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Indicators of economic growth, Slovenia, 1995 - 2015
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
index, EUR
Statistical Office of Republic Slovenia


Real GDP growth per capita, 1995 = 100 [index]
Detailed data on gross domestic product are available in the SI-STAT Data Portal National Accounts – Gross domestic product, annual data.
Average income per household member [EUR]
In 2016, indicator name was changed due to the replacement of the data source and the data from 2007 onwards [a break in the time series].
Average income per household member [EUR]
Data for 2000-2006 represent the average annual available assets [income in cash] of households per household member [EUR] from the Household Budget Survey.
Average income per household member [EUR]
Available assets [income in cash] within a household are all available financial assets that a household has at its disposal in the reference period.
Average income per household member [EUR]
Data are based on the combined sample of three consecutive years [e.g. 2005-2007]; these data are calculated to the middle year [e.g. 2006] which is used as the reference year.
Average income per household member [EUR]

Data from 2007 onwards represent the average income per household member [EUR] from the survey on Income and Living Conditions [SILC].
Average income per household member [EUR]
The calculations are based on annual [net] disposable household income [income in cash]. Disposable household income in cash includes net incomes of all household members [employee cash or near cash income, including supplement for meals and transport to work, cash benefits or loses from self-employment, pensions, unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, education-related allowances, family allowances and social benefits, interests, dividends, regular inter-household cash transfers received] less regular inter-household cash transfers paid and regular taxes on wealth, including compensation for the use of building land. To income in cash calculated in this way part of income in kind [benefit for the use of company car for private purposes and the value of withdrawals from a business by a self-employed person] is added.
Average income per household member [EUR]
Data are published for the income reference year and not for the year the survey was conducted.
Average income per household member [EUR]

Detailed data on household income are available in the SI-STAT Data Portal Level of Living – Poverty and social exclusion [SILC] – Distribution of income.