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Enterprises integrated into enterprise groups by size classes of persons employed, section of activity (NACE Rev. 2) and group type, Slovenia, 2008 - 2017
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ACTIVITY Select at least one value

Total: 15 | Selected:


SIZE CLASS BY PERSONS EMPLOYED Select at least one value

Total: 4 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 10 | Selected:



Total: 3 | Selected:


MEASURES Select at least one value

Total: 3 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
number, 1000 EUR
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Enterprise group is an association of legal units which consists of the group head and subsidiary units. Enterprise groups are identified through the links of control between their units.
All-resident enterprise group is a group of legal units which are composed only of resident units. It must include at least two units. The coverage does not include all-resident enterprise groups with two units where the group head is a natural person (group head-natural person controls only one legal unit).
Multinational enterprise group is a group of legal units which has at least two legal units located in different countries. The coverage does not include multinational enterprise groups with two units where the group head is a natural person (group head-natural person controls only one legal unit).
Foreign controlled multinational enterprise group is a multinational enterprise group the head of which is a foreign unit which can be a legal or natural person.
Domestically controlled multinational enterprise group is a multinational enterprise group the head of which is a resident unit which can be a legal or natural person.
Enterprise is registered as a legal or natural person that had either turnover or employment during the reference year. For units according to the Standard Classification of Institutional Sectors and Non-profit Institutions Serving Households, in determining enterprises membership fees, subsidies and other operating income are also taken into account.
Persons employed is defined as the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (paid or unpaid), as well as persons who work outside the unit they belong to and are paid by (e.g. sales representatives). It includes part-time, seasonal workers, and home workers on the pay-roll. The number of persons employed excludes workers supplied to the unit by other enterprises. Voluntary workers are also not included.
Turnover is the total amount that the enterprise settled with sale of goods, material and performed services in the reference year. It is measured on the basis of selling prices stated on invoices and other documents less discounts at sale or later on and the value of returned quantities. It includes all costs and charges linked to the buyer and excludes value added
tax, possible sale of fixed assets, financial income, subsidies and other extra income. Data on turnover do not comprise banks and savings banks.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Due to data protection are certain activities grouped
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