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Job vacancy, occupied posts and job vacancy rate by activities B to S [Nace Rev. 2], seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia, quarterly
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MEASURES Select at least one value

Total: 6 | Selected:


ACTIVITY Select at least one value

Total: 19 | Selected:


QUARTER Select at least one value

Total: 65 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
number, %
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


- Between 2001Q1 and 2013Q1 the job vacancy data were taken over from the Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS). Because of the entry into force of amendments to the Labour Market Regulation Act (OJ No. 21/2013), which in Article 7 eliminates the mandatory notification of a vacancy at the ESS, from 12 April 2013 on Slovenia no longer has complete coverage of all vacancies. This obligation remains only for the public sector and for business entities owned by the state.
- Between 2013Q2 and 2014Q4 the job vacancy data were forecasted with Demetra+ software, i.e. the TRAMO/SEATS method. In the models for forecasting the job vacancies for the 2nd quarter of 2014 and for the 4th quarter of 2014 the data collected with the survey 'Napovednik zaposlovanja' (conducted by the ESS) were used. The survey included all employers with 10 or more employed persons. For the conversion to the total population, shares for the same quarters of 2012 were used.
- Since 2015Q1 SURS has been collecting the data with a sample survey. Data for the public sector are still taken over from the ESS. The sample includes business entities with main activities from B to S. Since 2008Q1 the new values at the total level were calculated because activities A and T are no longer included.
- 2020Q1: Due to the coronavirus epidemic, SURS faced difficulties in collecting data. The response rate was about 18% lower than in previous quarters (it was 78.7%). As a result, there were several fields of activity in this quarter (there were 13 at the Slovenian national level) with less reliable estimates of the number of job vacancies (M).
However, these reasons do not affect the number of posts occupied posts, as the data are taken from the administrative records and are based on full coverage.
Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.
- Since 1 January 2008 the employed persons on maternity leave (on average around 16,000 persons) have been excluded.
- Since 1 September 2009 posts occupied by persons sent to work or to education abroad have been included.
- Since 1 January 2013 the persons on long-term sick leave more than 30 working days have been excluded. Such sick leave is no longer covered by the employer but by the Health Insurance Institute (on average around 15,000 persons).
- Since 1 January 2020 posts occupied by persons employed by two or more employers at the same time up to the maximum full-time (40 hours per week) (around 6,000 more occupied posts) have been included; a quarter of which was in education (P), followed by professional, scientific and technical activities (M), trade (G) and health care (Q).
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Size is defined by the number of occupied posts:
Between 2001Q1 and 2014Q4 the size was calculated at the level of the subordinate units.
TOTAL All parts of business entities or business entities without subordinate units that have at least one person employed are included;
10+ All parts of business entities or business entities without subordinate units that have at least 10 persons employed are included.

In the period from 2015Q1 onwards the size has been calculated at the level of the entire business entity and no longer at the level of local units [if they have subordinate units].
In the time series there is a break with the 1st quarter of 2015. With this quarter SURS began to collect the job vacancy data independently with a sample survey.