Milijarda podatkov v podatkovni bazi SiStat

Population - selected indicators, urban/non-urban areas, Slovenia, 2011 - 2014
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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
years / index / proportions / ratios
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


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- Methodological explanations
As of 1. 1.
Data on population as of 1 January 2011 in Slovenia are produced also according to the Regulation [EC] No. 763/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 July 2008 on Population and Housing Censuses, Official Journal of the European Union L 218/14, 13 August, 2008.
Mean age [years]
Mean age is a weighted arithmetic mean of the age of a given group of population.
Ageing index
Ageing index is the ratio between the old population [aged 65 years or more] and the young population [aged 0-14 years], multiplied by 100.
Proportion of population aged 0-14 [%]
Due to rounding, the sum of proportions of population by age groups is not always equal to 100.0%.
Proportion of population aged 15-64 [%]
Due to rounding, the sum of proportions of population by age groups is not always equal to 100.0%.
Proportion of population aged 65 or more [%]
Due to rounding, the sum of proportions of population by age groups is not always equal to 100.0%.
Age dependency ratio
Age dependency ratio is the ratio between the number of young [aged 0 to 14 years] and older population [aged 65 years or more] and the number of working-age population [aged 15 to 64], multiplied by 100. The age dependency ratio measures how many children and older people are age-dependent per 100 working-age popuation.
Age dependency ratio
Due to rounding the sum of old- and young-age dependency ratios does not always equal the total age dependency ratio.
Young-age dependency ratio
Age dependency ratio is the ratio between the number of young [aged 0 to 14 years] and older population [aged 65 years or more] and the number of working-age population [aged 15 to 64], multiplied by 100. The age dependency ratio measures how many children and older people are age-dependent per 100 working-age popuation.
Young-age dependency ratio
Due to rounding the sum of old- and young-age dependency ratios does not always equal the total age dependency ratio.
Old-age dependency ratio
Age dependency ratio is the ratio between the number of young [aged 0 to 14 years] and older population [aged 65 years or more] and the number of working-age population [aged 15 to 64], multiplied by 100. The age dependency ratio measures how many children and older people are age-dependent per 100 working-age popuation.
Old-age dependency ratio
Due to rounding the sum of old- and young-age dependency ratios does not always equal the total age dependency ratio.