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Cattle, alteration in livestock number, production of meat and milk, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Production, total indigenous meat production (thousand tons):
Data for years 2008 and 2009 are corrected regarding the release dated 7. 9. 2010. Previously released data were 81.6 for 2008 and 71.9 for 2009. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The number of born calves was estimated with the help of the number of cows, cull cows and the number of breeding heifers.
According to data from surveys, data on deaths in agricultural enterprises and on family farms differ greatly. The question on the number of dead cattle was included only in surveys in agricultural enterprises in the 1992-1999 period, so data on deaths for the 1991-2002 period are estimated.
Data on the number of born calves and deaths according to the surveys and calculation agree the most for 1998 and 1999. We therefore decided to calculate the average share of deaths for these two years and adjust it to all observed years.
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- Methodological explanations
We had the data on slaughter in slaughterhouses (divided by species and categories within species). Slaughter on family farms had to be estimated, which we did with the help of the balance sheets.

Number of animals slaughtered on family farms is:
number of animals at the beginning of the year
+ number of born animals
+ number of imported animals
- number of exported animals
- number of dead animals
- number of animals at the end of the year
- number of animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses.

In old calculations data for agricultural enterprises and family farms were calculated in different ways. Data on agricultural enterprises were more detailed. On the basis of these data we estimated births and deaths for the whole Slovenia.
Data on export and import of live animals were obtained by the External Trade Department of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. We compared them with Veterinary Administration data and corrected them as necessary. From 2006 on data on import and export is from Register of bovine animals.
For calculating total indigenous production, we used data on gross indigenous production converted into live weight with uniform conversion coefficients.
In cattle, only two types of data are comparable from the surveys for the 1991-2002 period: total number of cattle and total number of cows. Because in this period we did not have detailed data for estimating the number of animals in individual categories, we decided to publish only data on the total number of cattle and the total number of cows. Since 1996 we have been publishing data on the number of cattle by age groups. Since 2000 we have been publishing all data.
Net production of milk (thousand litres)
Data on the production of cow's milk includes all milked milk (also milk for feed).
Total indigenous meat production (thousand tons)
Total indigenous production is calculated from the live weight of slaughtered animals, the difference between the weight of exported and imported live animals and the difference in weight of animals at the beginning and the end of the year (total indigenous production = gross indigenous production expressed in live weight + change in stocks expressed in live weight).
Meat production from slaughtered animals (thousand tons)
Meat production from slaughtered animals is meat of all animals slaughtered in Slovenia - indigenous and imported (meat production from slaughtered animals = meat from slaughter in slaughterhouses + slaughter on family farms).
Gross indigenous production (thousand tons)
Gross indigenous production is meat from animals reared in Slovenia (gross indigenous production = meat production from slaughtered animals - meat equivalent of all animals imported alive + meat equivalent of all animals exported alive).
Meat from slaughter in slaughterhouses (thousand tons)
Meat from slaughter in slaughterhouses is meat of all animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses.
MEASURES: Import, number of animals , YEAR: 2006
Data from Register of bovine animals.
MEASURES: Export, number of animals , YEAR: 2006
Data from Register of bovine animals.
MEASURES: Net production of milk (thousand litres) , YEAR: 2010
Data published as provisional ( 583285) was replaced with final data.