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A billion data points in the SiStat Database

Correction - the currently published data on Water (Overview of water statistics, Public water supply) have been corrected. The data correction took place in the following tables: 2777505S, H002S, 2700002S, 2700011S, 2750110S, 2750115S, 2750106S ,2750105S.

Help using the SiStat Database

Contact information

If you wish to obtain additional information about data in the SiStat Database, please send your question to

How to search for data in the SiStat Database?

You can access the data in the SiStat Database in two ways: with the search engine or with a tree view of statistical themes.


You use the search engine by entering the desired string in the search box and clicking the search button.

You can use the search engine to search for a specific text and/or codes (e.g. 0701011S). Specifically, the search engine can search by table titles, category names, and codes. The search functions are based on the Lucene.Net script.

The search engine displays search results as table titles equipped with codes whose content corresponds to the search string, e.g. "population" or 0701011S. Select a table from the list of results by clicking on the table title.

You can also use different Boolean logical operators, such as AND, OR, and NOT, which enable a more detailed search. The logical operators must be written in uppercase letters.You can also use search operators (e.g., quotation marks and asterisk).

Usage of logical operators


When writing Ljubljana AND Maribor AND Tržič, the search engine will display only links to tables containing the words Ljubljana and Maribor and Tržič in the table title or the table content. The search engine uses the AND operator by default, which means that the search string can be written as Ljubljana Maribor Tržič.


The OR operator specifies the “or” relationship between the search words. When writing Tržič OR men, the search engine will display only links to tables containing Tržič or men (or both) in the table title or the table content. The OR operator is useful for expanding the number of results.


Grouping of logical operators

You can use multiple logical operators at the same time:

(...OR...) AND...

When writing (waste OR potatoes) AND Kranj, the search engine will display only links to tables containing either the word waste or the word potato and the word Kranj in the title or content. When combining two or more logical operators, you have to put the keywords being grouped inside the parentheses. So they will be dealt with first.

(...NOT...) AND (...OR...)

When writing (Ljubljana NOT Maribor) AND (men OR women), the search engine will display only links to tables containing the word Ljubljana, but not the word Maribor, and the word men or the word women (or both) in the table title or the table content. When combining two or more logical operators, you have to put the keywords being grouped inside the parentheses. So they will be dealt with first.

Other useful search operators

The search engine also enables using search operators:

"..." (quotation marks)

"Gross domestic product, Slovenia, annually”: the use of quotation marks enables you to search for a specific search string. The search engine will display only links to tables containing the exact order of words in the table title or the table content. Other search operators will not work within the quotation marks.

* (asterisk)

Averag*: asterisk extends the search to all words that begin with the same sequence of letters. This will allow you to search for multiple forms of the same word at the same time. For example, average, averages, averaging.

A tree view of statistical themes

The SiStat Database is divided into 21 statistical themes. On the landing page 10 most popular and searched tables are displayed in the Highlighted category, and 10 recently published in the Last Updated category.

By clicking on an individual statistical theme in the navigation (e.g. Industry), a theme page opens that consists of two categories; Highlighted and Review of data by fields. Five tables from the selected statistical theme are displayed in the first category and a tree view with a more detailed content division of the field in the second one.

In the tree view, you can open (by clicking on the plus icon) and close (by clicking on the minus icon) individual themes, or you can open the entire tree at once (by clicking on the Expand all icon).

When you expand the tree, a list of theme titles and table titles is displayed. The table titles are equipped with a table code, e.g. 0701011S, and the icon. You can click on the icon if you would like to see more information about the table (date of last release, link to methodological explanations, data revision status).

The tree view displays tables that are updated regularly. Tables that are no longer being updated are archived. Archived tables can be found within each (sub)theme under Archive. By clicking on the Archive, a list of tables from that (sub)theme that are for various reasons no longer being updated regularly with new time series will be displayed.

You can use the input field above the tree view to find specific tables. The field allows quick filtering table titles, and codes (e.g., 'Gross Domestic Product' or 'H280S'). Results adjust dynamically based on the input, making it easy to locate data without manual browsing.

To select the desired table, click on its title. A tool for working with tables, PX-Web, will open in a new browser window.

Hint: You can also edit the table on your computer (locally). In this case, click on the i icon and then click on the PX file link in the displayed information window. This will save the table in px format to your computer, where you can view or edit it with the PX-Win tool. This tool is for viewing files in PX format.

How to choose data to display in the table?

In the PX-Web tool, you can select the categories (Kranj, men, 2019) for each variable (municipalities, gender, year, etc.) that you want to display in the table.

Category selection

Clicking on the table title in the table list will open the selection fields for each variable (municipalities, gender, year, etc.) in the PX-Web web tool and you can select the desired category (one or more categories) in the table.

Example:: If you are interested in how many residents were employed in the municipality of Šenčur in 2015, you have to select values from the following variables: municipality, year, and persons in employment, within the selected table, Persons in employment by municipalities of employment, Slovenia, annually. In this case, you have to select: Šenčur, 2015, and Working population - TOTAL.

After selecting the values, you have to click the Continue button. If the dropdown list shows the option Table - Layout 2, a table will be generated on-screen with the variables and values that you selected in the previous step.

Some useful tips to help you select the data

The presentation of data on-screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 150 columns. For a more extensive display of data, you need to export them to your computer in various available formats (Excel, CSV, PX).

For variables marked with "Mandatory", at least one value has to be selected (e.g. for the variable year you select 2015).

Within each variable, you can select one, several, or all values (e.g. all years).

  • To select a group of consecutive values, hold SHIFT, and left-click the first value and the last value.

  • To select all values at the same time, click the Select all button.

  • To clear the selection, click the Clear selection button.

How to present, edit, and calculate the data in the table?

The data presented in the table can be edited and calculated, shown on charts, sorted and/or exported in various file formats (Excel, CSV, JSON, etc.).

You can hide the rows with "0" values or the rows with statistical signs that are replacing the statistical data.

Hint: The appearance of the table can be changed as you wish, pivoted with the Edit, Calculate, and Pivot manual options. The data in the table can be calculated with basic mathematical functions (sum, subtract, percent, etc.).

How to save data?

You can export data in various file formats, such as Px, Excel, CSV, JSON, etc.

Selected data can be saved as a query, where SiStat generates a link for easy access to the saved data selection. In the settings, you can specify whether the link should display the data directly on the screen or save them to your computer as a file (e.g. CSV or Excel).

To save a query, first select the desired values, display the data table on the screen, then click the Save Query command (plus icon) in the left-hand menu, and adjust the settings according to your needs. You can choose from the following options:

  • Update the query with a rolling start time point and an unchanged number of time periods
  • Update the query with a fixed start time point and new time periods
  • Do not update the query, but show the same periods as selected

When updating the time series, new values may be added from time to time. To ensure that these are automatically included in the display, use the Select All option when selecting data. If you select only individual values, when the time series is updated only the data for the selected values will be updated, and new ones will not be included. If you use the Select All option for a time variable (year, quarter, month, etc.), the query will always display the entire time series.

How to use APIs?

You can access the data in the SiStat Database via an API that allows automated retrieval and use of the data. To access information on how to use the API for a specific table, please follow the steps below:

  1. Select the desired categories in the table's display selection boxes and click on Show data.
  2. A new page will open with the data table.
  3. Click on API Query for this table in the left-hand menu.
  4. Clicking on it will display the URL and JSON query information you need to retrieve the data via the API.

More about the API can be found here.

How to find methodological explanations and information?

More information and notes on the variables in the table can be seen in the About table tab. Methodological explanations on the data in the table are available under Footnotes (by clicking on the plus icon). Methodological explanations can also be found on the landing page and the theme pages. You can access them by clicking on the icon next to the table title.

What is the meaning of various statistical signs?

Statistical signs Meaning
- no occurrence of event, not applicable
... not available
z confidental
M less reliable estimate – use with caution
N too unreliable estimate to be published