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Estimated number of persons employed by legal persons that are not budget users, who received earnings at the level of the minimum wage, by activities [NACE Rev. 2], Slovenia, 2017M01 - 2019M12
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Total: 1,628 | Selected:


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Total: 36 | Selected:


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Total: 2 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


The number of persons employed who received earnings at the level of the minimum wage is the number of persons who received earnings for work done in the amount of the minimum wage that is stipulated by law or some other legal act if they work for an employer in the Republic of Slovenia full time or in the amount of the pro-rata part of the minimum wage if they work part time.
The minimum wage includes all wage elements stipulated by the Employment Relationship Act, i.e. basic wage of a worker for a specific month, job performance bonus and various other bonuses except the following:
- bonus for overtime work
- bonus for night work
- bonus for work on Sunday
- bonus for work on other days designated by law as official holidays or work-free days
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations