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High-growth enterprises by activity (NACE Rev. 2), Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


In some cases totals do not match because of rounding. With the new European legislation on business statistics, the range of observed activities and the number of variables observed have expanded. From 2021 on, sections P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Art, entertainment and recreation activities and division S96 Other personal service activities began to be monitored. Data on the number of gazelles and the number of employees in gazelles are now observed.
A HIGH-GROWTH ENTERPRISE is an enterprise with an average annual growth higher than 10% over a three year period and has at least 10 employees in the first year of monitoring of three-year growth. Growth is measured by the number of employees.
GAZELLE is a high-growth enterprise that is up to 5 years old.
EMPLOYEES are persons who work for an employer (for legal persons or for individual private entrepreneurs and other registered natural persons), receive payment in the form of salaries and are socially insured on the basis of the employment contract. The employment contract can be made for fixed or unspecified period of time, for full-time or part-time work.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Activity - TOTAL
Sections P Education, Q Human health and social workactivities, R Art, entertainment and recreation activities and division S96 Other personal service activities are included in Activity - TOTAL from 2021.