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Overcrowding rate by household income, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
% of persons, number of persons
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


The OVERCROWDING RATE is the percentage of persons living in dwellings with not enough rooms in view of the number of household members. The condition for a dwelling to be overcrowded is that it does not have one room per household and at the same time one room per couple in the household, one room for each single person aged 18 or more, one room per pair of single persons of the same gender between 12 and 17 years of age, one room for each single person between 12 and 17 years of age and not included in the previous category, and one room per pair of children under 12 years of age.
With the SILC survey for 2011 the methodology of calculating the indicator changed, so the data from 2011 on are not comparable with the data for the previous years. Until 2010 a kitchen was not counted as a room, whereas from 2011 on a kitchen is counted as a room if it measures at least 6 square metres and the household uses it as a dining room, a living room, a study, etc.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Persons are classified into five quintiles according to the net disposable income per equivalent household member. The first quintile includes 20% of persons from the households with the lowest equivalised income, the fifth quintile includes 20% of persons from the households with the highest equivalised ncome.
Number of persons in overcrowded dwellings
Some totals do not add up due to rounding.