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Indicators of care for all generations, Slovenia, 1995 - 2016
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Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
number, %
Statistical Office of Republic Slovenia


The total age dependency ratio [number]
Sources: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior - Central Population Register, Ministry of the Interior - Administrative Internal Affairs Directorate.
The total age dependency ratio [number]
As of 1 January.
The total age dependency ratio [number]
The total age dependency ratio [burden of the working age population with age dependent »young« and »old« residents] is the number of people aged 0 to 14 and 65 and over in comparison with the number of people at working age [15-64] in a country or territorial unit.
The total age dependency ratio [number]
Detailed data on population are available in the SI-STAT Data Portal Population.
The young-age dependency ratio [number]
Sources: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior - Central Population Register, Ministry of the Interior - Administrative Internal Affairs Directorate.
The young-age dependency ratio [number]
As of 1 January.
The young-age dependency ratio [number]
The young-age dependency ratio [burden of the working age population with age dependent »young« residents] is the number of people aged 0 to 14 in comparison with the number of people at working age [15-64] in a country or territorial unit.
The young-age dependency ratio [number]
Detailed data on population are available in the SI-STAT Data Portal Population.
The old-age dependency ratio [number]
Sources: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior - Central Population Register, Ministry of the Interior - Administrative Internal Affairs Directorate.
The old-age dependency ratio [number]
As of 1 January.
The old-age dependency ratio [number]
The old-age dependency ratio [burden of the working age population with age dependent »old« residents] is the number of people aged 65 and over in comparison with the number of people at working age [15-64] in a country or territorial unit.
The old-age dependency ratio [number]
Detailed data on population are available in the SI-STAT Data Portal Population.
Share of children in kindergartens [%]
Detailed data on kindergartens are available in the SI-STAT Data Portal Education – Pre-school education and – Children attending kindergartens.