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Migration change of population, cohesion regions, Slovenia, annually
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Total: 26 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
Data for 2008 and on are prepared in accordance with the changed statistical definition of population published in 2008.
Data are territorially classsified according to The Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics – NUTS, (description and explanations), level NUTS 2.
Data on changes of individual cohesion region are also available at the link.
Immigrants from abroad - Total
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Immigrants from abroad - Men
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Immigrants from abroad - Women
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Emigrants to abroad - Total
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Emigrants to abroad - Men
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Emigrants to abroad - Women
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Net migration from abroad - Total
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Net migration from abroad - Men
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Net migration from abroad - Women
For 1995-1998, data on foreigners are available for the teritory of Slovenia only, therefore data by cohesion regions include only data for Slovene citizens, while data for Slovenia include all migrants.
Immigrants from other cohesion region - Total
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Immigrants from other cohesion region - Men
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Immigrants from other cohesion region - Women
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Emigrants to other cohesion region - Total
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Emigrants to other cohesion region - Men
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Emigrants to other cohesion region - Women
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Net migration between cohesion regions - Total
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Net migration between cohesion regions - Men
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Net migration between cohesion regions - Women
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.
Total net migration - Total
Considered net migration from abroad and net migration between cohesion regions. For the calculation of the indicator for years 1995-1997 only international and internal migration of the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia are taken into account.
Total net migration - Men
Considered net migration from abroad and net migration between cohesion regions. For the calculation of the indicator for years 1995-1997 only international and internal migration of the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia are taken into account.
Total net migration - Women
Considered net migration from abroad and net migration between cohesion regions. For the calculation of the indicator for years 1995-1997 only international and internal migration of the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia are taken into account.
Net migration between cohesion regions per 1000 population
Up to 2007, in data only migration of citizens of the RS are shown. In the data from 2008 and on migration of the whole population are shown.