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Performance of enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2) and turnover size classes, Slovenia, 2008 – 2020
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ACTIVITY Select at least one value

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YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 13 | Selected:


MEASURES Select at least one value

Total: 5 | Selected:



Total: 9 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
number, mio EUR
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
11110 Number of enterprises
Number of enterprises is the number of registered legal or natural persons which had turnover or employees or investment and were therefore active during at least a part of the reference period.
12110 Turnover (1000 EUR)
Turnover is the total amount that the enterprise settled with sale of goods, material and performed services in the reference year. It is measured on the basis of selling prices stated on invoices and other documents less discounts at sale or later on and the value of returned quantities. It includes all costs and charges linked to the buyer and excludes value added tax, possible sale of fixed assets, financial income, subsidies and other extra income.
12150 Value added at factor cost (1000 EUR)
Value added at factor cost is calculated as gross income from operating activities after adjusting for operating subsidies and indirect taxes. Value-added at factor cost is calculated ‘gross’ because value adjustments (such as depreciation) are not subtracted. From 2010 data on subsidies, grants, allowances, compensation and other revenue related to business performance are also taken into account.
15110 Gross investment in tangible goods (1000 EUR)
Gross investment in tangible goods includes all investment during the reference period in all tangible goods. Included are new and existing tangible capital goods, whether bought from third parties or produced for own use (i.e. capitalised production of tangible capital goods), having a useful life of more than one year, including non-produced tangible goods such as land.
16110 Number of persons employed
The number of persons employed is defined as the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (paid or unpaid), as well as persons who work outside the unit they belong to and are paid by (e.g. sales representatives). It includes part-time, seasonal workers, and home workers on the pay-roll. The number of persons employed excludes workers supplied to the unit by other enterprises. Voluntary workers are also not included.