Milijarda podatkov v podatkovni bazi SiStat

Share of indebted households (%) by number of loans and household type, Slovenia, multiannually
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Total: 7 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 1 | Selected:


PURPOSE OF LOANS Select at least one value

Total: 11 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
Household type is defined according to the number of adults and the number of dependent children in the household. Dependent children are defined as household members below 18 years of age, or household members aged 18 to 24 if they are living with at least one parent and are not at work. All other household members are adults. A child between 18 and 24 years of age who is at work is counted as an adult.
The results of SILC are based on a survey conducted in the beginning of the year and on register and administrative data mostly referring to one year before survey is conducted.
Only the shares of households that have a particular purpose of loan are shown.
Purchase or renovation of property
Included are loans for the purchase of the dwelling in which the household lives (including all housing loans that are not mortgages); loans for renovation of the dwelling in which the household lives or for the purchase of other property (e.g. holiday homes, other dwellings, agricultural buildings, business premises).
Furniture, home furnishings
Included are all loans or instalment purchases for all types of furniture, home furnishings, household appliances and white goods. Equipment for receiving, recording and reproducing sound or video is also included.
Means of transport
Included are loans or leasing for all types of means of transport such as cars, vans, motorcycles, mopeds, trailers, bicycles and other means of transport.
Included are instalment purchases for trips, package tours/arrangements, accommodation costs, etc.
Included are all health services and pharmaceutical products paid by the household in instalments or via a loan.
Included are instalments for schooling, studies, educational and training courses, etc.
Covering daily expenses
Included are purchase of food and other expenses necessary for daily life (including purchase of energy products such as fuel oil).
Financing business or professional activity
Included are business loans for financing a business idea, starting a business, etc.
Refinancing another loan
Included are household loans for repaying other loans, i.e. refinancing any other loan.
Helping relatives or friends
Included are any loans or instalment purchases to help relatives or friends.
Other purpose
Included are various other loans or instalment purchases, e.g. mobile phone instalments, housing insurance instalments, and car insurance instalments.