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Exports and imports by countries, Slovenia, monthly
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IMPORTS/EXPORTS Select at least one value

Total: 2 | Selected:


UNIT Select at least one value

Total: 3 | Selected:


COUNTRY Select at least one value

Total: 254 | Selected:


MONTH Select at least one value

Total: 293 | Selected:


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Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 150 columns

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Contact and information


Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
EUR, USD, kg
Next update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


0: Actual value in data cell is either 0 or no occurence of event.
z: Data not published because of confidentiality.
Classification codes with no values in all of the available time points are omitted from selection.
Data for 2024 are provisional. Estimated value data for the last published reference month are calculated by a different methodology than for previous months, quantities are not estimated for the last published reference month.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations.
With each release the data for all months of the current year can be corrected and supplemented with new data. More information is available at Methodological explanations – Revision of statistical data.
Data are presented according to the classification valid at the specific reference period. In case of minor changes within a classification, the last valid category texts are presented.
Classification of countries: Countries are presented according to the Nomenclature of Countries and Territories for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States – Geonomenclature (description in the Eurostat classification server - RAMON).
Data at exports are shown by the country of destination. Data at imports on trade with EU member states (Intrastat) are shown by the country of dispatch. Data at imports on trade with EU non-member countries (Extrastat) are shown by the country of origin. Due to the adjustment to Intrastat methodology, in the imports data broken down by countries the country of consignment is taken into account also for the period before the accession to the EU if it was an EU member state and the country of origin if it was not an EU member state.