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Receipts of social protection schemes (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
mio EUR
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Receipts of social protection schemes - TOTAL , 210 Social contributions , 211 Employers' social contributions ,

Selected 0 of total 18

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1996 , 1997 , 1998 ,

Selected 1 of total 27

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Maximum number allowed is 1,000,000.

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Receipts of social protection schemes - TOTAL

Some totals do not add up due to rounding.

Receipts of social protection schemes - TOTAL

Data on receipts of social protection schemes are the result of data collection regarding the Core system of ESSPROS methodology (European System of integrated Social PRotection Statistics) methodology requests. The main categories of social protection scheme receipts (category 000) are:
- social contributions (category 210),
- general government contributions (category 220), and
- other receipts (category 240).

210 Social contributions

Social contributions are the costs incurred by employers on behalf of
their employees or by the protected persons to secure entitlement to
social benefits.

220 General government contributions

General government contributions means the cost to general government of running public non-contributory schemes and financial support provided by general governement to other resident social protection schemes.

240 Other receipts

Other receipts means miscellaneous current receipts of social protection schemes.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations