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Energy for space and water heating by type of heating (%), households, Slovenia, annually
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Total: 2 | Selected:


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Total: 23 | Selected:


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Total: 3 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Linked content:
- Methodological explanations – Annual energy statistics
- Methodological explanations – Household energy consumption
Some totals do not add up due to rounding.
The data for 2020 has been corrected, as assumptions about work and schooling at home, which were present to a greater extent in 2020, were included in the model calculation.
Share of energy for space heating
Local heating - each room is heated separately with different stoves, fireplaces, electric radiators etc., there is no connected system of radiators.
Share of energy for space heating
Central heating is floor central heating or central heating for the building.
Floor central heating - the heat is produced in one place for the whole dwelling, dwelling is heated by radiators.
Central heating - the heat is produced in one place for the whole building, dwellings are heated by radiators.
Share of energy for space heating
District heating - the heat is produced outside of the building - in a heat plant or boiler room for several buildings.
Share of energy for water heating
Local heating of water - water is heated with electric heaters (boilers), gas heaters etc.
Share of energy for water heating
Central heating of water - water is heated in the space heating system (floor central or central heating).
Share of energy for water heating
District heating of water - water is heated outside of the building - in a heat plant or boiler room for several buildings.