average of the year 2015), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2023M12
Indices of services and trade production (month / average of the year 2021), unadjusted and seasonally adjusted (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, monthly
Business tendency - investment in services (NACE Rev. 2), total investment, by activity, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency - investment in services (NACE Rev.2) type of investment by activity, original data, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency - Investment in services (NACE Rev. 2) by activity, base period and type of investment, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Business tendency - Investment in services (NACE Rev. 2) by activity, base period and type of factor, unadjusted data, Slovenia, annually
Number of vessels moored in the sea by types and flag of vessels, Slovenia, 2000 - 2010
Number of vessels moored in the sea by types and lenght of vessels, Slovenia, 2000 - 2010
Domestic tourists and their overnight stays organised by Slovenian travel agencies by country of the trip, Slovenia, annually
Foreign tourists and their overnight stays organised by Slovenian travel agencies by countries of origin, Slovenia, annually
Domestic same-days visitors whose trips were organised by Slovenian Travel agencies, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation facilities by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], Slovenia, 2003 - 2009
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], municipalities, Slovenia, 2003 - 2009
Accommodation facilities by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], municipalities, Slovenia, 2004M01 – 2010M06
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], municipalities, Slovenia, 2010M01 – 2010M06
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], municipalities, Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2005M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by municipalities, countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], Slovenia, 2006M01 - 2007M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old methodology], municipalities, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2009M12
Accommodation facilities by types of tourist resorts, major tourist resorts and by typs of tourist accommodations [old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 2003 - 2004
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist resorts, major tourist resorts, by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 2003 - 2004
Accommodation facilities by types of tourist resorts, major tourist resorts and by typs of tourist accommodations [old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2009M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist resorts, major tourist resorts, by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 2007M01 - 2009M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist resorts, major tourist resorts, by countries and by types of tourist accommodations [old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 2004M01 - 2006M12
Rooms and beds by types of tourist resorts [old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 1960 - 2008
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays [old methodology], Slovenia, 1949 - 2008
Tourist arrivals, overnight stays and the average number of overnight stays by types of tourist resorts[old classification of resorts] [old methodology], Slovenia, 1961 - 2008
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries [old methodology], Slovenia, 1985 - 2008
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists [old methodology], Slovenia, 1985M01 - 2008M12
Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist accommodations, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities and groups of tourist accommodations, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Accommodation facilities, tourist arrivals and overnight stays, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist accommodations and countries, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and countries, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities, groups of tourist accommodations and countries, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008M01 - 2017M12
Occupancy rate of bedplaces and rooms by types of tourist accommodations, Slovenia, 2012M01 - 2017M12
Accommodation establishments capacity, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia, monthly
Accommodation establishments capacity, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, monthly
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists, municipalities, Slovenia, 2018M01 - 2019M12
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities, groups of tourist accommodation establishments and countries, Slovenia, monthly
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of tourist accommodation establishments, statistical regions, Slovenia, monthly
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of tourist accommodation establishments and types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
Selected accommodation statistics indicators by statistical regions, Slovenia, monthly
Selected accommodation statistics indicators by types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by sex, age groups and countries, Slovenia, monthly
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, monthly
Accommodation facilities by types of municipalities and by types of tourist accommodations, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Accommodation facilities by groups of tourist accommodations, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Accommodation facilities by groups of tourist accommodations, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of municipalities, tourist accommodations and countries, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and countries, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodations and countries, municipalities, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Availability of rooms accessible for persons with reduced mobility by type of tourist establishment, Slovenia, 2015
Accommodation establishments capacity, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by groups of tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation establishments capacity, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, annually
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation establishments capacity by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation establishments capacity, tourist arrivals and overnight stays by tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation establishments capacity by tourist accommodation establishments, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation establishments capacity by tourist accommondation establishments, types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Accommodation establishments capacity by tourist accommodation establishments, tourist macro destinations, Slovenia, annually
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of tourist accommodation establishments, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of tourist accommodation establishments, types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists by groups of tourist accommodation establishments, tourist macro destinations, Slovenia, annually
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by sex, age groups and countries, Slovenia, annually
Occupancy rate of permanent bedplaces and indivisible units by hotels and similar establishments (%), Slovenia, annually
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by age (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by education (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by employment status (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by number of household members (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by monthly net income per household member (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by partcipation in tourism trips and by degree of urbanization (in 1000), Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2020Q4
Tourists on private trips by number of trips and sex (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population (in 1000) by participation in tourism trips and by education, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population (in 1000) by participation in tourism trips and monthly net income per household member, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population (in 1000) by participation in tourism trips and sex, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population (in 1000) by participation in tourism trips and age, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population (in 1000) by partcipation in tourism trips and degree of urbanization, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population (in 1000) by participation in tourism trips and employment status, Slovenia, quarterly
Tourists on private trips (in 1000) by number of trips and sex, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by age (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by education (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by employment status (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by number of household members (in 1000), Slovenia, 2012 - 2020
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by monthly net income per household member (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Resident population by participation in tourism trips and by degree of urbanization (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by age (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by education (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by employment status (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by number of household members (in 1000), Slovenia, 2012 - 2021
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by monthly net income per household member (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourists on private trips by destination of the trip and by degree of urbanization (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and sex (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and age (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and education (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and activity status (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and number of household members (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and by monthly net income per household member (in 1000), Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips by main reasons and by degree of urbanization (in 1000), Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2020Q4
Residents who did not participate in private trips (in 1000) by main reasons and education, Slovenia, quarterly
Residents who did not participate in private trips (in 1000) by main reasons and monthly net income per household member, Slovenia, quarterly
Residents who did not participate in private trips (in 1000) by main reasons and sex, Slovenia, quarterly
Residents who did not participate in private trips (in 1000) by main reasons and age, Slovenia, quarterly
Residents who did not participate in private trips (in 1000) by main reasons and degree of urbanization, Slovenia, quarterly
Residents who did not participate in private trips (in 1000) by main reasons and employment status, Slovenia, quarterly
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and sex (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and age (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and education (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and employment status (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and number of household members (in 1000), Slovenia, 2020 - 2021
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and monthly net income per household member (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Residents who did not participate in private trips by reasons and degree of urbanization (in 1000), Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and sex, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Structure of expenditures on tourism trips, Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2020Q4
Private trips by destination of the trip and age of tourists, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Private trips by destination of the trip and main means of transport, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Private trips by destination of the trip and main means of accommodation, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Private trips abroad by main country of the trip, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Private trips by destination of the trip and main reason, Slovenia, 2000Q1 - 2020Q4
Structure of expenditures on tourism trips, Slovenia, quarterly
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and sex, Slovenia, quarterly
Private trips by destination of the trip and main reason, Slovenia, quarterly
Private trips by destination of the trip and main means of accommodation, Slovenia, četrtletno
Private trips by destination of the trip and main means of transport, Slovenia, quarterly
Private trips by destination of the trip and age of tourists, Slovenia, quarterly
Private trips abroad by main country of the trip, Slovenia, quarterly
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and sex of tourists, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and age of tourists, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and number of overnight stays, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and month of departure, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and by main means of transport, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip and by main means of accommodation, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips by destination of the trip, means of accommodation and structure of expenditures, Slovenia, annually
Tourism trips abroad by most visited European countries, Slovenia, annually
Private trips in Slovenia by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Private trips in Slovenia by selected municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Private trips by main reason for a trip, Slovenia, annually
Private trips by destination of the trip and type of destination, Slovenia, annually
Private trips by destination of the trip and type of online booking, Slovenia, multiannually
Private trips by destination of the trip, type of online booking and booking channel, Slovenia, multiannually
Resident population by partcipation in same-day visits abroad and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2020Q4
Same-day visits abroad by type of same-day visit, Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2020Q4
Same-day visits abroad by country of same-day visit, Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2020Q4
Resident population by participation in same-day visits in Slovenia and by sex (in 1000), Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2018Q4
Same-day visits in Slovenia by type of same-day visit, Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2018Q4
Structure of expenditures on same-day visits in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2012Q1 - 2018Q4
Same-day visits in Slovenia by type of same-day visit, Slovenia, multiquarterly
Same-day visits abroad by country of same-day visit, Slovenia, quarterly
Same-day visits abroad by type of same-day visit, Slovenia, quarterly
Resident population (in 1000) by participation in same-day visits in Slovenia by sex, Slovenia, multiquarterly
Resident population by partcipation in same-day visits abroad (in 1000) by sex, Slovenia, quarterly
Structure of expenditures on same-day visits in Slovenia, multiquarterly
Structure of expenditures on same-day visits abroad, Slovenia, quarterly
Same-day visits abroad, Slovenia, annually
Same-day visits in Slovenia, Slovenia, annually
Structure of expenditures on same-day visits in Slovenia, Slovenia, annually
Structure of expenditures on same-day visits abroad, Slovenia, annually
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, country of residence and sex, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and sex, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and age classes, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and age class, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and economical status, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and economical status, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and occupational group, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and occupational group, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and composition of the travel company, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and composition of the travel company, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and sex, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and sex, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and age classes, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and age classes, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and economical status, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and economical status, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and standard of living, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalitys and standard of living, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and travel company, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and travel company, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and main purpose of the visit, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and time of decision to come to Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of information sources that had most influence on the decision to come to Slovenia by month of interview and type of municipality, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and use of the Internet, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of use of the Internet by month of interview and type of municipality (%), Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and number of previous visits to Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and number of previous visits to the place of interview, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and organization of the trip, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and principal means of transport, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and principal dining arrangement, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and number of overnight stays in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and number of overnight stays at the place of the interview, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and main purposes of the visit, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the time of the decision to come to Slovenia and types of municipalities (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the sources of information that most influenced their arrival and types of municipalities (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the purpose of internet use and types of municipalities (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, 2019
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the number of previous visits to Slovenia and types of municipalities (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the number of previous visits to the place of the interview and types of municipalities (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and organization of the trip, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and principal means of transport, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and principal dining arrangements, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and number of overnight stays in Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and number of overnight stays in the place of interview, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by type of municipalities and impact of COVID-19 situation on decision to visit Slovenia, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by visit of places in Slovenia and type of municipality, two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by whether Slovenia is their only destination on their trip and type of municipality, selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by visit of other countries during the trip and type of municipality, selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and opinion on costs, Slovenia 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and opinion on costs, Slovenia 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and general impression about Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality and general impression about Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence, element of the tourist offer and evaluation of satisfaction, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, element of the tourist offer and evaluation of satisfaction, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and opinions on expenditures, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and opinions on expenditures, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and general impressions about Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities and general impressions about Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by countries of residence and motives for visiting Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by types of municipalities and motives for visiting Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by types of municipalities, elements of the tourist offer and evaluation of satisfactions, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence, elements of the tourist offer and evaluation of satisfactions, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure (EUR) per foreign tourist by month of interview, country of residence and type of municipality, Slovenia, 2015
Average daily expenditure (EUR) per foreign tourist by month of interview, country of residence and main purpose of the visit, Slovenia, 2015
Average daily expenditure (EUR) per foreign tourist by month of interview, type of municipality and main purpose of the visit, Slovenia, 2015
Average daily expenditure (EUR) per foreign tourist by month of interview, country of residence and organization of the trip, Slovenia, 2015
Average daily expenditure (EUR) per foreign tourist by month of interview, type of municipality and organization of the trip, Slovenia, 2015
Average daily expenditure (EUR) per foreign tourist in the main season by type of municipality and type of accommodation, Slovenia, 2015
Average expenditure for transport (EUR) per foreign tourist from country of residence to Slovenia and back by month of interview, country of residence and the principal means of transport, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of average daily expenditures per foreign tourist by month of interview and country of residence, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of average daily expenditures per foreign tourist by month of interview and type of municipality, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of average daily expenditures per foreign tourist in the main season by type of accommodation, Slovenia, 2015
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) by types of municipalities and countries of residence, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) by main purposes of the visit and countries of residence, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) by main purposes of the visit and types of municipalities, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) by countries of residence and according to the organization of the trip, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) according to the organization of the trip and by types of municipalities, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) in the main season by countries of residence and types of accommodation establishments, Slovenia, periodically
Average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in EUR) in the main season by types of municipalities and types of accommodation establishments, Slovenia, periodically
Average expenditure for transport (in EUR) per foreign tourist from country of residence to Slovenia and back by the principal means of transport and countries of residence, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, peridically
Structure of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in %) by countries of residence, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Structure of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in %) by types of municipalities, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Structure of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in %) in the main season by types of accommodation establishments, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and main purpose of the visit, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and time of decision to come to Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of information sources that had most influence on the decision to come to Slovenia by month of interview and country of residence, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and use of the Internet, Slovenia, 2015
Structure of use of the Internet by month of interview and country of residence (%), Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and number of previous visits to Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and number of previous visits to the place of interview, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and organization of the trip, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and principal means of transport, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and principal dining arrangement, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and number of overnight stays in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by month of interview, country of residence and number of overnight stays at the place of the interview, Slovenia, 2015
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and main purposes of the visit, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the time of the decision to come to Slovenia and countries of residence (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the sources of information that most influenced their arrival and countries of residence (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the purpose of internet use and countries of residence (%), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, 2019
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the number of previous visits to Slovenia and countries of residence (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, by the number of previous visits to the place of the interview and countries of residence (in %), by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and organization of the trip, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and principal means of transport, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and principal dining arrangements, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and number of overnight stays in Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by countries of residence and number of overnight stays in the place of the interview, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by country of residence and impact of COVID-19 situation on decision to visit Slovenia, by selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by visit of places in Slovenia and country of residence, selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists whether Slovenia is their only destination on their trip and country of residence, selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by visit of other countries during the trip and countries of residence, selected two-month periods of interview, Slovenia, periodically
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation and region of residence, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and sex, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and age classes, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and economical status, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and occupational groups, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and composition of the travel company, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and main purpose of visit, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign holiday tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation and motives for spending holidays in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Average estimate of individual motives by month of interview, type of accommodation and country of residence, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and time of decision to come to Slovenia, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and source of information, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and use of the internet, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and previous visits to Slovenia, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and previous visit to the place of interview, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and the fact if Slovenia was the only destination on this trip, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and number of overnight stays in Slovenia, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and number of overnight stays at the place of the interview, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation, country of residence and organization of the trip, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and principal dining arrangements, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and principal means of transport, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of accommodation and impressions about Slovenia,Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Average estimates of impressions about Slovenia by month of interview, type of accommodation and country of residence, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and general impression about Slovenia, Slovenia, 2009, 2012
Foreign tourists by month of interview, type of municipality, type of accommodation, country of residence and by opinion on costs, Slovenia, 2012
Structure of average daily expenditures per foreign tourist by country of residence, Slovenia, 2012
Structure of average daily expenditures per foreign tourist by type of municipality, Slovenia, 2012
Average expenditure for transport (EUR) of foreign tourist from country of residence to Slovenia and back by country of residence, Slovenia, 2012
Average expenditure for transport (EUR) of foreign tourist from country of residence to Slovenia and back by type of municipality, Slovenia, 2012
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of vehicle, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and the border crossing of entering, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and reason for coming, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of vehicle, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and the border crossing of entry, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and main reason for arrival, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and travel party, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of vehicle, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and the border crossing of entering, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and reason for same-day visit, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of vehicle, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and the border crossing of entry, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and main reason for same-day visit, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and the sources of information that most influenced their arrival, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, 2020M07-2020M08, 2020M09-2020M10, 2021M04-2021M05, 2021M07-2021M08
Number of foreign transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of vehicle, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and the border crossing of entering, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Number of foreign transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of vehicle, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and the border crossing of entry, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Number of foreign transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and the reason for not making a tourist stop, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of vehicle, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and the border crossing of entering, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and reason for coming, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and reason for same-day visit, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of vehicle, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and the border crossing of entry, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and main reason for arrival, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Average expenditure (EUR) of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and main reason for same-day visit, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of expenditure, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of expenditure, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by reason for the same-day visit and type of expenditure, Slovenia, selected months, multiannually
Structure of average expenditure (%) of transit travellers leaving Slovenia at border crossings with Croatia by country of residence and type of expenditure, Slovenia, selected months, 2016
Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign same-day visitors and transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of expenditure, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of expenditure, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Structure of average expenditure (%) of foreign same-day visitors leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by main reason for same-day visit and type of expenditure, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Structure of average expenditure (%) of transit travellers leaving Slovenia at road border crossings by country of residence and type of expenditure, selected two-month periods, Slovenia, periodically
Estimates of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (EUR), staying in a hotel, by countries of residence, Slovenia, periodically
Estimates of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (EUR), staying in a hotel, by types of municipalities, Slovenia, periodically
Estimates of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (EUR), staying in a hotel, by hotel categories, Slovenia, periodically
Estimates of the structure of average daily expenditure per foreign tourist (in %), staying in a hotel, Slovenia, periodically
Bookings (stays), nights and guest nights of domestic and foreign tourists at short-stay accommodation (NACE Rev. 2 – group 55.2) in the municipality of Ljubljana, offered via online platforms, Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Guest nights of domestic and foreign tourists at short-stay accommodation (NACE Rev. 2 – group 55.2) offered via online platforms, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Guest nights at short-stay accommodation (NACE Rev. 2 – group 55.2) offered via online platforms by countries, Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Guest nights at short-stay accommodation (NACE Rev. 2 – group 55.2) offered via online platforms by type of accommodation establishments, Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Bookings (stays), nights and guest nights of domestic and foreign tourists at short-stay accommodation (NACE Rev. 2 – group 55.2) offered via online platforms, cohesion regions, Slovenia, monthly, experimental statistics
Guest nights at short-stay accommodation (NACE Rev. 2 – group 55.2) offered via online platforms by size of accommodation establishments, Slovenia, annually, experimental statistics
Arrivals and overnight stays of tourists by countries, statistical regions, Slovenia, daily, experimental statistics
Arrivals and overnight stays of tourists by tourist accommodation establishments and countries, Slovenia, daily, experimental statistics
Arrivals and overnight stays of tourists by countries, municipalities, Slovenia, daily, experimental statistics
Slovenian users of mobile services and their travels abroad, by country, Slovenia, monthly, experimental statistics
Foreign users of mobile services and their travels to Slovenia, by country, Slovenia, monthly, experimental statistics
Road goods transport, Slovenia, quarterly
Road goods transport by type of business entity, Slovenia, quarterly
Road goods transport by type of transport, Slovenia, quarterly
Road goods transport, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by type of transport and type of business entity, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by distance, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by type of business entity and type of vehicle, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by type of goods (NST 2007), Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by type of cargo, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by body type, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by age of vehicle, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport, goods loaded in Slovenia by country of unloading, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport, goods unloaded in Slovenia by country of loading, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by statistical regions of loading, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by statistical regions of unloading, Slovenia, annually
Road goods transport by type of goods [NST/R], Slovenia, 2001 - 2007
Road goods transport by activity [NACE Rev. 1], Slovenia, 2001 - 2007
Cableway traffic, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2017M12
Cableway traffic [old methodology], Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2010M12
Port traffic of vessels, passengers and goods, Slovenia, monthly
Port traffic of vessels by port, vessel flag, type of traffic, direction of vessel traffic, vessel load status and type of ship, Slovenia, monthly
Port traffic of passengers by port, type of traffic, passenger traffic and type of ship, Slovenia, monthly
Port traffic of goods by direction of vessel traffic, type of traffic, types of goods and types of cargo, port Koper, Slovenia, monthly
Port traffic of vessels, passengers and goods, Slovenia, annually
Port traffic of passengers (number of passengers), Slovenia, annually
Port traffic of goods by types of goods and types of cargo, port Koper, Slovenia, annually
Port traffic of goods in containers in TEUs, Slovenia, annually
Port traffic of vessels, Slovenia, annually
Port traffic of goods by types of goods and types of cargo, Slovenia, 2009M01 - 2019M12
Maritime transport of goods, Slovenia, 2001M01 - 2012M12
Maritime transport of goods between maritime regions, Slovenia, 2001 - 2012
Maritime transport - transport equipment [vessels], Slovenia, 2001 - 2012
Passengers transport and traffic, Slovenia, annually
Goods transport and traffic, Slovenia, annually
Some indicators of transport, Slovenia, 2001 - 2018
Some indicators of transport by cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Some indicators of transport by statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Some indicators of transport by municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Some indicators of transport, Slovenia, annually
Public scheduled road passenger transport (interurban and international), Slovenia, monthly
Urban scheduled public transport, Slovenia, monthly
Public scheduled road passenger transport (interurban and international): bus routes, kilometres travelled and fuel spent, Slovenia, annually
Public scheduled road passenger transport (interurban and international) by distance, Slovenia, annually
Urban public scheduled transport, Slovenia, annually
Road passenger transport, in 1000 [old methodology], Slovenia, 2001M01 - 2012M12
Urban passenger transport, in 1000 [old methodology], Slovenia, 2001M01 - 2012M12
Road passenger transport [old methodology], Slovenia, 2002 - 2011
Urban passenger transport [old methodology], Slovenia, 2002 - 2011
Road passenger transport by distance [old methodology], Slovenia, 2002 - 2011
Length of railway lines, Slovenia, annually
Railway tractive vehicles by source of power and by tractive power, Slovenia, annually
Railway wagons by ownership and type of wagons, Slovenia, annually
Railway passenger vehicles, number of seats and berths by classes, Slovenia, annually
Traffic accidents in railway transport, Slovenia, annually
Railway passenger transport, Slovenia, quarterly
Railway passenger transport, Slovenia, annually
Number of passengers in railway transport by country of disembarkation (country of embarkation is Slovenia), Slovenia, annually
Number of passengers in railway transport by country of embarkation (country of disembarkation is Slovenia), Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport, Slovenia, quarterly
Railway goods transport, Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport by type of goods (NST 2007), main railway operator, Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport, goods loaded in Slovenia by country of unloading, main railway operator, Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport, goods unloaded in Slovenia by country of loading, main railway operator, Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport, transit of goods by country of loading and country of unloading, main railway operator, Slovenia, annually
Railway transport of dangerous goods, main railway operator, Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport in intermodal transport units [ITU], main railway operator, Slovenia, annually
Railway goods transport by type of goods [NST/R], Slovenia, 1994 - 2007
Airport passengers and goods traffic as to aircraft arrival/departure and scheduled/non-scheduled services by country of aircraft arrival/departure, Ljubljana, Jože Pučnik Airport, monthly
Airport passengers and goods traffic as to aircraft arrival/departure and scheduled/non-scheduled services by country of aircraft arrival/departure, Ljubljana, Jože Pučnik Airport, annually
Airport passengers, goods and aircrafts traffic as to type of transport and scheduled/non-scheduled services, Slovenia, annually
Air passengers and goods transport, number of flights and aircraft kilometres as to scheduled/non-scheduled services, Slovenia, 1998M01 - 2019M08
Air passengers and goods transport, exploitation of aircrafts as to scheduled/non-scheduled services, Slovenia, 1998 - 2018
Road traffic accidents and people in accidents by type of road, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
Road traffic accidents and people in accidents by location, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
Road traffic accidents and people in accidents by month of accident, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
Road traffic accidents and people in accidents by day of accident, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
Road traffic accidents and people in accidents by hour of accident, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
People in road traffic accidents by type, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
Number of inebriated people in accidents, Slovenia, 2007 - 2014
Road traffic accidents and people in accidents, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2014
First registrations of road vehicles by type of vehicle, Slovenia, monthly
Indices on first-time registrations of passenger cars - new vehicles, average 2019 = 100, Slovenia, monthly
Road vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of road vehicles by type of vehicle, Slovenia, annually
Road vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) by type of vehicle, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Road vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) by type of vehicle, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Road vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) by type of vehicle and age, Slovenia, annually
Passenger cars, buses, minibuses, coaches, minicoaches and goods motor vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of these vehicles by type of vehicle, drive and fuel, Slovenia, annually
Goods vehicles, trailers and buses, minibuses, coaches, minicoaches at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of these vehicles by type of vehicle and load capacity / number of seats, Slovenia, annually
Motor vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of these vehicles by type of vehicle, drive and fuel, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of vehicles by category of vehicle, Slovenia, annually
Motor vehicles at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of these vehicles by category of vehicle, drive and fuel, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Passenger cars, buses and goods motor vehicles and first registrations of those vehicles by type of fuel, Slovenia, 1992 - 2013
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by sex and type of day (in %), Slovenia, mulitiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by age groups and type of day (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by educational attainment and type of day (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by activity status and type of day (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by type of day (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Reasons for non-participation in daily mobility by type of day and sex (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Reasons for non-participation in daily mobility by age groups (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Reasons for non-participation in daily mobility by educational attainment (in %), Slovenia, 2021
Reasons for non-participation in daily mobility by activity status (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by sex (in %), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Reasons for non-participation in daily mobility (in %), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by age groups (in %), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by educational attainment (in %), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility (residents aged 15–84) by activity status (in %), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility of residents (aged 15–84) of urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by sex (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Reasons of the residents (aged 15–84) of urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor for non-participation in daily mobility (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility of residents (aged 15–84) of urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility of residents (aged 15–84) of urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by educational attainment (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Participation in daily mobility of residents (aged 15–84) of urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by activity status (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per person per day by type of day and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per person per day by type of day and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per mobile person made on a working or non-working day due to the stated purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per mobile person made on a working or non-working day with the stated main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by type of day and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by type of day and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by purpose of the trip and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by type of day and hour of the beginning of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by purpose and hour of the beginning of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by main mode of transport and hour of the beginning of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by type of day and trip distance, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by purpose and trip distance, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by main mode of transport and trip distance, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by type of day, purpose and trip distance, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by type of day and travel time, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by purpose and travel time, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by main mode of transport and travel time, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by sex of passenger and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by sex of passenger and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by age groups of passengers and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by age groups of passengers and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by educational attainment of passenger and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by educational attainment of passenger and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by activity status of passenger and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by activity status of passenger and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Trips that only started or only ended or were made entirely within the statistical region (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per person per day, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by purpose of the trip, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by main mode of transport, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by hour of the beginning of the trip, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by trip distance, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips by travel time, statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Trips that only started or only ended or were made entirely within urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor (in %), Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per mobile person per day in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by hour of the beginning of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by trip distance, Slovenia, multiannually
Daily number of trips in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by travel time, Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Average number of trips per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and main mode of transport, Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per person per day by purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per person per day by mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per mobile person made on a working or non-working day due to the stated purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per mobile person made on a working or non-working day with the stated mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip by type of day and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip by type of day and main mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip by purpose of the trip and main mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip that only started or only ended or was made entirely within the statistical region (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip by purpose of the trip (in km), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip by main mode of transport (in km), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip that only started or only ended or was made entirely within the urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per trip in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by main mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day and fuel type of the passenger car (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by purpose of the trip and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, sex of passenger and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, sex of passenger and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, age groups of passengers and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, age groups of passengers and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by educational attainment of passenger and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by educational attainment of passenger and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by activity status of passenger and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by activity status of passenger and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by purpose of the trip (in km), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by mode of transport (in km), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average distance per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and fuel type of the passenger car (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and purpose of the trip (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Passenger kilometres per year by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and fuel type of the passenger car (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per person per day by type of day and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per person per day by type of day and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per mobile person made on a working or non-working day due to the stated purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per mobile person made on a working or non-working day with the stated mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip by type of day and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip by type of day and main mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip by purpose of the trip and main mode of transport (in km), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by type of day and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by type of day and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by purpose of the trip and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip that only started or only ended or was made entirely within the statistical region (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip by purpose of the trip (in min), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip by main mode of transport (in min), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip that only started or only ended or was made entirely within urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per trip in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by main mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by type of day, sex of passenger and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by type of the day, sex of passenger and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by type of day, age groups of passengers and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by type of day, age groups of passengers and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by educational attainment of passenger and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by educational attainment of passenger and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by activity status of passenger and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by activity status of passenger and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by purpose of the trip (in min), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year by mode of transport (in min), statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Time spent on trips per year in urban municipalities Ljubljana and Maribor by mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and purpose of the trip (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average travel time per person per day by type of day, Union territorial typology (functional urban areas) and mode of transport (in min), Slovenia, multiannually
Average vehicle occupancy by type of day and purpose of the trip, Slovenia, multiannually
Average vehicle occupancy by type of day and Union territorial typology (functional urban areas), Slovenia, multiannually
Daily usage of public transport (residents aged 15–84) by sex, Slovenia, autumn 2017
Daily usage of public transport (residents aged 15–84) by age groups, Slovenia, autumn 2017
Daily usage of public transport (residents aged 15–84) by educational attainment, Slovenia, autumn 2017
Daily usage of public transport (residents aged 15–84) by activity status, Slovenia, autumn 2017
Reasons of residents aged 15–84 for daily non-usage of public transport by sex (in %), Slovenia, autumn 2017
Reasons of residents aged 15–84 for daily non-usage of public transport by age groups (in %), Slovenia, autumn 2017
Reasons of residents aged 15–84 for daily non-usage of public transport by educational attainment (in %), Slovenia, autumn 2017
Reasons of residents aged 15–84 for daily non-usage of public transport by activity status (in %), Slovenia, autumn 2017
Frequency of carpool usage among employed and self-employed persons, and persons in education by sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Frequency of carpool usage among employed and self-employed persons, and persons in education by age groups, Slovenia, multiannually
Frequency of carpool usage among employed and self-employed persons, and persons in education by educational attainment, Slovenia, multiannually
Bicycles and electric vehicles in households (electric cars excluded), Slovenia, autumn 2017
Location of parking of persons who drove to work by car by sex, Slovenia, 2021
Location of parking of persons who drove to work by car by age groups, Slovenia, 2021
Location of parking of persons who drove to work by car by educational attainment, Slovenia, 2021
Reasons for residents aged 15–84 not using public transport on the way to work by sex, Slovenia, 2021
Reasons for residents aged 15–84 not using public transport on the way to work by age groups, Slovenia, 2021
Reasons for residents aged 15–84 not using public transport on the way to work by educational attainment, Slovenia, 2021
Reasons for residents not using public transport on the way to school, Slovenia, 2021
Passenger kilometres (mio pkm) performed by residents of Slovenia on the Slovenian and foreign road network by passenger cars registered in Slovenia, Slovenia, annually
Number of vehicle kilometers (1000 vkm) of vehicles registered in Slovenia on the Slovenian and foreign road territory by type of vehicle and age of vehicle, Slovenia, annually
Number of vehicle kilometers (mio. vkm) of vehicles registered in Slovenia on the Slovenian and foreign road territory by type of vehicle and road territory, Slovenia, annually
Number of vehicle kilometers (mio. vkm) of vehicles registered in Slovenia and abroad on the Slovenian road territory by type of vehicle, registration of vehicle and type of public road, Slovenia, annually
Road cross-border traffic of passenger vehicles by direction and type of vehicle, Slovenia, monthly
Road cross-border traffic of goods vehicles by direction and type of vehicle, Slovenia, monthly
Motorway traffic of passenger vehicles by type of vehicle and counting place, Slovenia, monthly
Motorway traffic of goods vehicles by type of vehicle and counting place, Slovenia, monthly
Motorway traffic of passenger and goods vehicle on holidays by counting place, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises, employees and total turnover [1000 EUR] by type of innovation activity by activity [NACE Rev. 2] and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Total turnover (1000 EUR) and employees by type of innovation activity by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class, Slovenia, 2012, 2014, 2016
Total turnover (1000 EUR) and employees by type of innovation activity and by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012, 2014, 2016
Number of enterprises by type of geographic market by type of innovation activity by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises by type of geographic market by type of innovation activity by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by type of geographic market by type of innovation activity and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises with the largest market in terms of turnover by type of geographic market, by type of innovation activity by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises with the largest market in terms of turnover, by type of geographic market, by type of innovation activity by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises with the largest market in terms of turnover, by type of geographic market, by type of innovation activity and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises with technological innovation activity by type of innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of innovation active enterprises by type of innovation by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of innovation active enterprises by type of innovation and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises with a public sector procurement and innovation by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014
Number of enterprises with a public sector procurement and innovation by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014
Number of enterprises indicating high important (or not relevant) of selected strategy for reaching goals by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012
Number of enterprises indicating high important (or not relevant) of selected strategy for reaching goals by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012
Number of enterprises indicating high importance (or not relevant) of selected obstacle for reaching goals by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012
Number of enterprises indicating high importance (or not relevant) of selected obstacle for reaching goals by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012
Number of enterprises, turnover and number of employees by type of innovation / innovation activity, activity (NACE Rev.2) and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity, activity (NACE Rev.2) and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises, that introduced product innovation, by activity (NACE Rev.2) and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises, that introduced business process innovation, by activity (NACE Rev.2) and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by individual strategy evaluation for enterprise, activity (NACE Rev.2), size class and type of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by type of offering products, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, periodically
Number of enterprises by share of turnover from co-creation or customisation, by SKD activity, by size class and by type of entrprise, Slovenia, 2018
Number of enterprises by activities related to patenting, copyright and intellectual property, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by strategy and knowladge flow, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and by type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by importance of the method of organizing work, by SKD activity, by size class and by type of entrprise, Slovenia, 2016-2018
Turnover (1000 EUR) from products innovation new to the firm or new to the market by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and by size class, Slovenia, multyannually
Number of enterprises by type of innovation and location of innovaton development, activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises and expenditures (1000 EUR) by type of innovation expenditures, activity (NACE Rev. 2) and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises by type of financial support, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by source and use of financial support, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises that used tax credits or allowance for innovation or other types of activities by activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises that cooperated with other enterprises by type of cooperation, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises that cooperated with other enterprises, by type of business partner, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises that cooperated with other enterprises, by location of business partner, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by impact of different legislation on innovation activities, by SKD activity, by size class and by type of entrprise, Slovenia, 2016-2018
Number of enterprises by different factors hampering innovation activities, by SKD activity, by size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, 2016-2018
Number of enterprises with share of the workforce having tertiary degree, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, multyannually
Number of enterprises and turnover (1000) by type of geographic market, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of enterprise, Slovenia, multyannually
Number of enterprises and expenditure (1000 EUR) by type, by SKD activity, by size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, 2018, 2020
Number of enterprises being part of an enterprise group by location of head office, activity (NACE Rev. 2), by size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, multyannually
Number of enterprises by evaluation of conditions of the business environment, activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of entrprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by degree of importance of factors related to climate change, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), size class and type of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises, turnover and number of employees by activity (NACE Rev. 2), type of innovation / innovation activity and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number od enterprises introducing innovations with environmental benefits obtained during the consumption or use of a good or service by the end user, by contribution to environmental protection, activity (NACE Rev. 2) and by size class, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises, turnover and number of employees by activity (NACE Rev. 2), type of innovation / innovation activity and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, periodically
Number of enterprises by type of innovation activity, by SKD activity and size class of enterprise, Slovenia, 2018-2020
Number of enterprises by type of technological innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises by type of technological innovation by location of innovation development by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises by location of development product innovation and their turnover from inovative product (1000 EUR), by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by location of development product innovation and their turnover from inovative product (1000 EUR), by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by location of development process innovation, by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by location of development process innovation and by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by type of technological innovation by location of innovation development and performing R&D by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises by type of innovation by location of innovation development and performing R&D, by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by type of innovation by location of innovation development and performing R&D, by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises and their turnover from new or significantly improved products (1000 EUR) by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises with innovation activities and expenditure for technological innovation (1000 EUR) by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises with innovation activities and expenditure for this activities (1000 EUR) by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014
Number of enterprises with innovation activities and expenditure for this activities (1000 EUR), by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2012 - 2014
Number of innovation active enterprises that received public funding for innovation activity by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of innovation active enterprises that received public funding for innovation activities by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of innovation active enterprises that received public funding for innovation activities by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of innovation active enterprises indicating high imporatance of selected sources of information for innovation activities by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of innovation active enterprises indicating high importance of selected sources of information for innovation activities by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of innovation active enterprises indicating high importance of selected sources of information for innovation activities by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of innovation active enterprises by location and importance of the co-operation arrangements on innovation activities by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number od innovation active enterprises by location and importance of the co-operation arrangements on innovation activities by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number od innovation active enterprises by location and importance of the co-operation arrangements on innovation activities by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of innovation active enterprises indicating high importance of selected innovation objectives for innovation activities by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number od enterprises indicating high importance (or not relevant) of selected method for increasing the competitiveness of product and process innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012
Number od enterprises indicating high importance (or not relevant) of selected method for increasing the competitiveness of product and process innovation by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012
Number of enterprises implementing organisational or marketing innovation in product and/or process innovative enterprises, by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises implementing organisational or marketing innovation in product and/or process innovative enterprises by activity, Slovenia, 2010 - 2012, 2014 - 2016
Number of enterprises by type of non-technological innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises by type of organisational innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Number of enterprises indicationg highly important objectives of organisational innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2010
Number of enterprises by type of marketing innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2010
Number of enterprises indicationg highly important objectives of markting innovation by activity and size class, Slovenia, 2006 - 2008, 2008 - 2010
Total R&D personnel by sector of employment, occupation and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Researchers by sector of employment and age class (HC), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Researchers by field of science and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Total R&D personnel in business enterprise sector by occupation and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Total R&D personnel by qualification (KLASIUS), occupation and sex, Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Total R&D personnel by occupation, statistical regions and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
R&D personnel by sector of performance, occupation and cohesion regions, Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
R&D personnel by sector of employment, occupation and sex, Slovenia, annually
Researchers by sector of employment, sex and age group, Slovenia, annually
Researchers by sector of employment, field of research and development and sex, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel in business enterprise sector by occupation and industry main activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel by qualification (KLASIUS), occupation and sex, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel by sector of employment, qualification (ISCED), occupation and sex, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel by occupation and sex, statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel by sector of performance, occupation and sex, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel in government and higher education sectors by sector of employment, sex and field of research and development, Slovenia, annually
Researchers by sector of employment, sex and citizenship, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel in business enterprise sector by occupation, sex and enterprise size class, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance and sources of funds (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Funds from abroad on R&D by sectors of performance and type of financing institution (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance and type of costs (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance and type of R&D (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2014 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance and fields of science (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance and socio-economic objectives (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by statistical regions (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance and cohesion regions (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2007 - 2016
Total intramural business enterprise R&D expenditure (1000 EUR) by source of funds and size class, Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Total intramural business enterprise R&D expenditure (1000 EUR) by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Total intramural R&D expenditure in the 'Research & Development' industry (1000 EUR) by industry (NACE Rev. 2) served, Slovenia, 2008 - 2016
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and source of funds, Slovenia, annually
Funds from abroad on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and type of financing institution, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and type of costs, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and type of R&D, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and field of research and development, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Total intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector (1000 EUR) by source of funds and enterprise size class, Slovenia, annually
Total intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector (1000 EUR) by industry main activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Total intramural R&D expenditure in the 'Research & Development' industry (1000 EUR) by industry orientation (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Total intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector (1000 EUR) by type of costs and industry main activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Total intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector (1000 EUR) by source of funds and industry main activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (business sector) by concentration, Slovenia, annually
Government budget allocations for R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and field of research and development, Slovenia, annually
Government budget allocations for R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance and socio-economic objectives (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Number of doctorate holders by age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of doctorate holders by field of doctorate degree and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of doctorate holders by region of doctoral award and country of birth, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of recent doctorate recipients, average age at graduation, average time to completion by field of doctorate degree and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employed doctorate holders by field of doctorate degree and employment type, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employed doctorate holders by age group and employment type, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employed doctorate holders by occupational goup and field of doctorate degree, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of doctorate holders by field of doctorate degree, sector of employment and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Average gross annual earnings for employed doctorate holders (EUR) by field of doctorate degree, sector of employment and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employed doctorate holders by field of doctorate degree, job relation to the doctoral degree and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employed doctorate holders by satisfaction category, level of satisfaction and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of doctorate holders who were internationally mobile in the last ten years by previous region of residence, Slovenia, multiannually
Research and development indicators (%) by statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Research and development activity indicators, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by size and economic activity of exporters and importers, Slovenia, annually
The largest exporters and importers by section of activity and values of their trade in goods (in 1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Number of exporters and importers by section of activity and values of their exports and imports by selected trading partner countries, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by section of activity of exporters and importers and the number of trading partner countries, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by selected trading partner countries by trade value of exporters and importers, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by economic activity of exporters and importers and by product activity (in 1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by type and economic activity of exporters and importers, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by type of ownership and economic activity of exporters and importers, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports by intensity and economic activity of exporters, Slovenia, annually
Structure of exports and imports by activity of exporters and importers, Slovenia, annually
Number of exporters and importers by size and values of their exports and imports by selected trading partner countries, Slovenia, annually
Exports and imports by the statistical regions and countries (in 1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Exports and imports by statistical regions (in 1000 EUR), Slovenia, quarterly
Exports and imports by statistical regions and groups of countries (in 1000 EUR), Slovenia, quarterly
Trade in goods with EU non-member countries by the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and invoicing currency, Slovenia, annually
Exports, imports, trade balance and coverage of imports by exports, Slovenia, monthly
Exports, imports, trade balance and coverage of imports by exports, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by countries, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by country economic groups, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by country economic groups, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Export and import indices, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by 2-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by 4-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by 4-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2010 - 2019
Exports and imports by 4-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2000 - 2009
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2023
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2022
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2021
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2020
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2019
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2018
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2017
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2016
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2015
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2014
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2013
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2012
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2011
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2010
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2009
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2008
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2007
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2006
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2005
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2004
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2003
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2002
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2001
Exports and imports by 6-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2000
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2023
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2022
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2021
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2020
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2019
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2018
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2017
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2016
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2015
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2014
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2013
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2012
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2011
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2010
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2009
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2008
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2007
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2006
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2005
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2004
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2003
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2002
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2001
Exports and imports by 8-digit code of the Combined Nomenclature and by countries, Slovenia, 2000
Exports and imports by the Standard International Trade Classification, by countries, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by the Standard International Trade Classification, by countries, Slovenia, 2010M01 - 2019M12
Exports and imports by the Standard International Trade Classification, by countries, Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2009M12
Exports and imports by the Standard International Trade Classification, by country economic groups, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by the Standard International Trade Classification, by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by the Standard International Trade Classification, by country economic groups, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by the Classification by Broad Economic Categories, by countries, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by the Classification by Broad Economic Categories, by country economic groups, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by the Classification by Broad Economic Categories, by countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by the Classification by Broad Economic Categories, by country economic groups, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by activity of products (NACE Rev. 2) and countries, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by activity of products (NACE Rev. 2) and country economic groups, Slovenia, monthly
Exports and imports by activity of products (NACE Rev. 2) and countries, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by activity of products (NACE Rev. 2) and country economic groups, Slovenia, annually (cummulative data)
Exports and imports by the Standard Classification of Activities (2002), Slovenia, 2000M01 - 2007M12
Exports and imports by the Standard Classification of Activities (2002), Slovenia, 2000 - 2007
Unit value indices of exports and imports by sections and divisions of the Standard International Trade Classification, Slovenia, 2001Q1 - 2016Q4
Unit value indices of exports and imports by the Classification by Broad Economic Categories, Slovenia, 2001Q1 - 2016Q4
Unit value indices of exports and imports by sections, subsections and divisions of the Standard Classification of Activities (2008), Slovenia, 2001Q1 - 2016Q4
Unit value indices of exports and imports by sections, subsections and divisions of the Standard Classification of Activities (2002), Slovenia, 2001Q1 - 2016Q4
Selected data on Slovenia, annually
Selected data on statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Selected data on municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of production and consumption, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of waste management, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of secondary raw materials, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of competitiveness and innovation, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of global sustainability and resilience, Slovenia, annually
Waste indicators, Slovenia, annually
Water indicators, Slovenia, annually
Environmental protection indicators, Slovenia, annually
Selected waste indicators, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Water indicators, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Environmental protection indicators, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Generated, collected and landfilled municipal waste, municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Municipal waste generated and treatment (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Waste treatment on landfill sites (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Municipal waste brought to the landfill sites regarding the source and disposing and recovery processes (tons), Slovenia, 2002 - 2015
Amounts of generated, collected and landfilled municipal waste by municipalities (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Amounts of generated, collected and landfilled municipal waste by cohesion and statistical regions (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Amount of landfilled waste by type of waste and by type of lansfill sites (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Waste generation from production and service activities (tonnes) by European statistical waste catalogue (EWC – Stat) and by activity, Slovenia, annually
Waste generation and treatment from production and service activities (tonnes) by cohesion and by statistical region, Slovenia, annually
Waste generation and treatment from production and service activities (tonnes) by activity, Slovenia, annually
Waste generation and treatment from production and service activities (tonnes) by list of waste (LoW), Slovenia, annually
Waste recovery, disposal (tonnes) by European statistical waste catalogue (EWC - Stat), Slovenia, annually
Waste recovery, disposal (tonnes) by list of waste (LoW), Slovenia, annually
Import, export of waste (tonnes) by type of waste, Slovenia, annually
Generation of waste (tonnes) by European statistical waste catalogue (EWC - Stat), activity (NACE Rev. 2) and hazardousness, Slovenia, multiannually
Waste treatment (tonnes) by European statistical waste catalogue (EWC - Stat), treatment method and hazardousness, Slovenia, multiannually
Facilities for waste recovery and disposal, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Waste landfill, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by statistical regions (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Gross fixed capital formation in industry - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008 - 2018
Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by activity and purpose, organisational principle - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008 - 2018
Current expenditure for environmental protection (1000 EUR), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Current expenditure in industry by the occurence - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008 - 2018
Current expenditure for environmental protection by activity and purpose, organisational principle - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2008 - 2018
Gross fixed capital formation in industry - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Gross fixed capital formation for environmental protection by activity and purpose, organisational principle - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Current expenditure in industry by the occurence - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Current expenditure for environmental protection by activity and purpose, organisational principle - NACE Rev. 2 (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
NAMEA air emissions (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
NAMEA emissions by residence principle, Slovenia, annually
NAMEA air emissions, Slovenia, 1995 - 2008
Water used for irrigation by water sources [1000 m3], Slovenia, annually
Areas prepared for irrigation, irrigated areas, volume of water used for irrigation, Slovenia, annually
Irrigation by type of area, Slovenia, annually
Areas preapared for irrigation [ha], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Water used for irrigation by water sources [1000m3], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Irrigated area [ha], volume of water for irrigation [1000 m3], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Composition of domestic extraction (used) - DE (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Composition of total import of material - intra + extra EU (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Composition of Import of Material - extra EU-27 [1000 tonnes], Slovenia, 2000 - 2012
Composition of total export of material - intra and extra EU (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Composition of Export of Material - extra EU-27 [1000 tonnes], Slovenia, 2000 - 2012
Material flow indicators, Slovenia, annually
Composition of import of material - extra EU-28 (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, 1995–2020
Composition of export of material - extra EU-28 (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, 1995–2020
Domestic processed output (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annualy
Composition of import of material - extra EU-27 (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Composition of export of material - extra EU-27 (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Material flow accounts in raw material equivalents (1000 tonnes RME), Slovenia, annually
Output of environmental goods and services sector (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Value added of environmental goods and services sector (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Exports of environmental goods and services sector (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Employment in environmental goods and services sector (FTE), Slovenia, annually
Expenditure of General government for environmental protection services (mio EUR) by environmental domains, Slovenia, annually
Ancillary producers of environmental protection services, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), expenditure (mio EUR) and environmental domains, Slovenia, annually
Specialised producers of environmental protection services by expenditure (mio EUR) and environmental domains, Slovenia, annually
PEFA - Energy indicators (TJ), Slovenia, annually
PEFA - Energy use by residence principle (TJ), Slovenia, annually
PEFA - supply table by activity (TJ), Slovenia, annually
PEFA - use table by activity (TJ), Slovenia, annually
Water supplied from public water supply (1000 m3), cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Water by water sources [1000 m3], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Water supply system, connections to the water supply system, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Annual volume of water abstracted in public water networks by water source [1000 m3], by sub-basins, Slovenia, annually
Annual volume of water supplied from public water supply [1000 m3] by sub-basins, Slovenia, annually
Waste water by level of treatment [1000 m3], Slovenia, 2003 - 2016
Waste water discharged by water sources [1000 m3], Slovenia, 2003 - 2016
Waste water by hydrographic basins [1000 m3], Slovenia, annually
Sewage system (km), connections to the sewage system, Slovenia, 2003 - 2016
Waste water generated by source of pollution [1000 m3], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Waste water generated by level of treatment [1000 m3], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Waste water discharged by water sources [1000 m3], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Sewage system, connections to the sewage system, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Share of untreated waste water and treated waste water by stages of purification, [%], cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Water supply of business entities by section of activity (NACE Rev. 2) and type of supply (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Water supplied to enterprises by type of supply (1000 m3), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Use of water in industry by purpose (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Water use in industry by type of water and section of activity (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Use of freshwater in industry by purpose and section of activity (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Water used in industry by type of water (1000 m3), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Wastewater in industry by place of discharge and type of water (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Wastewater from industry by place of discharge and section of activity (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Treated wastewater from industry by treatment method (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Wastewater in industry by place of discharge (1000 m3), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Wastewater in industry by treatment method (1000 m3), cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Environmental taxes by type (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Environmental taxes by activity (NACE Rev. 2), mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Energy taxes by activity (NACE Rev. 2), mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Transport taxes by activity (NACE Rev.2), mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Pollution taxes by activity (NACE Rev. 2), mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Resource taxes by activity (NACE Rev. 2), mio EUR, Slovenia, annually
Environmental protection expenditure in the general government sector, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of environmental and resource productivity, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of the natural asset base, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of environmental quality of life, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of economic opportunities and policy responses, Slovenia, annually
Overview of water statistics (1000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Overview of waste flow (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Overview of waste flow (tonnes), Slovenia, quarterly
Food waste generation by source and treatment (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Indicators of drivers, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of emissions, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of impacts, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of mitigation, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of adaptation, Slovenia, annually
Supply for water (1,000 m3), Slovenia, letno, annually
Use of water (1,000 m3), Slovenia, annually
Change in water stocks (million m3), Slovenia, annually
Business tendency and consumer surveys (NACE Rev.2), Slovenia, monthly
Connections on fixed location (main telephone lines) by kind of user and connection, Slovenia, quarterly
Outgoing calls from fixed locations by status of user and kind of network, Slovenia, quarterly
Outgoing traffic from fixed locations by status of user and kind of network, Slovenia, quarterly
Mobile network users by status of user and kind of user, Slovenia, quarterly
Outgoing calls from mobile network by status of user and kind of network, Slovenia, quarterly
Outgoing traffic from mobile network by status of user and kind of network, Slovenia, quarterly
Data services by status of user and kind of service, Slovenia, quarterly
International roaming by kind of service, Slovenia, quarterly
Internet access by status of user and kind of access, Slovenia, quarterly
Connections on fixed location (main telephone lines) by kind of user and connection, Slovenia, annually
Outgoing calls from fixed locations by status of user and kind of network (1000), Slovenia, annually
Outgoing traffic from fixed locations by status of user and kind of network (1000 minutes), Slovenia, annually
Mobile network users by status of user and kind of user, Slovenia, annually
Outgoing calls from mobile network by status of user and kind of network (1000), Slovenia, annually
Outgoing traffic from mobile network by status of user and kind of network (1000 minutes), Slovenia, annually
Data services by status of user and kind of service, Slovenia, annually
International roaming by kind of service, Slovenia, annually
Internet access by status of user and kind of access, Slovenia, annually
Operators, infrastructure and employment in electronic communications, Slovenia, annually
Turnover and investment in electronic communications (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
The usage of ICT hardware and computer networks in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2019
The usage of ICT hardware and computer networks in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2019
The usage of ICT hardware and computer networks in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
The usage of ICT hardware and computer networks in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
The usage of software in enterprises, by enterprises size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2011
The usage of software in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2011
The usage of software in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2011
The usage of software in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009 - 2011
Number of enterprises with access to the Internet, by type of access and usage, by size class, Slovenia, 2009 - 2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed with access to the Internet, by type of access and usage, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2020
Number of enterprises according to the usage of the maximum contracted download speed of the fixed Internet connection, by size class, Slovenia, 2014 - 2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by the maximum contracted download speed of the fixed Internet connection, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014 - 2020
Contracted speeds of the Internet connections in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Contracted speeds of the Internet connections in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Types of access and usage of the Internet in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
Types of access and usage of the Internet in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
Contracted speeds of the Internet connections in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Contracted speeds of the Internet connections in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Number of enterprises by contracted download speed of fixed Internet connection, by size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by contracted download speed of fixed Internet connection and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises by type of access to the Internet and provision of portable devices and by size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of access to the Internet and provision of portable devices and by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of access to the Internet and provision of portable devices, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by contracted download speed of fixed Internet connection, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Automated data exchange between the enterprises and ICT systems outside the enterprise, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014
Automated data exchange between the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed and ICT systems outside the enterprise, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014
Automated data exchange between the financial enterprises and ICT systems outside the enterprise, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2012
Automated data exchange between the financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed and ICT systems outside the enterprise, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009 - 2012
Electronic exchange of information on the supply chain management in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017
Electronic exchange of information on the supply chain management in enterprises by 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016
Electronic exchange of information within the enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2020
Electronic exchange of information within the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2020
Electronic exchange of information within the financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013
Electronic exchange of information within the financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013
Number of enterprises by electronic exchange of information within the enterprise and size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by electronic exchange of information within the enterprise and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by electronic exchange of information within the enterprise, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Electronic purchases of enterprises in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2016
Electronic purchases of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2016
Number of enterprises by electronic sales in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, 2009–2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by electronic sales in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010–2020
Value (million EUR) by type of e-commerce purchases and sales in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, 2010–2020
Value (million EUR) in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of e-commerce purchases and sales in the previous year and activity (NACE rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010–2020
Number of enterprises by difficulty experienced with web sales to other EU Member States in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, 2017, 2019
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by difficulty experienced with web sales to other EU Member States in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2017, 2019
Obstacles that prevent or limit enterprises from selling via a website, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2013, 2015, 2016
Obstacles that prevent or limit enterprises with 10 or more persons employed from selling via a website, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2013, 2015, 2016
Number of enterprises by electronic sales in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by electronic sales in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Value (million EUR) by type of e-commerce sales in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, annually
Value (million EUR) in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of e-commerce sales in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises by difficulty experienced with web sales to other EU Member States in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by difficulty experienced with web sales to other EU Member States in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by electronic sales in the previous year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by difficulty experienced with web sales to other EU Member States in the previous year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Value (million EUR) in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of e-commerce sales in the previous year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Usage of Radio Frequency Identification technologies (RFID) in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2017
Usage of Radio Frequency Identification technologies (RFID) in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011, 2014, 2017
Usage of Radio Frequency Identification technologies (RFID) in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Usage of Radio Frequency Identification technologies (RFID) in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
Number of persons employed using ICT, by size class, Slovenia 2009 - 2020
Number of persons employed in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed using ICT, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2020
Number of persons employed using ICT in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
Number of persons employed using ICT in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises by ICT usage and size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by ICT usage and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by ICT usage, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Barrier to electronic sales in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009
Barrier to electronic sales in enterprises, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009
Favourable effects of adoption of electronic sales in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009
Favourable effects of adoption of electronic sales in enterprises, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009
Payment methods made possible by enterprises in sales via websites, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009
Payment methods made possible by enterprises in sales via websites, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009
Formally defined ICT security policy with a plan of regular review in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016
Formally defined ICT security policy with a plan of regular review in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016
Formally defined ICT security policy with a plan of regular review in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010
Formally defined ICT security policy with a plan of regular review in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
Making staff aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010
Making staff aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
Making staff aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010
Making staff aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
Ramifications of ICT related security incidents encountered by enterprises in previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010, 2016
Ramifications of ICT related security incidents encountered by enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010, 2016
Ramifications of ICT related security incidents encountered by financial enterprises in previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010
Ramifications of ICT related security incidents encountered by financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
The usage of internal security facilities or procedures in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010
The usage of internal security facilities or procedures in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
The usage of internal security facilities or procedures in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2010
The usage of internal security facilities or procedures in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
Enterprises had in place policies for reducing the environmental impact of ICT usage, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had in place policies for reducing the environmental impact of ICT usage, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
Financial enterprises had in place policies for reducing the environmental impact of ICT usage, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had in place policies for reducing the environmental impact of ICT usage, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
The usage of public authorities websites (e-government) in the previous year in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
The usage of public authorities websites (e-government) in the previous year in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010 - 2013
The usage of public authorities websites (e-government) in the previous year in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
The usage of public authorities websites (e-government) in the previous year in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
Number of enterprises by website functionality and size class, Slovenia 2009–2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by website functionality and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2009–2020
The sophistication of financial enterprises websites, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
The sophistication of financial enterprises websites with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2) Slovenia, 2009 - 2013
Number of enterprises by website functionality and size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by website functionality and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by website functionality, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Structure of invoices send by enterprises in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2018 - 2020
Structure of invoices send by enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2018 - 2020
Structure of invoices received by enterprises in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2018
Structure of invoices received by enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2018
Number of enterprises by structure of invoices sent in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by structure of invoices sent in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by structure of invoices sent in the previous year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Structure of invoices issued by enterprises to other enterprises or public authorities in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2014 - 2016
Structure of invoices issued by enterprises with 10 or more persons employed to other enterprises or public authorities in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014 - 2016
Structure of invoices received by enterprises in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2014 - 2016
Structure of invoices received by enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014 - 2016
Sending and receiving electronic invoices in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Sending and receiving electronic invoices in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Sending and receiving electronic invoices in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Sending and receiving electronic invoices in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011 - 2013
Enterprises conducted administrative procedures electronically in previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Enterprises with 10 or more persons employed conducted administrative procedures electronically in previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
Financial enterprises conducted administrative procedures electronically in previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed conducted administrative procedures electronically in previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
Limitation of electronic interaction of enterprises with public authorities, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Limitation of electronic interaction of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed with public authorities, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
Limitation of electronic interaction of financial enterprises with public authorities, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2011
Limitation of electronic interaction of financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed with public authorities, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2011
Provision of portable devices with mobile Internet access by type and purpose in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2012
Provision of portable devices with mobile Internet access by type and purpose in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012
Provision of portable devices with mobile Internet access by type and purpose in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2012
Provision of portable devices with mobile Internet access by type and purpose in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012
Obstacles limiting the usage of mobile Internet connections in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2012
Obstacles limiting the usage of mobile Internet connections in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012
Obstacles limiting the usage of mobile Internet connections in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2012
Obstacles limiting the usage of mobile Internet connections in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012
Number of enterprises by employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills and size class, Slovenia, 2012–2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012–2020
Employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2012
Employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2012
Number of enterprises by employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by employment of ICT specialists and provision of training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by stating the need to master digital skills in tenders and systematization of workplaces in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by stating the need to master digital skills in tenders and systematization of workplaces in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by stating the need to master digital skills in tenders and systematization of workplaces in the previous year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by type and purpose of usage of social media and size class, Slovenia, 2013–2019
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type and purpose of usage of social media and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2013–2019
The usage of social media by type and purpose in financial enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2013
The usage of social media by type and purpose in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2013
Number of enterprises by type of usage of social media and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of usage of social media and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of usage of social media, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by purpose of usage of social media and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purpose of usage of social media and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purpose of usage of social media, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by purchase of cloud computing services and size class, Slovenia, 2014–2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purchase of cloud computing services and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014–2020
Factors limiting the usage of cloud computing services in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2014
Factors limiting the usage of cloud computing services in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014
Realised benefits of the usage of the cloud computing services in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2014
Realised benefits of the usage of cloud computing servicesin enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014
Factors preventing the usage of cloud computing services in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2014
Factors preventing the usage of cloud computing services in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2014
Number of enterprises by purchase of cloud computing services and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purchase of cloud computing services and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purchase of cloud computing services, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of households by equipment with information-communication technologies, by type of household, Slovenia, 2007–2021
Number of households by equipment with information-communication technologies, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007–2021
Number of households by equipment with information-communication technologies, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2015–2021
Number of households by Internet access and type of household, Slovenia, annually
Number of households by Internet access and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of households by reasons for not having Internet access, by type of household, Slovenia, 2008–2020
Number of households by reasons for not having Internet access, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2008–2020
Number of households by type of problem with usage of fixed broadband Internet connections, by type of household, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Number of households by type of problem with usage of fixed broadband Internet connections, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Number of households by Internet access, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of households by reasons for not having Internet access, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2015–2020
Number of households by type of problem with usage of fixed broadband Internet connections, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Frequency and location of computer usage by individuals, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2017
Frequency and location of computer usage by individuals, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2017
Frequency and location of computer usage by individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007 - 2017
Frequency and location of computer usage by individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007 - 2017
Number of individuals by frequency and location of Internet usage, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by frequency and location of Internet usage, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by frequency and location of Internet usage and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by frequency and location of Internet usage and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by Internet users, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by Internet users, by education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by Internet users, by status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by Internet users, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by Internet access by Internet users by type of device, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by Internet access by Internet users by type of device, by education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by Internet access by Internet users by type of device, by status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by Internet access by Internet users by type of device, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Devices that regular Internet users would miss most if they could no longer use them for accessing the Internet, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
Devices that regular Internet users would miss most if they could no longer use them for accessing the Internet, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
Devices that regular Internet users would miss most if they could no longer use them for accessing the Internet, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
Devices that regular Internet users would miss most if they could no longer use them for accessing the Internet, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
The importance of having access to the Internet whenever and wherever to regular Internet users, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
The importance of having access to the Internet whenever and wherever to regular Internet users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
The importance of having access to the Internet whenever and wherever to regular Internet users, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
The importance of having access to the Internet whenever and wherever to regular Internet users, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018 – 2019
Number of individuals by frequency and location of Internet usage, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by purpose of Internet usage by Internet users, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by Internet access by Internet users by type of device, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Internet access by mobile devices by regular users, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Internet access by mobile devices by regular users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Internet access by mobile devices by regular users, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Internet access by mobile devices by regular users, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2009–2021
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2009–2021
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2009–2021
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2009–2021
Number of individuals by reasons for not submitting electronic forms via public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2011–2021
Number of individuals by reasons for not submitting electronic forms via public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2011–2021
Number of individuals by reasons for not submitting electronic forms via public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2011–2021
Number of individuals by reasons for not submitting electronic forms via public authorities websites in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2011–2021
Number of individuals by usage of government web portals in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Number of individuals by usage of government web portals in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Number of individuals by usage of government web portals in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Number of individuals by usage of government web portals in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020–2021
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by usage of public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by submitting tax declaration via public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by submitting tax declaration via public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by submitting tax declaration via public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by submitting tax declaration via public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by submitting tax declaration via public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not requesting or making claims for official documents via public authorities' websites in the last 12 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not requesting or making claims for official documents via public authorities' websites in the last 12 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not requesting or making claims for official documents via public authorities' websites in the last 12 months and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not requesting or making claims for official documents via public authorities' websites in the last 12 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not requesting or making claims for official documents via public authorities' websites in the last 12 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by problems when using the public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems when using the public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems when using the public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems when using the public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems when using the public authorities' websites or apps in the last 12 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by frequency of e-purchases, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by frequency of e-purchases, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by frequency of e-purchases and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by frequency of e-purchases and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
E-purchases by type of product or service made in the last 12 months by individuals, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
E-purchases by type of product or service made in the last 12 months by individuals, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
E-purchases by type of product or service made in the last 12 months by individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
E-purchases by type of product or service made in the last 12 months by individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
E-purchases by country of seller and way of payment made in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2008 - 2019
E-purchases by country of seller and way of payment made in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2008 - 2019
E-purchases by country of seller and way of payment made in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2008 - 2019
E-purchases by country of seller and way of payment made in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2008 - 2019
The number and estimated value of online purchases performed in the last 3 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2015 - 2019
The number and estimated value of online purchases performed in the last 3 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2015 - 2019
The number and estimated value of online purchases performed in the last 3 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2015 - 2019
The number and estimated value of online purchases performed in the last 3 months by individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2015 - 2019
Frequency of the usage of online information before buying or ordering online in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of e-buyers, Slovenia, 2016
Frequency of the usage of online information before buying or ordering online in the last 12 months, by education and sex of e-buyers, Slovenia, 2016
Frequency of the usage of online information before buying or ordering online in the last 12 months, by status of activity of e-buyers, Slovenia, 2016
Frequency of the usage of online information before buying or ordering online in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2016
Number of individuals by e-purchase of physical goods type made in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of physical goods type made in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of physical goods type made in the last 3 months and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of physical goods type made in the last 3 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals with online purchase of physical goods in the last 3 months by origin of seller, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals with online purchase of physical goods in the last 3 months by origin of seller, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals with online purchase of physical goods in the last 3 months by origin of seller and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals with online purchase of physical goods in the last 3 months by origin of seller and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of type of digital goods or services made in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2020 - 2023
Number of individuals by e-purchase of type of digital goods or services made in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, 2020 - 2023
Number of individuals by e-purchase of type of digital goods or services made in the last 3 months and status of activity, Slovenia, 2020 - 2023
Number of individuals by e-purchase of type of digital goods or services made in the last 3 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020 - 2023
Number of individuals by e-purchase of services type made in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of services type made in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of services type made in the last 3 months and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of services type made in the last 3 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the number and value of online purchase performed in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the number and value of online purchase performed in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the number and value of online purchase performed in the last 3 months and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the number and value of online purchase performed in the last 3 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons why they didn't buy online in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons why they didn't buy online in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons why they didn't buy online in the last 3 months and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Reasons why individuals didn't buy online in the last 3 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems with online purchase in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems with online purchase in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems with online purchase in the last 3 months and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems with online purchase in the last 3 months and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by frequency of e-purchases, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of physical goods type made in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals with online purchase of physical goods in the last 3 months by origin of seller, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by e-purchase of type of digital goods or services made in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020 - 2023
Number of individuals by e-purchase of services type made in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the number and value of online purchase performed in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Reasons why individuals didn't buy online in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems with online purchase in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by motive for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 3 months, age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by motive for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by motive for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by motive for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by motive for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by way of payment of online purchase, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by way of payment of online purchase, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by way of payment of online purchase and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by way of payment of online purchase and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by way of payment of online purchase, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by online purchase or subscription of type of digital goods or services in the last 3 months , age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by online purchase or subscription of type of digital goods or services in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by online purchase or subscription of type of digital goods or services in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by online purchase or subscription of type of digital goods or services in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by online purchase or subscription of type of digital goods or services in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Computer skills of individuals, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Computer skills of individuals, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Computer skills of individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Computer skills of individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Software skills of individuals, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Software skills of individuals, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Software skills of individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Software skills of individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007 - 2019
Usage of cloud computing services by regular users, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Usage of cloud computing services by regular users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Usage of cloud computing services by regular users, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2014
Usage of cloud computing services by regular users, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2014
Usage and reason for the usage of storage space on the Internet by regular users, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Usage and reason for the usage of storage space on the Internet by regular users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Usage and reason for the usage of storage space on the Internet by status of activity, Slovenia, 2014
Usage and reason for the usage of Internet storage space services by regular users, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2014
Problems experienced by regular users when using storage space on the Internet, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Problems experienced by regular users when using storage space on the Internet, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Problems experienced by regular users when using storage space on the Internet, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2014
Problems experienced by regular users when using storage space on the Internet, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2014
Reasons given by regular Internet users for not using storage space on the Internet, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2014
Reasons given by regular Internet users for not using storage space on the Internet, by education, Slovenia, 2014
Reasons given by regular Internet users for not using storage space on the Internet, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2014
Reasons given by regular Internet users for not using storage space on the Internet, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2014
Number of active enterprises in ICT sector, Slovenia, annually
Performance of enterprises in the ICT sector, Slovenia, annually
Problems encountered by e-buyers with online purchases in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2009, 2015 - 2017, 2019
Problems encountered by e-buyers with online purchases in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2009, 2015 - 2017, 2019
Problems encountered by e-buyers with online purchases in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2009, 2015 - 2017, 2019
Problems encountered by e-buyers with online purchases in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2009, 2015 - 2017, 2019
Reasons why individuals didn't buy online in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019
Reasons why individuals didn't buy online in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019
Reasons why individuals didn't buy online in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019
Reasons why individuals didn't buy online in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2009, 2015, 2017, 2019
Motives for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2019
Motives for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2019
Motives for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2019
Motives for online purchases among e-buyers that made an online purchase in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2019
Incidents experienced while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Incidents experienced while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Incidents experienced while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Incidents experienced while individuals using the Internet in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Security concerns while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Security concerns while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Security concerns while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Security concerns while using the Internet in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019
Analysis of big data in enterprises in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2016 - 2018
Analysis of big data in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2016 - 2018
Big data analysis in enterprises in the previous year, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2020
Big data analysis in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the previous year, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2020
Reasons that enterprises do not perform big data analysis, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2020
Reasons that enterprises with 10 or more persons employed do not perform big data analysis, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2020
Number of enterprises by the scope of performing enterprise's ICT functions in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, 2016–2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by the scope of performing enterprise's ICT functions and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2016–2020
Number of enterprises by type of performer of enterprise's ICT functions and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of performer of enterprise's ICT functions and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by type of performer of enterprise's ICT functions, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
The scope of Internet advertisement in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2015 - 2019
The scope of Internet advertisement in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2015 - 2019
Number of enterprises by paid advertising on the Internet and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by paid advertising on the Internet and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by paid advertising on the Internet, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Type of personal information provided by individuals over the Internet in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2016
Type of personal information provided over the Internet by individuals in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2016
Type of personal information provided over the Internet by individuals in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2016
Type of personal information provided over the Internet by individuals in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2016
Activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2016
Activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex of individuals, Slovenia, 2016
Activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 12 months, by status of activity of individuals, Slovenia, 2016
Activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet by individuals in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2016
Number of individuals by activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 3 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by knowledge about cookies, registering or trying to delete an account with a free app or service in the last 3 months, by age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by knowledge about cookies, registering or trying to delete an account with a free app or service in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by knowledge about cookies, registering or trying to delete an account with a free app or service in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by knowledge about cookies, registering or trying to delete an account with a free app or service in the last 3 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by activities carried out to manage access to personal information on the Internet in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by knowledge about cookies, registering or trying to delete an account with a free app or service in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 12 months for private purposes by individuals, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2016 - 2019
Carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 12 months for private purposes by individuals, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2016 - 2019
Carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 12 months for private purposes by individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2016 - 2019
Carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 12 months for private purposes by individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2016 - 2019
Number of individuals by carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 3 months for private purposes, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 3 months for private purposes, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 3 months for private purposes, status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 3 months for private purposes, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by carrying out financial activities via the Internet in the last 3 months for private purposes, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the purpose of mobile phone usage, age groups and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the purpose of mobile phone usage, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the purpose of mobile phone usage, status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the purpose of mobile phone usage, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by the purpose of mobile phone usage, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by usage of a digital certificate or mobile identity, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of a digital certificate or mobile identity, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of a digital certificate or mobile identity and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of a digital certificate or mobile identity and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by purposes and reasons for using electronic identification measures in the last 12 months for private purposes, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2017, 2019, 2021
Number of individuals by usage of a digital certificate or mobile identity, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using a digital certificate or mobile identity, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using a digital certificate or mobile identity, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using a digital certificate or mobile identity and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by purposes and reasons for using electronic identification measures in the last 12 months for private purposes, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2017, 2019, 2021
Number of individuals by reasons for not using a digital certificate or mobile identity and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using a digital certificate or mobile identity, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by purposes and reasons for using electronic identification measures in the last 12 months for private purposes, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2017, 2019, 2021
Number of individuals by purposes and reasons for using electronic identification measures in the last 12 months for private purposes, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2017, 2019, 2021
Number of individuals by reasons why they don't have a digital certificate, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2017, 2021
Number of individuals by reasons why they don't have a digital certificate, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2017, 2021
Number of individuals by reasons why they don't have a digital certificate, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2017, 2021
Number of individuals by reasons why they don't have a digital certificate, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2017, 2021
Purpose of Internet usage by regular users, by age classes and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2014
Purpose of Internet usage by regular users, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2007 - 2014
Purpose of Internet usage by regular users, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2007 - 2014
Purpose of Internet usage by regular users, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2007 - 2014
Number of enterprises by usage of robotics in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, 2018, 2020
Number of enterprises by usage of robotics and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by usage of robotics and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by usage of robotics, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by usage of robotics in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2018, 2020
Number of enterprises by reasons for usage of robotics and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by reasons for usage of robotics and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by reasons for usage of robotics, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by usage of 3D printing in the previous year and size class, Slovenia, 2018, 2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by usage of 3D printing in the previous year and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2018, 2020
Security in the private usage of smartphones by individuals in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Security in the private usage of smartphones by individuals in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Security in the private usage of smartphones by individuals in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018
Security in the private usage of smartphones by individuals in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Number of individuals by security in the private usage of smartphones in the last 3 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Number of individuals by security in the private usage of smartphones in the last 3 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Number of individuals by security in the private usage of smartphones in the last 3 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2020
Number of individuals by security in the private usage of smartphoness in the last 3 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020
Usage of electronic identification procedures by individuals in the last 12 months for private purposes, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Usage of electronic identification procedures by individuals in the last 12 months for private purposes, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Usage of electronic identification procedures by individuals in the last 12 months for private purposes, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018
Usage of electronic identification procedures by individuals in the last 12 months for private purposes, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Number of individuals by usage of electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private purposes, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Number of individuals by usage of electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private purposes, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2020
Number of individuals by usage of electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private purposes, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2020
Number of individuals by usage of electronic identification procedures in the last 3 months for private purposes, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020
Usage of computers or computerised equipment, machinery by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by status in employment and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Usage of computers or computerised equipment, machinery by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Usage of computers or computerised equipment, machinery by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Influence of computers or computerised equipment, machinery usage on work and self assessment of skills by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by status in employment and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Influence of computers or computerised equipment, machinery usage on work and self assessment of skills by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Influence of computers or computerised equipment, machinery usage on work and self assessment of skills by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Changes at work due to computer, computerised equipment, software usage in the last 12 months by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by status in employment and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Changes at work due to computer, computerised equipment, software usage in the last 12 months by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Changes at work due to computer, computerised equipment, software usage in the last 12 months by employees and the self-employed that used the Internet in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018
Learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Field of learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Field of learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018
Field of learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018
Field of learning activities to improve ones skills relating to the use of computers, software or applications carried out by individuals in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018
Assessment of the ability to use the Internet by individuals who used the Internet in the last 12 months, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2018, 2019
Assessment of the ability to use the Internet by individuals who used the Internet in the last 12 months, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2018, 2019
Assessment of the ability to use the Internet by individuals who used the Internet in the last 12 months, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2018, 2019
Assessment of the ability to use the Internet by individuals who used the Internet in the last 12 months, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2018, 2019
Number of enterprises that use ICT related measures or procedures in enterprises, by size class, Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that use ICT related measures or procedures in enterprises, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises that make employees and self-employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, by size class, Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that make employees and self-employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises that have document(s) on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security in enterprises, by size class, Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that have document(s) on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security in enterprises, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises that experience problems due to ICT related security incidents in the previous year, by size class, Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that experience problems due to ICT related security incidents in the previous year, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2019
Number of enterprises that use ICT related measures or procedures in enterprises, by size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that use ICT related measures or procedures in enterprises, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that use ICT related measures or procedures in enterprises, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises that make employees and self-employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, by size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that make employees and self-employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that make employees and self-employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises that have document(s) on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security in enterprises, by size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that have document(s) on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security in enterprises, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that have document(s) on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security in enterprises, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises that experience problems due to ICT related security incidents in the previous year, by size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that experience problems due to ICT related security incidents in the previous year, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed that experience problems due to ICT related security incidents in the previous year, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using the Internet, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually#
Number of individuals by reasons for not using the Internet, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using the Internet and status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using the Internet and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by reasons for not using the Internet, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Purposes and reasons for individuals using electronic identification procedures when using websites of public authorities in the last 12 months for private purposes, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2019
Purposes and reasons for individuals using electronic identification procedures when using websites of public authorities in the last 12 months for private purposes, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2019
Purposes and reasons for individuals using electronic identification procedures when using websites of public authorities in the last 12 months for private purposes, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2019
Purposes and reasons for the individuals using electronic identification procedures when using websites of public authorities in the last 12 months for private purposes, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2019
Individuals that used the Internet in the last 12 months and have their own digital certificate or one-time password generator via mobile phone smsPASS and reasons for not having them, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2019
Individuals that used the Internet in the last 12 months and have their own digital certificate or one-time password generator via mobile phone smsPASS and reasons for not having them, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2019
Individuals that used the Internet in the last 12 months and have their own digital certificate or one-time password generator via mobile phone smsPASS and reasons for not having them, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2019
Individuals that used the Internet in the last 12 months and have their own digital certificate or one-time password generator via mobile phone smsPASS and reasons for not having them, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2019
The usage of Internet of things by purpose in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of persons employed, Slovenia, 2020
The usage of Internet of things by purpose in enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2020
The usage of Internet of things by purpose in enterprises, by enterprise size according to the number of employees and self-employed, Slovenia, multiannually
The usage of Internet of things by purpose in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by chat service over the Internet and size class, Slovenia, 2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by chat service over the Internet and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2020
Number of enterprises by problems limiting digital business transformation and size class, Slovenia, 2020
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by problems limiting digital business transformation and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2020
Number of enterprises by problems limiting digital business transformation and size class, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by problems limiting digital business transformation and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by problems limiting digital business transformation, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management , smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020,2022
Number of individuals by usage and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by usage and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by usage and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2020,2022
Number of individuals by usage and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management , smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020,2022
Number of individuals by usage and type of smart devices or systems for private purposes, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2020, 2022
Number of individuals by problems using internet-connected devices or systems, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by problems using internet-connected devices or systems, by education and sex, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by problems using internet-connected devices or systems, by status of activity, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by problems using internet-connected devices or systems, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by problems using internet-connected devices or systems, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, 2022
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes in the last 3 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management , smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage of smart devices or systems (for energy management, smart solutions for home, smart home appliances, virtual assistants) and reasons for not using them for private purposes in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage and type of Internet-connected devices or systems for private purposes in the last 3 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage and type of Internet-connected devices or systems for private purposes in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage and type of Internet-connected or systems for private purposes in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage and type of Internet-connected devices or systems for private purposes in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by usage and type of Internet-connected devices or systems for private purposes in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems using Internet-connected devices or systems in the last 3 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems using Internet-connected devices or systems in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems using Internet-connected devices or systems in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems using Internet-connected devices or systems in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by problems using Internet-connected devices or systems in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals who in the last 3 months encountered hostile or degrading messages on the Internet aimed at specific groups or individuals, by age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals who in the last 3 months encountered hostile or degrading messages on the Internet aimed at specific groups or individuals, by education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals who in the last 3 months encountered hostile or degrading messages on the Internet aimed at specific groups or individuals, by status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals who in the last 3 months encountered hostile or degrading messages on the Internet aimed at specific groups or individuals, by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals who in the last 3 months encountered hostile or degrading messages on the Internet aimed at specific groups or individuals, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by performing data analytics and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by performing data analytics and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by performing data analytics, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by level of digital skills, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by level of digital skills, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by level of digital skills and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by level of digital skills and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by level of digital skills, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by type of digital skills, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by type of digital skills, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by type of digital skills and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by type of digital skills and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by type of digital skills, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by use of software, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by use of software, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by use of software and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by use of software and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by use of software, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by checking the truthfulness of information or content on the Internet news websites or social media, age groups and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by checking the truthfulness of information or content on the Internet news websites or social media, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by checking the truthfulness of information or content on the Internet news websites or social media, status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by checking the truthfulness of information or content on the Internet news websites or social media, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by checking the truthfulness of information or content on the Internet news websites or social media, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business and size class, Slovenia, 2021
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2021
Number of enterprises by reasons for not using artificial intelligence technologies after considering using them and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by reasons for not using artificial intelligence technologies after considering using them and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by usage of artificial intelligence technologies and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by usage of artificial intelligence technologies and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by purpose of usage of artificial intelligence technologies and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purpose of usage of artificial intelligence technologies and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by origin of used artificial intelligence technologies and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by origin of used artificial intelligence technologies and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by usage of artificial intelligence technologies, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by purpose of usage of artificial intelligence technologies, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by origin of used artificial intelligence technologies, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by reasons for not using artificial intelligence technologies after considering using them, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with remote access to the ICT system of the enterprise by size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed with remote access to the ICT system of the enterprise by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed with remote access to the ICT system of the enterprise, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employees and self-employed with remote access to the ICT system of the enterprise, by size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed with remote access to the ICT system of the enterprise, by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of employees and self-employed in enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed with remote access to the ICT system of the enterprise, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by applied measures to reduce environmental impact of ICT and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by applied measures to reduce environmental impact of ICT and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by applied measures to reduce environmental impact of ICT, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises by handling ICT equipment no longer in use and size class, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by handling ICT equipment no longer in use and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, multiannually
Number of enterprises with 10 or more employees and self-employed by handling ICT equipment no longer in use, cohesion regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by handling with most recently replaced or no longer used device, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by handling with most recently replaced or no longer used device, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by handling with most recently replaced or no longer used device and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by handling with most recently replaced or no longer used device and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by handling with most recently replaced or no longer used device, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by important characteristics of most recently bought device, age group and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by important characteristics of most recently bought device, education and sex, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by important characteristics of most recently bought device and status of activity, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by important characteristics of most recently bought device and degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by important characteristics of most recently bought device, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, multiannually
Number of individuals by familiarity and usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last 3 months, age group and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by familiarity and usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last 3 months, education and sex, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by familiarity and usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last 3 months, status of activity, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by familiarity and usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last 3 months, degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
Number of individuals by familiarity and usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last 3 months, cohesion and statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Number of enterprise groups by group type and section of activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Enterprise groups by group type and type of group heads, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Enterprises integrated into enterprise groups by size classes of persons employed, section of activity (NACE Rev. 2) and group type, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Number of enterprise groups by group type and section of activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Enterprises integrated into enterprise groups by size classes of number of units in the group, section of activity (NACE Rev. 2) of the group and group type, Slovenia, annually
Domestic affiliates of multinational enterprise groups under domestic control by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annualy
Performance of enterprises by kind of controll and activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Performance of enterprises by controlling country, Slovenia, annually
Indicators of air quality, Slovenia, 2000 - 2015
Indicator of drinking water quality, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Indicators of organic farming, Slovenia, 2004 - 2015
Indicators of economic growth, Slovenia, 1995 - 2015
Indicator of economic growth, Slovenija, statistical regions, 2000 - 2015
Indicators of safety, Slovenia, 1996 - 2015
Indicators of safety, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2005 - 2015
Indicator of social protection, Slovenia, 1996 - 2014
Indicators of natural resources, Slovenia, 2000 - 2015
Indicators of natural resources, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2000 - 2015
Indicator of expenditure on development, Slovenia, 2003 - 2014
Indicator of expenditure on development, Slovenia, statistical regions, 2003 - 2014
Indicators of population, gender equality and poverty, Slovenia, 1995 - 2015
Indicators of population, gender equality and poverty, Slovenia, statistical regions, 1995 - 2015
Indicators of intensity of use of natural resources, Slovenia, 1995 - 2015
Indicator of greenhouse gas emissions, Slovenia, 1986, 1990 - 2014
Indicator of general government debt, Slovenia, 1995 - 2015
Indicators of care for all generations, Slovenia, 1995 - 2016
Indicators of care for all generations, Slovenia, statistical regions, 1995 - 2016
Indicator of care for the elderly, Slovenia, 2006 - 2013
Sustainable development goal 01 indicators: No poverty, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 01 indicators: No poverty, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 02 indicators: Zero hunger, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 03 indicators: Good health and well-being, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 03 indicators: Good health and well-being, part 2, Slovenia, multiannually
Sustainable development goal 03 indicators: Good health and well-being, part 3, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 04 indicators: Quality education, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 04 indicators: Quality education, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 05 indicators: Gender equality, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 06 indicators: Clean water and sanitation, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 06 indicators: Clean water and sanitation, part 2, Slovenia, 2005 - 2020
Sustainable development goal 07 indicators: Affordable and clean energy, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 08 indicators: Decent work and economic growth, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 08 indicators: Decent work and economic growth, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 09 indicators: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 09 indicators: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 09 indicators: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, part 3, Slovenia, multiannually
Sustainable development goal 10 indicators: Reduced inequalities, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 11 indicators: Sustainable cities and communities, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 11 indicators: Sustainable cities and communities, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 12 indicators: Responsible consumption and production, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 13 indicators: Climate action, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 14 indicators: Life below water, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 15 indicators: Life on land, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 16 indicators: Peace, justice and strong institutions, part 1, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 16 indicators: Peace, justice and strong institutions, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Sustainable development goal 17 indicators: Partnerships for the goals, annually
Sustainable development goal 06 indicators: Clean water and sanitation, part 2, Slovenia, annually
Test matrix
Gross domestic product and actual individual consumption per capita in Purchasing Power Standards, volume indices, EU-27 Member States, annually
Key data for waters, Slovenia, annually
Waste (tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Gross investments and current expenditure for environmental protection (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
Environmental protection expenditure in the general government by type (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Energy prices, Slovenia, quarterly
Production of electricity by type of power plant (GWh), Slovenia, annually
Household energy consumption (TJ) by energy source, Slovenia, annually
Electricity prices (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly
Natural gas prices (EUR/kWh), Slovenia, quarterly
Natural gas and electricity prices indices, % (EU=100), Slovenia and EU, half-yearly
Passenger transport and traffic (1000 passengers), Slovenia, annually
Goods transport and traffic (1000 tonnes), Slovenia, annually
Passenger cars at the end of the year (31 December) and first registrations of new passenger cars, Slovenia, annually
Airport passengers traffic, Slovenia, annually
Arrivals and overnight stays of domestic and foreign tourists, Slovenia, annually
Permanent bedplaces by types of tourist accommodations, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
Tourist overnight stays by countries, Slovenia, annually
Tourist overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities, Slovenia, annually
Tourist overnight stays by tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia, annually
Outgoing traffic in mobile and fixed telephony (1000 minutes), Slovenia, annually
The share of public expenditure for formal education in GDP (%), by level of education, Slovenia, annually
The share of expenditure on educational institutions in GDP (%), by level of education, Slovenia, annually
Selected data on children and professional staff in kindergartens, Slovenia, annually
Enrolment rate in kindergartens by age periods, Slovenia, annually
Youth and adults in basic education by type of program they enrolled in or completed, Slovenia, annually
Selected data on participants and professional stuff in upper secondary education, Slovenia, 2000 - 2014
Upper secondary education participants and graduates (youth) by type of education, Slovenia, annually
Upper secondary education participants and graduates (adults) by type of education, Slovenia, annually
Participants (youth and adults) in public and private upper secondary schools, Slovenia, annually
Students in tertiary education by type of education, Slovenia, annually
Graduates from tertiary education by type of education, Slovenia, annually
Share of full-time students among all tertiary education students, Slovenia, annually
Instructional and professional support staff at higher education institutions and vocational colleges, Slovenia, 2009 - 2015
Participants in continuing education programs by type of institutions, Slovenia, 2006 - 2014
Number of participants in continuing education programs by type of programs, Slovenia, 2006 - 2014
Share of adults in the age group 25–64 who participated in formal or non-formal education (%), Slovenia, 2007, 2011
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by sector of performance, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (1000 EUR) by source of funds, Slovenia, annually
R&D personnel (in FTE) by occupation, Slovenia, annually
Population, natural and migration change, Slovenia, annually
Population and households, censuses, Slovenia, multiannually
Households by number of members, Slovenia, multiannually
Families by type of family, Slovenia, multiannually
Families by number of children, Slovenia, multiannually
International migration by country of previous/next residence, Slovenia, annually
International migrants aged 15 or more by education, Slovenia, annually
Housing standards, Slovenia, multiannually
Health expenditure (% of GDP), Slovenia, annually
Basic poverty and social exclusion indicators, Slovenia, annually
Annual quantity of food and beverages consumed per household member, Slovenia, multiannually
Housing conditions of households (%), Slovenia, annually
Financial situation of households - selected indicators (%), Slovenia, annually
Share of persons (%) by self-assesement of general health, Slovenia, annually
Total expenditure on social protection (% of GDP), Slovenia, annually
Total expenditure on social protection (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually
Total expenditure on social benefits by function (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually
Total receipts of social protection (mio. EUR), Slovenia, annually
Total expenditure for long-term care, Slovenia, annually
Long-term care recipients by mode of provision (number), Slovenia, annually
Price indices by types of price indices, Slovenia, annually
Average annual growth rates of consumer prices (%, average year / average of the previous year), Slovenia, annually
Annual growth rates of consumer prices, (%, December of year / December of the previous year), Slovenia, annually
HICP, Average annual growth rates of harmonised consumer prices (%, average year / average of the previous year), Slovenia, annually
HICP, Annual growth rates of harmonised consumer prices (%,December of year / December of the previous year), Slovenia, annually
Consumer price indices (year / year 2015), Slovenia, annually
Producer price indices (December of year / December of the previous year) by main industrial groups and activity of SKD 2008, Slovenia, annually
Producer price indices of the domestic market (December of year / December of the previous year) by main industrial groups and activity of SKD 2008, Slovenia, annually
Producer price indices of the non-domestic market (December of year / December of the previous year) by main industrial groups and activity of SKD 2008, Slovenia, annually
Import price indices (December of year / December of the previous year) by main industrial groups and activity of CPA 2008, Slovenia, annually
Services producer price indices (fourth quarter of the year / same quarter of the previous year), Business-to-Business data by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
Main indicators of economic accounts for agriculture [current prices], Slovenia, annually
The condition of forest, Slovenia, annually
Average size of land on agricultural holdings [ha], Slovenia, multiannually
Number of agricultural holdings with different categories of livestock, Slovenia, multiannually
Labour input in agriculture, Slovenia, multiannually
Organic farming, Slovenia, annually
Consumption of macro plant nutrients from mineral fertilisers in agriculture, Slovenia, annually
Plant protection products sale (kg of active substances) by major groups, Slovenia, annually
Area of main agricultural products (ha), Slovenia, annually
Economic activities in fishery, Slovenia, annually
Livestock slaughter in slaughterhouses, Slovenia, annually
Number of livestock, Slovenia, annually
Livestock production, Slovenia, annually
Self-sufficiency rate (%) by type of agricultural products, calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Available quantity of agricultural products for consumption per capita (kg), calendar year, Slovenia, annually
Available quantity of wine for consumption per capita (l), market year, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic product per capita (EUR), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Population, urban settlements, Slovenia, annually
Households, urban settlements, Slovenia, multiannually
Population density, urban settlements, Slovenia, annually
Labour force by urban settlements, Slovenia, annually
Supply table at basic prices, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, 2022
Use table at purchasers' prices, current prices (mio EUR), Slovenia, 2022
Main aggregates of non-financial sector accounts (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
General government expenditure by function (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Non-financial assets in current prices on 31 December (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually
Regional economic differences (index), statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
Indices of industrial production by section and by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), year / average of 2015, Slovenia, 2018 - 2022
Sold production of industrial products and services by section and by 2-digit activities of CPA (1000 EUR), Slovenia, 2022
Indices of industrial production by section and by 2-digit activities (divisions of NACE Rev.2), year / average of 2021, Slovenia, annually
Turnover value indices in service activities (average in year / average of the same months of the previous year), Slovenia, 2010 - 2020
Turnover from the sale of goods (1000 EUR) in retail trade on domestic market by core commodity groups, Slovenia, annually
Headline indicators of EU's growth strategy, Europe 2020, in the field of education and training, Slovenia, 2008 - 2013
Gross domestic product, selected indicators, Slovenia, annually
Gross domestic product per capita, Slovenia, annually
Inflation, Slovenia, monthly
Producer price indices of the domestic market, Slovenia, monthly
Average cumulative earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, monthly
Average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, monthly
Base interest rate, Slovenia, monthly
Number of exporters and importers by the statistical regions, Slovenia, annually
(C)=county, (M)=municipality, (BU)=Basic statistical unit, (UD)=urban district, (US)=urban settlement. Character in brackets shows the lowest regional level.