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Number of laying hens for eggs for human consumption by size clases, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Linked content:- Methodological explanations
Laying hens
The number of laying hens for eggs for consumption is estimated on the basis of the data on the number of hens on the reference date (1 December),
while the number of eggs for consumption refers to the period from 1 December of the previous year to 30 November of the reference year.
The methodology for calculation follows the recommended Eurostat methodology.
Eggs for human consumption
The number of laying hens for eggs for consumption is estimated on the basis of the data on the number of hens on the reference date (1 December),
while the number of eggs for consumption refers to the period from 1 December of the previous year to 30 November of the reference year.
The methodology for calculation follows the recommended Eurostat methodology.