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Average monthly earnings by legal persons, Slovenia, monthly

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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We switched to the new administrative data source with the reference month of April 2024. For preparing monthly statistics on earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons and thus for calculating average monthly gross and net earnings, we used data from the withholding tax calculation for income from which withholding tax and/or social security contributions are calculated (the REK-O form).
Data used to be published (up to and including the publication of data on these earnings for March 2024) according to the previous methodology where we obtained the data using the online questionnaire Earnings of persons in paid employment by legal persons ZAP/M (for legal persons that are not budget users) or from the Information System for Transmitting and Analysing Data on Earnings, Other Payments and the Number of Employees in the Public Sector - ISPAP (for budget users).
Due to the change of the data source (i.e. transition to using data from the administrative source – REK-O form), data from April 2024 on are not completely comparable with data on earnings for the period up to and including March 2024.
Already published (official) data on the amount of earnings by individual months (for the period up to and including March 2024) are not changed due to these calculations from the new source.
In the calculation of data on average monthly earnings for the period from January 2014 to October 2015 recalculated data were used due to the change in the data sources.



A break in time series happened because of measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The drop in average earnings for March 2020 (compared to earnings for February 2020) was largely the result of the government payment of wage compensation for temporarily laid-off employees. According to the methodology of the statistical survey Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment by Legal Persons, this compensation is not included in gross and net earnings since earnings cover only that part of payments that is paid by the employers. Because in March 2020 most of the persons in paid employment who were temporarily laid-off were laid-off in the second half of the month, the number of persons in paid employment who received earnings did not change much compared to the previous month. However, due to the government payment of wage compensation for temporarily laid-off employees, the payment of earnings and/or wage compensation paid by the employers decreased, which resulted in lower average earnings per person in paid employment compared to earnings for February 2020.


A break in time series happened because of measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The increase in average earnings for April 2020 (compared to earnings for March 2020) was largely the result of emergency relief compensation in line with the Intervention Measures Act and/or collective agreements in the whole month of April 2020. In April 2020 also most of the persons in paid employment who were temporarily laid-off were laid-off the whole month (in March 2020 only in the second half of the month), which resulted in the drop of the number of persons in paid employment who received earnings or non-refunded wage compensation paid by the employers and in the increase in average gross and net earnings (compared to earnings for March 2020).


A break in time series happened because of measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The drop in average earnings for May 2020 (compared to earnings for April 2020) was largely due to the fact that some employees who were temporarily laid-off were laid-off only part of May 2020, which resulted in the increase in the number of persons in paid employment who received earnings or non-refunded wage compensation paid by the employers and in the decrease in average gross and net earnings (compared to earnings for April 2020).


A break in time series happened because of measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The drop in average earnings for June 2020 (compared to earnings for May 2020) was largely the result of termination of emergency relief compensation in line with the Intervention Measures Act and/or collective agreements for working in time of the COVID-19 epidemic, and partly a result of the introduction of a subsidy for part-time work (this led to an increase in the number of employees who worked part-time).


Due to the change of the data source (i.e. transition to using data from the administrative source – REK-O form), data from April 2024 on are not completely comparable with data on earnings for the period up to and including March 2024.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations