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Average annual available assets of households by quintiles, Slovenia, 2000 - 2012
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AVAILABLE ASSETS Select at least one value

Total: 11 | Selected:


INCOME Select at least one value

Total: 2 | Selected:


QUINTILE Select at least one value

Total: 6 | Selected:


YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 13 | Selected:


MEASURES Select at least one value

Total: 2 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
EUR, %
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


Data until year 2006 are converted from SIT values by applying the irrevocably fixed exchange rate.
Original data in SIT are available in the table Average annual allocated assets of households, original data in SIT and informative conversion into EUR, Slovenia, annually.
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- Methodological explanations
Income data for the years 2000 - 2010 were obtained from the survey. Income data for 2012 were mostly derived from existing registers and administrative records and partly also by means of the survey.
Households are split into quintiles regarding the available assets. The first quintile consists of the 20% of households with the lowest income and the fifth of the 20% of households with the highest income.
Valid for the data for the years 2000 - 2010: Data from three consecutive years [e.g. 2008-2010] are calculated to the middle year [2009] as the reference year.
Due to rounding, the totals do not add up.
0 Available assets
Available assets [Income in cash and in kind] cover all available money assets, own production and benefits in kind at households' disposal during the observation period.
Available assets [Income in cash] within a household are available financial assets that a household had at its disposal in the survey period.
1 Income
Money income of a household covers financial income that was received by household members in 12 months, except receipts from sale and other receipts.
1.1 Income from work under employment
Income from work under employment included benefits in kind from employment which cover goods that the household received [employer covering the household’s expenditure for electricity, cold water, gas, telephone, TV subscription, vehicle registration, free meals, etc.].
1.2 Income from self-employment
Income from self-employment included value of own production which covers value of own agricultural products and goods consumed within a household during the year [food, beverages, heating].
1.7 Benefits in kind - other
Benefits in kind - other: relatives or friends paying the household’s bills for electricity, cold water, gas, telephone, TV subscription, vehicle registration, etc.
2 Receipts from sale
Receipts from sale are sale of intangible and tangible goods, and sale of securities.
3 Other receipts
Other receipts are: winnings at gambling, compensation for nationalised or dispossessed property, inheritance and legacy, income from life insurance, from insurance companies.
Due to the revision of the survey in 2012, data for 2011 are not available.