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Number of active enterprises in ICT sector, Slovenia, annually

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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
number of enterprises
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.0 Activity – TOTAL , 1 ICT sector , 1.1 Manufacturing ICT sector ,

Selected 0 of total 15

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2005 , 2006 , 2007 ,

Selected 1 of total 19

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Maximum number allowed is 1,000,000.

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Final data for the ICT sector for the reference year 2023 will be published on 7. 7. 2025.
From 2021 onwards, the Activity – TOTAL data include also the data for section K.
Number of active enterprises is the number of registered legal or natural persons which had turnover or employees or investment and were therefore active during at least a part of the reference period (under the old decree 11110 Number of enterprises).
The source for the ICT sector data is structural business statistics. Under the new European legislation on business statistics No. 2019/2152, in the structural statistics of enterprises, the entire section K Financial and insurance services is observed, as well as sections P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Art, entertainment and recreation activities and division S96 Other personal service activities. The new legislation also prescribes new variable codes and some changes in titles.


0 Activity – TOTAL

As regards provisional data for 2023, the data for section K are not available and will be available later.
From 2021 onwards, the Activity – TOTAL data include also the data for section K.

0 Activity – TOTAL

In the structural statistics of enterprises, the entire section K Financial and insurance services is observed, as well as sections P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Art, entertainment and recreation activities and division S96 Other personal service activities is observed since 2021. Therefore, the data for the statistic Activity – TOTAL from 2021 onwards is not comparable with data from previous years.
Linked content:
- Methodological explanations
Data for the 2005–2007 period are recalculated according to the new classification of activities and therefore of lower quality. Backcasting was implemented at micro level, which means assigning a new activity code (in terms of the new classification) to each unit and for every period and recalculating in order to have the series expressed in terms of the new classification.