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Poultry, production of meat and eggs, Slovenia, annually
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Poultry is a group of domestic animals including hens [Gallus], turkeys [Meleagris], ducks [Anas], gees [Anser], guinea fowl [Numida] and other poultry such as quails [Coturnix], partridges [Perdix] and pheasants [Phasianus].
Between 1992 and 1996 the data were collected, however, the published data were corrected because of duplication in one of the enterprises. For this period we are publishing the total number of poultry in 1,000 heads. For 1997 we are publishing data collected with the survey as of 1 June 1997. We did not collect the data on the number of poultry on family farms in 1998 and 1999 neither did we estimate them. Since 2000 we have been collecting data on poultry by categories.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
V letu 2000 so bili podatki za obdobje 1996-2000 popravljeni na podlagi podatkov Popisa kmetijskih gospodarstev 2000. V letu 2000 smo določili tudi enotno razmerje med mesom, pridobljenim v klavnicah in na družinskih kmetijah za obdobje 1996-2000.

V letu 2001 pa se je v klavnicah močno povečal zakol perutnine. Če bi prirejo mesa ocenili na isti način, bi to povečanje vplivalo tudi na prirejo perutnine na družinskih kmetijah. Ker je analiza podatkov 1991, 1997 in 2000 pokazala, da se število perutnine na družinskih kmetijah zmanjšuje, smo morali oceno pridobljenega mesa na družinskih kmetijah določiti drugače.

Za prirejo mesa smo določili 3 vire mesa:
- klavnice,
- intenzivne kmetije [so tiste, ki redijo 100 ali več kljunov perutnine],
- ekstenzivne kmetije [so tiste družinske kmetije, ki redijo do pod 100 kljunov perutnine].

Podatke iz klavnic mesečno pridobivamo z rednim statističnim raziskovanjem.
Predvideli smo, da intenzivni rejci koljejo perutnino v klavnicah, tako da je ta podatek že zajet v mesečnem raziskovanju o zakolu v klavnicah in ga nismo posebej ocenjevali.
Prirejo mesa na družinskih kmetijah smo ocenili na podlagi deležev zaklane perutnine v klavnicah.
Za oceno prireje mesa na ekstenzivnih kmetijah v letu 2002 smo uporabili podatke, pridobljene s statističnim raziskovanjem v decembru 2002. Dobili smo podatke o številu in kategorijah posameznih vrst perutnine, ki je bila zaklana na ekstenzivnih kmetijah. Maso smo privzeli iz klavnic, saj nimamo točnega podatka o masi na družinskih kmetijah zaklane perutnine.
Ker uvoza in izvoza žive perutnine praktično ni, velja, da je domača prireja mesa enaka vsemu pridobljenemu mesu.
Number of laying hens (thousand)
The number of laying hens is not the same as in Table 3.
Data in Table 3 refer to a specific day, while data in this table refer to the observed period.
Number of laying hens (thousand)
More informations in metodological explanations.
Eggs (thousand)
More informations in metodological explanations.
Total indigenous meat production (thousand tons)
Total indigenous production is calculated from the live weight of slaughtered animals, the difference between the weight of exported and imported live animals and the difference in weight of animals at the beginning and the end of the year [total indigenous production = gross indigenous production expressed in live weight + change in stocks expressed in live weight].
Meat production from slaughtered animals (thousand tons)
Meat production from slaughtered animals is meat of all animals slaughtered inSlovenia - indigenous and imported [meat production from slaughtered animals = meat from slaughter in slaughterhouses + slaughter on family farms].
Gross indigenous production (thousand tons)
Gross indigenous production is meat from animals reared in Slovenia [gross indigenous production = meat production from slaughtered animals - meat equivalent of all animals imported alive + meat equivalent of all animals exported alive].
Meat form slaughter in slaughterhouses (thousand tons)
Meat from slaughter in slaughterhouses is meat of all animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses.
MEASURES: Number of laying hens (thousand) , YEAR: 2013
Data published on 30, August 2018 are corrected. Previous published
values were 1,380. We apologize for any inconvenience.
MEASURES: Eggs (thousand) , YEAR: 2013
Data published on 30, August 2018 are corrected. Previous published
values were 357,589. We apologize for any inconvenience.