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Sustainable development goal 06 indicators: Clean water and sanitation, part 1, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
%, mg O2/l, mg NO3/l, mg P/l
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


More explanations can be found on the SURS website dedicated to the sustainable development goals indicators .
Population connected to urban wastewater treatment with at least secondary treatment (%)
The indicator is defined as a percentage of the population connected to municipal waste water treatment plants with at least secondary treatment in which municipal waste water is treated at least with secondary treatment, but can also be treated with tertiary treatment.
Source: ARSO
Biochemical oxygen demand in rivers (mg O2/l)
This indicator is defined as the mean annual BOD5 in rivers. BOD5 is a measure of the amount of oxygen required by aerobic microorganisms to decompose organic substances in a water sample over a period of five days in the dark at 20°C.
Source: ARSO
Nitrate in groundwater (mg NO3/l)
The indicator shows the values of nitrate levels in groundwater samples.
Source: ARSO
Phosphate in rivers (mg P/l)
The indicator shows the average annual concentration of orthophosphate in the rivers.
Source: ARSO
Basic water exploitation index (%)
The Water Exploitation Index compares the annual total fresh water abstraction with average annual total outflow from Slovenia. It is the indicator of fresh water and groundwater abstraction compared to the long-term annual average of the gross outflow from the country (base index) or compared to the gross outflow in each year (annual index).
Source: ARSO
Annual water exploitation index (%)
The Water Exploitation Index compares the annual total fresh water abstraction with average annual total outflow from Slovenia. It is the indicator of fresh water and groundwater abstraction compared to the long-term annual average of the gross outflow from the country (base index) or compared to the gross outflow in each year (annual index).
Source: ARSO