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Expenditure for social protection schemes (mio EUR), Slovenia, annually

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
mio EUR
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Social protection benefits - TOTAL

Data on expenditure of social protection schemes are the result of data collection regarding the Core system of ESSPROS methodology (European System of integrated Social PRotection Statistics).

Social protection benefits - TOTAL

In category 'Expenditure for social benefits by ESSPROS functions - TOTAL' are shown expenditure for social benefits in all eight functions excluding administration costs and some other expenditure.

Social protection benefits - TOTAL

The main category of social protection scheme expenditure are social benefits granted to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs.

Social protection benefits - TOTAL

Social benefits are classified by:
- functions of social protection(i. e.: 1. Sickness and health care, 2. Disability, 3. Old age, 4. Survivors', 5. Family and children, 6. Unemployment, 7. Housing and 8. Social exclusion not elsewhere classified),
- type (cash benefits - periodic and lump sum benefits, benefits in kind and re-routed social contributions),
- means test (non means-tested and means-tested benefits).

Social protection benefits - TOTAL

Certain categories of social benefits refer to benefit for persons under and above certain age. In all schemes the age limit for men is 65 and for women 60 years.

Sickness and health care

Sickness and health care function includes benefits in connection with physical or mental illness and health care intended to maintain, restore or improve the health of the people protected, irrespective of the origin of the disorder (above all compensation in the case of sick leave, health care and pharmaceutical products).


Disability function includes expenditure for social benefits in connection with the inability of physically or mentally disabled people to engage in economic and social activities (above all disability pensions to persons under a defined age and provision of goods and services to the disabled).

Old age

Old age function includes benefits in connection with old age (above all old-age pensions and disability pensions to persons under a defined age and provision of goods and services to the elderly). From the only beginning of collecting data till now (1996 – 2005) survivors' pensions to persons under a defined age were also included in this function. But with 2006 data collection methhodology changed (ESSPROS Manual 2008) and those pensions stayed in survivors' function.


Survivors' function includes benefits in connection with the death of a family member (above all survivors' pensions to persons under and above a defined age; category 'survivors' pensions to persons above a defined age' is counted here since 2006 data collection).

Family and children

Family and children function includes expenditure for social benefits in connection with costs of pregnancy, childbirth and adoption, bringing up children and caring for other family members (above all maternity leave compensation and child allowance).


Unemployment function includes expenditure for social benefits in connection with unemployment (above all unemployment benefits and vocational training).


Housing function includes expenditure for social benefits in connection with the costs of housing.

Social exclusion not elsewhere classified function

Social exclusion not elsewhere classified function includes expenditure for social benefits intended to poor people and other socially excluded groups to combat social exclusion where they don't belong to other functions.


Expenditure for social benefits by type - TOTAL

The total does not add up due to rounding.

Expenditure for social benefits by type - TOTAL

- no occurence of event
0 value not zero but less than 0.5 of the unit employed



Changes in ESSPROS methodology (ESSPROS Manual 2008) were taken into account while preparing 2006 data and on. Survivors' pensions to persons above a defined age were no longer counted in the old age function but in the survivors' function.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations