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Household expenditure (EUR) in a typical month by selected necessities and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
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HOUSEHOLD TYPE Select at least one value

Total: 7 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 1 | Selected:


SELECTED NECESSITIES Select at least one value

Total: 4 | Selected:


Number of selected data cells are:(maximum number allowed is 1,000,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 150 columns

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
Household type is defined according to the number of adults and the number of dependent children in the household. Dependent children are defined as household members below 18 years of age, or household members aged 18 to 24 if they are living with at least one parent and are not at work. All other household members are adults. A child between 18 and 24 years of age who is at work is counted as an adult.
The results of SILC are based on a survey conducted in the beginning of the year and on register and administrative data mostly referring to one year before survey is conducted.
Food or drink outside home
Tukaj se upoštevajo izdatki v gostinskih lokalih, restavracijah, bifejih, kavarnah, slaščičarnah; izdatki za hrano, dostavljeno na dom; izdatki za hrano na delovnem mestu, šolska in študentska prehrana.
Public transport
Upoštevajo se izdatki za potniški železniški prevoz, potniški prevoz z avtobusom, taksi, najem šoferja in avtomobila.
Private transport
Upoštevajo se izdatki za avtomobil ali druga prevozna sredstva, npr. izdatki za gorivo, registracijo vozila in zavarovanje, redni servis, redno vzdrževanje in popravila; izdatki za prevoz s sodelavci, prijatelji, souporabo vozil, najem koles, skirojev.