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Population - selected indicators by degree of urbanisation, Slovenia, annually
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DEGREE OF URBANISATION Select at least one value

Total: 4 | Selected:


INDICATOR Select at least one value

Total: 9 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 14 | Selected:



Total: 3 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
years, index, proportions, ratios
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological Explanations
Data by degree of urbanisation from 2012 onwards are presented according to the changed methodology (additional explanation on the methodology can be found on the website about territorial typologies), so they are not completely comparable with the previous data releases. The same applies to data from 2017 onwards when the previous typology was replaced by the revised version of degree of urbanisation.
As of 1 January.
Data on population as of 1 January 2011 in Slovenia are produced also according to the Regulation [EC] No. 763/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 July 2008 on Population and Housing Censuses, Official Journal of the European Union L 218/14, 13 August, 2008.
Data on population as of 1 January 2021 in Slovenia are produced also according to the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 2017/712 of 20 April 2017 establishing the reference year and the programme of the statistical data and metadata for population and housing censuses provided for by Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Mean age (years)
Povprečna starost je tehtana aritmetična sredina starosti določene skupine prebivalstva.
Ageing index
Indeks staranja je razmerje med starim (stari 65 let ali več) in mladim prebivalstvom (stari od 0 do 14 let), pomnoženo s 100.
Proportion of population aged 0-14 (%)
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota deležev prebivalcev po starostnih skupinah ni vedno enaka 100,0 %.
Proportion of population aged 15-64 (%)
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota deležev prebivalcev po starostnih skupinah ni vedno enaka 100,0 %.
Proportion of population aged 65 or more (%)
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota deležev prebivalcev po starostnih skupinah ni vedno enaka 100,0 %.
Proportion of population aged 80 or more (%)
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota deležev prebivalcev po starostnih skupinah ni vedno enaka 100,0 %.
Age dependency ratio
Koeficient starostne odvisnosti pove, koliko otrok in starejših prebivalcev je odvisnih od 100 delovno sposobnih.
Age dependency ratio
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota koeficientov starostne odvisnosti mladih in starih ni vedno enaka skupnemu koeficientu starostne odvisnosti.
Young-age dependency ratio
Koeficient starostne odvisnosti mladih je razmerje med številom otrok (0 do 14 let) in številom delovno sposobnih prebivalcev, torej prebivalcev, starih 15 do 64 let, pomnoženo s 100. Koeficient starostne odvisnosti mladih pove, koliko otrok je odvisnih od 100 delovno sposobnih prebivalcev.
Young-age dependency ratio
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota koeficientov starostne odvisnosti mladih in starih ni vedno enaka skupnemu koeficientu starostne odvisnosti.
Old-age dependency ratio
Koeficient starostne odvisnosti starih je razmerje med številom starejših (65 let ali več) in številom delovno sposobnih prebivalcev, torej prebivalcev, starih 15 do 64 let, pomnoženo s 100. Koeficient starostne odvisnosti starih pove, koliko starejših je odvisnih od 100 delovno sposobnih prebivalcev.
Old-age dependency ratio
Zaradi zaokroževanja vsota koeficientov starostne odvisnosti mladih in starih ni vedno enaka skupnemu koeficientu starostne odvisnosti.