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Sustainable development goal 15 indicators: Life on land, Slovenia, annually
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Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
%, index, km2
Next update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


More explanations can be found on the SURS website dedicated to the sustainable development goals indicators .
Forest area as a share of total land area (%)
The indicator shows the forest area as a share of total land area.
Data on forest area does not include data on on areas in overgrowth.
Farmland bird index - indicator farmland bird species (index, 2008 = 100)
The indicator measures changes in populations of typical bird species of the agricultural landscape.
Source: DOPPS
Farmland bird index - generalists (index, 2008 = 100)
The indicator measures changes in populations of typical bird species of the agricultural landscape.
Source: DOPPS
Farmland bird index - meadow bird species (index, 2008 = 100)
The indicator measures changes in populations of typical bird species of the agricultural landscape.
Source: DOPPS
Surface of terrestrial sites designated under Natura 2000 (km2)
The indicator measures the surface of and terrestrial sites designated under Natura 2000.
Source: EEA