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Formally defined ICT security policy with a plan of regular review in financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, by enterprise activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, 2010
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


On 1 January 2008 the new classification of activities of business entities NACE Rev. 2, which replaced NACE Rev 1.1, came into force in all EU Member States. In the Republic of Slovenia the national version of the standard classification, called SKD 2008, which includes the entire European classification of activities but also adds some national subclasses, came into force on the mentioned date.
The new classification brings many changes, which are the result of structural changes in the economy in recent years. Most of the changes thus involve market services and manufacturing. A very important change is the new structure of the classification, since there is no longer the level of subsection [2-digit code].
More general information about the introduction of the new classification is available on a special website Revision of Classification of Activities SKD 2008 / Nace Rev. 2 of the
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- Methodological explanations
Enterprise had a formally defined ICT security policy with a plan of regular review
ICT security means measures, controls and procedures applied on ICT systems in order to ensure integrity, authenticity, availability and confidentiality of data and systems.
.The ICT security policy addressed destruction or corruption of data due to attack or by unexpected incident
Unexpected incident - hardware or software error, unauthorised access.
.The ICT security policy addressed disclosure of confidential data due to intrusion, pharming, phishing attacks or by accident
Phishing - an attempt to obtain information like passwords, user name and e.g. data about credit cards with the help of an e-mail that directs the users to a fake website. Pharming - direct attack on the DNS server or file about the host that is stored on the user's computer. Users are without knowing redirected to fake websites although they write down in the browser the correct URL address they would like to visit. Because those fake websites are often perfect copies of the original, the users don't notice that they are on a fake website address and thus they enter their personal information.
.The ICT security policy addressed unavailability of ICT services due to attack from outside (e.g. Denial of Service attack)
DDoS - Denial of Service attack - an attack from outside that makes unavailable resources of the information system for the users. Server, network is saturated, burdened with so many requests that it can not process them. Because of the overload it can be temporary disabled.