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Average annual allocated assets of households by quintiles, Slovenia, 2000 - 2010, 2012, 2015, 2018

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
EUR, %
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.00 ALLOCATED ASSETS , 001 CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE , 01 FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ,

Selected 0 of total 15


Selected 0 of total 2

Selected 0 of total 6

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2000 , 2001 , 2002 ,

Selected 0 of total 14


Selected 0 of total 2

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Maximum number allowed is 1,000,000.

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Data until year 2006 are converted from SIT values by applying the irrevocably fixed exchange rate.
Original data in SIT are available in the table Average annual allocated assets of households by quintiles, original data in SIT and informative conversion into EUR, Slovenia, annually.


Consumption expenditure is classified by the European classification of individual consumption according to purpose (ECOICOP).


Value of own production covers value of own agricultural products and goods consumed within a household during the year (food, beverages, heating).


Households are split into quintiles regarding the available assets. The first quintile consists of the 20% of households with the lowest income and the fifth of the 20% of households with the highest income.


Valid for the data for the years 2000 - 2010: Data from three consecutive years (e.g. 2008-2010) are calculated to the middle year (2009) as the reference year.
Data collected from 2012 on refer to the reference year of data collection. Data for 2011 are not available, and in the future the survey will no longer be carried out each year, but every three years.


Due to rounding, the totals do not add up.



Allocated assets cover consumption expenditure (001) and other expenditure (20) such as purchase, major works and renovations of a dwelling or house and other expenditure.
In 2018 without expenditure for purchase of a house, dwelling or land.

20 OTHER EXPENDITURE (not part of consumption expenditure)

Other expenditure covers expenditure for purchase, major works and renovations of a dwelling or house and other expenditure such as taxes, money transfers and gifts, life insurance, voluntary pension and disability insurance, fines.

20 OTHER EXPENDITURE (not part of consumption expenditure)

In 2018 without expenditure for purchase of a house, dwelling or land.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations