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Gross investments in new [and existing] assets by types of assets and municipalities [1000 EUR], Slovenia, 1996 - 2011

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
1000 EUR
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.SLOVENIA , Ajdovščina , Apače ,

Selected 0 of total 213

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Selected 0 of total 6

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1996 , 1997 , 1998 ,

Selected 0 of total 16

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Maximum number allowed is 1,000,000.

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The data on investment for 1996 and 1997 include new and
existing assets because of not collecting data
separately. From 1998 to 2011 the data on investment are
shown only for new assets.
For 2012 the data on investment are shown for new and
existing assets.
Data until year 2006 are converted from SIT values by applying the average exchange rate. Original data in SIT are available in the table Gross investments in new assets by types of assets and municipalities, original data in SIT and informative conversion into EUR, Slovenia, annually .
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations


Data are territorially classified according to the Decree on the Standard Classification of Territorial Units description and explanations, level SKTE 5. Data on changes of individual municipalities are available at the link. In the list Slovene municipalities [by alphabet] and description on their territorial changes since 1995 the type of change is described together with the date when the described territorial change was taken into account in the territorial classification of units for statistical purposes and the Official Journal in which the mentioned territorial changes were published. In the list of municipalities the last valid situation regarding the names of municipalities is stated.


Gross investments -TOTAL

Gross investments include investment in tangible and intangible fixed assets.

6.15 Construction work and premises

Includes investment in dwellings, non-residential buildings,
civil-engineering and land improvement. Land improvement is included from
2000 onwards.

6.16 Machinery, transport and other equipment

Machinery and equipment include: metal products; machinery for the
production; other machinery and equipment; agricultural and forestry
machinery; computers and data processing machinery; electrical motors and
generators; medical equipment and optical instruments; furniture and
other equipment Transport equipment includes investment in passenger
cars, trucks, lorries and other transport equipment. Data from 2004
onwards are included in 6.16+6.17 Machinery, transport, other equipment
and cultivated assets.

6.17 Biological assets

Includes investment in orchard development and breeding stock. Data from
2004 onwards are included in 6.16+6.17 Machinery, transport, other
equipment and cultivated assets

6.16+6.17 Machinery and equipment, transport equipment and biological assets

is compiled item appear in the data of 2004 and includes metal products;
machinery for special purposes [up to 2007 machinery for the production];
other machinery and equipment for special purposes [ up to 2007 other
machinery and equipment]; agricultural and forestry machinery; computers
and peripheral equipment [ up to 2007 computers and data processing
machinery]; communication equipment an consumer electronic and [up to
2007 RA, TV and communication equipment] electrical equipment [up to 2007
electrical motors and generators]; electromedical, therapeutical and
optical instruments [up to 2007medical equipment and optical
instruments]; furniture and other equipment. Transport equipment includes
investment in passenger cars, trucks, lorries and other transport
equipment. Cultivated assets include investment in orchard development
and breeding stock.

6.18 Intangible assets

Intangible fixed assets include investment in studies and projects;
entertainment, literary or artistic originals and software.