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Humidity, precipitations, cloudiness and winds by meteorological stations, Slovenia, 1981 - 2014
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Total: 20 | Selected:


PERIOD, YEAR Select at least one value

Total: 17 | Selected:


MEASURE Select at least one value

Total: 12 | Selected:


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Latest update
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning - Slovenian Environment Agency


Retrived on 5 March 2015 from the website ARSO.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Footnotes on marked meteorological stations can be displayed by clicking the 'Notes' icon above the table when viewing table on screen.
Ten-year average.
Ten-year average.
Ten-year average.
Prevalent direction of wind [degrees]

Prevalent direction of wind [degrees]
Wind direction is the direction the wind is blowing from. By agreement, it is measured in degrees clockwise from north [0° or N]. Easterly wind [E] is thus 90°, southerly wind [S] 180° and westerly wind [W] 270°. Intermediate directions have appropriate intermediate degrees; for example, in the case of 16 wind directions, degrees are growing by the 22.5° interval.
Prevalent direction of wind [degrees]
2004: Data for the predominant wind direction and frequency for stations Bilje, Bovec, Dobliče, Brnik, Celje, Kredarica, Lesce, Ljubljana, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Novo mesto, Portorož, Postojna, Rateče, Šmartno, Rogaška Slatina were obtained from automatic meteorological stations. For Kočevje meteorological station the data on wind were obtained from the data logger at the station, while for Velenje and Slap pri Vipavi meteorological stations climatological data from three daily measurements [at 7 am, 2 pm and 9 pm] are shown.
2005 and 2006: Data for the predominant wind direction and frequency for all selected stations, except for Slap pri Vipavi, were obtained from automatic meteorological stations from half-hour measurements of speed and wind directions. Data for Slap pri Vipavi were obtained from three daily measurements [at 7 am, 2 pm and 9 pm].
The meteorological station Slap pri Vipavi stopped operating on 31 December 2006. Only a temperature and relative humidity recorder is installed there now, so only certain meteorological variables and phenomena are measured and monitored.
Frequency of wind [%]
2004: Data for the predominant wind direction and frequency for stations Bilje, Bovec, Dobliče, Brnik, Celje, Kredarica, Lesce, Ljubljana, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Novo mesto, Portorož, Postojna, Rateče, Šmartno, Rogaška Slatina were obtained from automatic meteorological stations. For Kočevje meteorological station the data on wind were obtained from the data logger at the station, while for Velenje and Slap pri Vipavi meteorological stations climatological data from three daily measurements [at 7 am, 2 pm and 9 pm] are shown.
2005 and 2006: Data for the predominant wind direction and frequency for all selected stations, except for Slap pri Vipavi, were obtained from automatic meteorological stations from half-hour measurements of speed and wind directions. Data for Slap pri Vipavi were obtained from three daily measurements [at 7 am, 2 pm and 9 pm].
The meteorological station Slap pri Vipavi stopped operating on 31 December 2006. Only a temperature and relative humidity recorder is installed there now, so only certain meteorological variables and phenomena are measured and monitored.
The meteorological station is automatic, that is why it measures only certain meteorological variables.
Črnomelj, Dobliče
For 1986 data refer to the Metlika station.
Ilirska Bistrica
The meteorological station is automatic, that is why it measures only certain meteorological variables.
Rogaška Slatina
The meteorological station Rogaška Slatina stopped operating on 9 December 2009.
Slap pri Vipavi
The meteorological station Slap pri Vipavi stopped operating on 31 December 2006. Only a temperature and relative humidity recorder is installed there now, so only certain meteorological variables and phenomena are measured and monitored. Data on relative humidity for the first half of 2012 are missing, therefore the average relative humidity for 2012 could not be calculated.
Methodological station Velenje, at which meteorological variables/phenomena were measured/observed classically, stopped operating in April 2006. From February 2005 on at this station some measurements have been conducted automatically [only some meteorological variables are measured]. Between August 2009 and September 2011 a station measuring precipitation and snow cover was also set up there.