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Municipal waste brought to the landfill sites regarding the source and disposing and recovery processes (tons), Slovenia, 2002 - 2015
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning


Waste is any material or object from one of the groups of waste of the List of Waste, which the owner or possessor cannot or does not want to use, does not need, is disturbing or damaging to him and he discharges it, intends to or must discharge.
Substances which are emitted into the air and materials, discharged into the water or into the sewage system are not considered to be waste.
Hazardous waste is waste with one or more of dangerous characteristics.
Waste oils, oxides, salts, acids, lye, concentrates, colours, lacquers, bitumen, agrochemical and pharmaceutical preparations, special waste from hospitals and other organic or inorganic hazardous waste are considered to be hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste is classified by the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Waste Handling (OJ RS, No. 20/01) in the List of Waste together with other waste and has a small asterisk behind the number of waste classification.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
List of Waste (LoW) includes non-hazardous and hazardous waste classified by proper group with regard to the origin of waste formation. In addition to the precisely defined name, every waste has a proper classification number of waste.
Waste recovery is designed for beneficial use of waste or waste components, comprising first of all recycling, reuse, composting, use of waste in fuelling devices and industrial ovens or use of waste for fuel generation. Incineration of waste and other thermal procedures designed for waste disposal are not considered to be waste recovery.
Waste disposal covers operations aimed at final treatment of waste that cannot be recovered, comprising mostly different waste processing procedures and waste landfilling.