Milijarda podatkov v podatkovni bazi SiStat

Forecast of the average yield of the some important main agricultural products, Slovenia, annually
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Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
t/ha, kg/tree
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.
Expected average yield shows crops during the growth assuming that all factors influencing the final output will be normal.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Final data on average yield of individual agricultural crop (production of crops) are available in table 1502402S .
Final data on average yield of individual agricultural crop (production of fruit in orchard plantations and olives in olive plantations) are available in table 1502404S .
Final data on average yield of individual agricultural crop (production of fruit in extensive orchards and olives in extensive olive orchards) are available in table 1502405S .
Final data on average yield of individual agricultural crop (production of grapes in vineyards) are available in table 1502406S .