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Job vacancy statistics by major groups of occupations, Slovenia, 2001 - 2012
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Total: 11 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 12 | Selected:


MEASURES Select at least one value

Total: 6 | Selected:


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Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
number, %
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


The statistics on job vacancies are based on administrative and statistical sources.
- The source for the data on the number of job vacancies is the PD-1 form of the Employment Service of Slovenia.
- The source for the data on the number of occupied posts is the Statistical Register of Employment, which is kept by the

- Methodological explanations
Data in the table are classified by valid Standard Classification of Occupation which is describe in Standard Classification of Occupation. Including to the year 2011 the data in the table are shown by national Standard Classification of Occupation [SKP-V2] and from 2012 onwards by national Standard Classification of Occupation [SKP-08]. At the level of major groups are both classifications the same. But there are some differences in classification [SKP-08] because some professions were moved inside of different major groups. Because this is not possible a direct comparison of the data in whole time series.
Size is defined by number of occupied posts:
- TOTAL part of a business entity or a business entity without a subordinate unit that has at least one persons employed are included;
- 10+ all parts of a business entity or a business entity without a subordinate unit that has at least 10 persons employed are included.