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Median of the housing cost burden distribution by household income, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


MEDIAN OF THE HOUSING COST BURDEN DISTRIBUTION is the median (middle value) of the distribution of the share of total housing costs (net of housing allowances) in the total disposable household income (net of housing allowances). 12% e.g. means that half of all persons spend more than 12% of disposable household income for housing costs and half spend less. All persons are distributed from the lowest to the highest housing cost burden. The share of the person in the middle of the distribution is the median of the housing cost burden.
In the calculation of the housing cost burden all annual costs connected with the household's right to live in the accommodation are included (housing and mortgage interest payment, rental payments, structural insurance, regular maintenance and repairs, services and charges - sewage removal, refuse removal and the costs of utilities - water, electricity, gas, heating, etc.), net of housing allowances. Housing cost burden (the share of housing costs in the total disposable household income) is the same for all of the persons in the same household.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
The persons are classified into five quintiles according to the net disposable income per equivalent household member. The first quintile includes 20% of persons from the households with the lowest equivalised income, the fifth quintile includes 20% of persons from the households with the highest equivalised ncome.