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Share of households with children, aged 15 or less (%), by goods, affordability of goods and income quintile, Slovenia, multiannually
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INCOME QUINTILE Select at least one value

Total: 6 | Selected:


GOOD Select at least one value

Total: 7 | Selected:


AFFORDABILITY OF THE GOOD Select at least one value

Total: 3 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 3 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
Households are divided into five quintiles according to the net disposable income per equivalent household member. The first quintile includes 20% of persons from the households with the lowest equivalised income, while the fifth quintile includes 20% of persons from the households with the highest equivalised income.
Data refers only to households with children aged 0 to 15. Some totals do not add up due to rounding.
The results of SILC are based on a survey conducted in the beginning of the year and on register and administrative data mostly referring to one year before survey is conducted.
Some new clothes
All children have some new (not second-hand) clothes.
Leisure activities that have to be paid for
All children have two pairs of properly fitting shoes (including a pair of all-weather shoes).
Celebrations on special occasions
All children in the household have celebrations on special occasions (birthdays, name days, religious events).
Inviting friends to play and eat
All children in the household occasionally invite friends, peers to their home for playing or eating.
Holidays away from home at least one week per year
All children in the household go on a seven-day holiday away from home at least once a year.
Participation in school trips and events
All school-age children in the household go on school trips and participate in school activities that cost money.
Suitable place to study or do homework
All school-age children in the household have a suitable place to study or do homework.
GOOD: Suitable place to study or do homework , AFFORDABILITY OF THE GOOD: No, cannot affford it , YEAR: 2009
In 2009 we only collected data on whether all children had a suitable place to study or do homework or not. We did not collect data on the reason why they did not have it. Data for the answer »No« is visible under the category »No, for other reasons«.