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Consumer price indices by ECOICOP classification, Slovenia, monthly

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
index, %
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.TOTAL , 01 FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES , 01.1 Food ,

Selected 0 of total 413

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2000M01 , 2000M02 , 2000M03 ,

Selected 1 of total 301


Selected 0 of total 8

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In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.


In some subgroups the published indices are less reliable than usual due to the coronavirus epidemic. More detailed information on methodological changes during the coronavirus epidemic can be found in the updated Methodological Explanation.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations


Consumer products are devided by ECOICOP (European Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose) is a classification of products by purpose classified into 12 main division and associated groups, classes and sub-classes.


Since 2015 indices have been linked through new index reference period year 2015 (average 2015 = 100). All indices are now derived and calculated through average 2015.


Fuels and energy

Group 04.5 Electricity, gas and other fuels and class 07.2.2 Fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment are included.

Seasonal products

Seasonal products are goods and services that are available for purchase in some period of the year but are not available for purchase, or are purchased in small or negligible volumes, for certain periods in a typical annual cyclical pattern.

..Durable goods

Durable goods are products with long durability. At the same time they can be quite valuable (e.g. furniture, means of transport).

..Semi-durable goods

Semi-durable goods are products with durability of about one year. They must not be very valuable (e.g. clothing and footwear).

..Non-durable goods

Non-durable goods are products with very short durability, usually up to one year (e.g. food, beverages).

Food, beverages and tobacco

Divisions 01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages and 02 Alcoholic beverages and tobacco are included.

Actual rentals for housing and services for the maintenance and repair for the dwelling

Group 04.1 Actual rentals for housing and class 04.3.2 Services for the maintenance and repair of the dwelling are included.


Structure (%)

Totals are not always accurate due to rounding.