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Indicators of environmental quality of life, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
µg/m3, %
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Eurostat, National Institute of Public Health


Environmental health and risks - pollution with PM10 (µg/m3)
The indicator environmental health and risks for air quality presents the concentration of PM10, to which the population is potentially exposed. It is expressed in micrograms per cubic metre of air.
Environmental service and amenities - connection to treatment plants (%)
The indicator access to sewage treatment illustrates the share of population connected to treatment plants in which the communal waste water is treated with at least the secondary treatment, but possibly also with tertiary treatment. It is expressed in percent.
Separately collected municipal waste (% of total collected)
The indicator share of separately collected municipal waste illustrates the ratio between the quantity of all communal waste and the quantity of the communal waste collected separately in collection centres – except mixed communal waste. It is expressed in percent.
Unsuitable samples due to E.coli in small supply areas (%)
According to the NIJZ methodology, the indicator Unsuitable samples due to E.coli (Escherichia coli) in different sized supply areas divided the current size class small supply areas (50–1.000 inhabitants) into two size classes. The first size class in now named smallest supply areas (50–500 inhabitants) and the second small supply areas (501–1.000 inhabitants). The decision to divide into two classes was made due to significant differences (especially obvious in recent years) between them in the share of unsuitable samples due to faecal contamination with already mentioned E.coli bacterium. Data from 2011 were consequently revised.
Unsuitable samples due to E.coli in large supply areas (%)
The indicator share of unsuitable samples due to E.coli presents the share of unsuitable samples (microbiological contamination of drinking water) with regard to all the taken samples, by size classes of water systems. It is expressed in percent.
Utilised agricultural area with organic farming or in conversion (% of entire utilised agricultural area)
The indicator share of UAA with ecologic farming illustrates the ratio between the utilised agricultural area with organic farming or in conversion and the entire utilised agricultural area. It is expressed in percent.
INDICATOR: Utilised agricultural area with organic farming or in conversion (% of entire utilised agricultural area) , YEAR: 2020
The data was revised.