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Basic population groups by age and sex, Slovenia, 1986H2 - 2008H1
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Total: 122 | Selected:


HALF-YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 44 | Selected:


MEASURES Select at least one value

Total: 5 | Selected:



Total: 3 | Selected:


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Contact and information


Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
H1 as of 1.1.
H2 as of 1.7.
Age is the period of time a person has lived from his/her birth to the moment of observation. It is expressed in completed years of age.
Since 1 January 1995 population of Slovenia consists of:
- citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent residence in Slovenia, excluding those who went abroad for more than three months and gave notice of their departure at the administrative unit of their permanent residence,
- foreigners with issued permission for permanent residing in the Republic of Slovenia, who have a registered permanent residence,
- foreigners with issued permission for temporary residing in the Republic of Slovenia, who have a registered temporary residence,
- foreigners with a valid work permit or a business visa, who have a registered temporary residence in Slovenia,
- persons according to the Asylum Act to whom the asylum and refugee status were granted in the Republic of Slovenia [refugees],
- persons under temporary protection in the Republic of Slovenia.
Citizens of the RS, excluding citizens temporarily residing abroad
Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, excluding citizens temporarily
abroad, are citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent
residence in
Slovenia, excluding persons who have been abroad for more than
three months
and gave notice of their departure in the administrative unit
of their
permanent residence.
Foreigners with permanent residence in Slovenia
Foreigners with permanent residence in Slovenia are:
- persons with foreign citizenship and permission for permanent residing in the Republic of Slovenia, who have a registered permanent residence in Slovenia,
- persons without established citizenship or without citizenship, who have a registered permanent residence in Slovenia,
- persons according to the Asylum Act to whom the asylum and refugee status were granted in the Republic of Slovenia [from 2000 onward].
Foreigners with temporary residence in Slovenia
Foreigners with temporary residence in Slovenia are:
- persons with foreign citizenship and permission for temporary residing in the Republic of Slovenia, who have a registered temporary residence in Slovenia,
- persons with foreign citizenship and valid work permit or business visa, who have a registered temporary residence in Slovenia,
- persons without established citizenship or without citizenship, who have a registered temporary residence in Slovenia.
Foreigners with temporary residence in Slovenia
From 30 June 2003 until 31 December 2003 data on persons under temporary protection in the Republic of Slovenia are included into population group 'foreigners with temporary residence in Slovenia'.
Persons under temporary protection / refugees
Persons under temporary protection in the Republic of Slovenia are citizens of foreign countries or persons without citizenship to whom the Republic of Slovenia offers temporary protection because of the situation in their country.
Until 31 December 2002 the Statistical Office was showing these persons as special population group, but because of their small number later on they were included among foreigners with temporary residence in Slovenia. Since 30 June 2004 there have been no people with this status in Slovenia.
Persons under temporary protection / refugees
Persons according to the Asylum Act to whom the asylum and refugee status were granted in the Republic of Slovenia [refugees] are persons who left the country of their citizenship or the country of their previous residence [persons without citizenship] because their safety and physical integrity were endangered. Their right to the asylum was acknowledged and the refugee status was granted in Slovenia on the basis of the asylum application.
Persons under temporary protection / refugees
Until the end of 1999 the population group 'refugees' included:
- persons under temporary protection in the Republic of Slovenia
- persons according to the Asylum Act to whom the asylum and refugee status were granted in the Republic of Slovenia.
Persons under temporary protection / refugees
Persons to whom the asylum and refugee status were granted in the Republic of Slovenia are according to the Asylum Act shown under the population group 'foreigners with permanent residence in Slovenia from year 2000 on.