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Sustainable development goal 13 indicators: Climate action, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
index, EUR
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


More explanations can be found on the SURS website dedicated to the sustainable development goals indicators .
Greenhouse gas emissions (index, 1986 = 100)
This indicator shows trends in total man-made emissions of the ‘Kyoto basket’ of greenhouse gases.
Data for the entire time series have been revised.
Source: ARSO
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption(index, 2000 = 100)
The greenhouse gas intensity of energy consumption is the ratio between energy-related greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) and gross inland energy consumption.
Sources: EEA, Eurostat
Financing of projects and implementation of climate change activities in developing countries (EUR)
The indicator covers voluntary financial and technical assistance to developing countries by the developed countries for mitigating climate change (reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and adapting to climate change.
Sources: MOP, MZZ