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Basic data on marriages, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
Marriages - Total
Marriage is a union which was settled in accordance with the valid legal regulations and by two persons of opposite sexes.
Marriages per 1000 population
Marriages per 1000 population is the ratio between the number of marriages in the calendar year and the same midyear population, multiplied by 1000.
Number of first marriages
First marriage is a marriage which was settled in accordance with the valid regulations and by two (single) persons of opposite sexes who have not been married before.
First marriages of groom
First marriage of the groom is a marriage which was settled in accordance with the valid regulations and by a single man and a single woman, a widow or a divorcee.
First marriages of bride
First marriage of the bride is a marriage which was settled in accordance with the valid regulations and by a single woman and a single man, a widower or a divorcee.
Marital status of groom - single
Marital status is a legal condition which defines the relationship of a person towards other persons. It is decisive whether or not a person has been married before. With regard to that, a groom can be single, married, widowed or divorced.
Marital status of bride - single
Marital status is a legal condition which defines the relationship of a person towards other persons. It is decisive whether or not a person has been married before. With regard to that, a bride can be single, married, widowed or divorced.
Mean age of groom at marriage
Mean age of persons at given events or time cross-sections is a weighted arithmetic mean of the age of a bride. We calculate it from absolute data. In calculation we take into consideration as weights the means of age classes.
Mean age of bride at marriage
Mean age of persons at given events or time cross-sections is a weighted arithmetic mean of the age of a bride. We calculate it from absolute data. In calculation we take into consideration as weights the means of age classes.
Total first marriage rate of female
Total first marriage rate of women is the average number of first marriages per woman aged 15-49 in the calendar year.