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Public, private and international expenditure for educational institutions by level of education (1000 EUR), Slovenia, annually
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EXPENDITURE Select at least one value

Total: 4 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 16 | Selected:


LEVEL OF EDUCATION Select at least one value

Total: 10 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
1000 EUR
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


In 2012 there was a break in the time series.
1. According to the revised international definition of formal education which is in line with the revised international classification of levels of education ISCED 2011, the expenditure for formal education for 2012 takes into account the expenditure for the 1st age period of education in kindergartens, while according to the previous definition (ISCED 97) only expenditure for the 2nd age period programs of education in kindergartens was considered.
2. In the preparation of data on expenditure for formal education for 2012, the allocation of expenditure between upper secondary education expenditure and short-cycle higher vocational education has been improved. The estimated expenditure for short-cycle higher vocational education (in upper secondary schools which have also sections/units of short-cycle higher vocational education) was transferred to the short-cycle higher vocational expenditure. Until 2011 expenditure for these upper secondary schools was fully taken into account as expenditure of upper secondary education.
In 2020 there was a break in the time series.
1. The coverage of educational institutions was supplemented:
a. Some public (instructional and non-instructional) educational institutions were added that perform formal education programs and/or perform professional services in the field of formal education, but have registered activities that, according to the Standard Classification of Activities, do not belong to the field of education.
b.Private educational institutions were added that perform formal education programs and operate as companies (they had not been covered in previous years).
The above changes affect the volume of funds from various sources for public and private educational institutions.
2. As part of revenues from private sources, from 2020 on additional revenues from market activities in educational institutions that implement formal, continuing adult education programs are taken into account. Revenues that were not related to the provision of formal education as a public service had been completely excluded in previous years.
This change affects the volume of private expenditure on educational institutions, especially at the levels of upper-secondary and tertiary education.
Due to these changes, the data on funding for educational institutions from 2020 on are not directly comparable with these data from previous years.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
A break in the time series. See footnotes!
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