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Sustainable development goal 10 indicators: Reduced inequalities, Slovenia, annually

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
index, PPS, %, number
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Volume of gross domestic product per capita in Purchasing Power Standards (index in PPS, EU27 = 100)

Gross domestic product is a measure for the economic activity. It is defined as the value of all goods and services produced less the value of any goods or services used in their creation.
Data for 2019 have been revised.
Source: Eurostat

Real adjusted gross disposable income of households per capita in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS)

The adjusted gross disposable income of households per capita in PPS is calculated as the adjusted gross disposable income of households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) divided by the purchasing power standards (PPS) of the actual individual consumption of households and by the total resident population.
Break of the time series in 2008.
Data for the entire time series have been revised
Source: Eurostat

Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap (%)

The relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap is calculated as the difference between the median equivalised total net income of persons below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold and the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, expressed as a percentage of the at-risk-of-poverty threshold.

Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (%)

The Gini coefficient is the measure of income concentration. Its value is between 0 and 1 or between 0 and 100% when it is shown in percent. If its value was 0, income would be distributed equally (everyone would have the same income). If its value was 1 (or 100%), income would be distributed completely unequally (one person would have all the income). The closer the Gini coefficient is to 1 (or 100%), the more unequal the income distribution is, the closer the Gini coefficient is to 0, the more equal the income distribution is.

Share of total disposable household income of the bottom 4 deciles (%)

The indicator refers to income growth of the bottom 40% of the population (instead of income levels) in line with the policy target and the UN target. The income refers to equlivalised disposable household income.

Number of asylum applications - total (number)

The number of asylum applications relates to persons who have applied for international protection in accordance with the Common European Asylum System.
Source: MNZ

Number of asylum applications - accepted (number)

The number of asylum applications relates to persons who have applied for international protection in accordance with the Common European Asylum System.
The number of accepted asylum applications relates to those decisions that accept the application for international protection.
Source: MNZ
More explanations can be found on the SURS website dedicated to the sustainable development goals indicators .