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Performance of enterprises by activity, Slovenia, quarterly
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


In 2022 and 2023, energy crisis had an impact on business operations. Subsidies related to business effects are also taken into account in the calculation of operational revenues and value added. In accordance with accounting standards, enterprises also include state aid due to high energy costs among these subsidies, and this should be taken into account when comparing data on a year-on-year basis.
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- Methodological explanations
13 Equity financing rate
Equity financing rate is defined as Capital (AOP056) divided by Liabilities (AOP055) from the balance sheet.
14 Receivables to payables ratio
Receivables to payables ratio is calculated as Short-term operating receivables (AOP048) divided by Short-term liabilities from the profit and loss statement. Short-term liabilities are the sum of Short-term financial liabilities (AOP087) and Short-term operating liabilities (AOP091).
15 Operating efficiency ratio
Operating efficiency ratio is defined as Gross operating revenues (AOP126) divided by Operating expenses (AOP127) from the profit and loss statement.
16 Total efficiency ratio
Total efficiency ratio is calculated as all revenues divided by all expenses from the profit and loss statement. All revenues includes Gross operating revenues (AOP126), Financial revenues (AOP153) and Other revenues (AOP178). All expenses include Operating expenses (AOP127), Financial expenses (AOP166) and Other expenses (AOP181).
17 Capital to long-term assets ratio
Capital to long-term assets ratio is calculated as Capital (AOP056) divided by Long-term assets (AOP002) from the balance sheet.
18 Share of long-term assets in total assets
Share of long-term assets in total assets is calculated as Long-term assets (AOP002) divided by Assets (AOP001) from the balance sheet.
19 Export orientation indicator
Export orientation indicator is calculated as Net revenues from sales on the foreign market (AOP115 + AOP118) divided by Net sales revenues (AOP110) from the profit and loss statement.
20 Productivity of capital
Productivity of capital is calculated as Value-added (AOP126-AOP128-AOP148) divided by Capital (AOP056) from the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement.
21 Labour costs in operating expenses
Labour costs in operating expenses (n the past incorrectly named as capital intensity) is calculated as Labour costs (AOP139) divided by Operating expenses (AOP127) from the profit and loss statement.
22 Profit on assets
Profit on assets is calculated as Total profit (AOP182) divided by Assets (AOP001) from the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement.
23 Loss on assets
Loss on assets is calculated as Total loss (AOP183) divided by Assets (AOP001) from the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement.
24 Investments in net sales revenues
Investments in net sales revenues are calculated as Total investments (AOP3002 + AOP3004) divided by Net sales revenues (AOP110) from data on investments and from the profit and loss statement.
25 Labour costs in value added
Labour costs in value added are calculated as Labour costs (AOP139) divided by Value added (AOP126 - AOP128 - AOP148) from the profit and loss statement.
26 Value added in net sales revenues
Value added in net sales revenues are calculated as Value added (AOP126 - AOP128 - AOP148) divided by Net sales revenues (AOP110) from the profit and loss statement.