Milijarda podatkov v podatkovni bazi SiStat

Average monthly earnings by legal persons by cohesion and statistical regions of employment, Slovenia, annually
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Total: 19 | Selected:


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Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, T: +386 1 241 64 04, E:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


In the calculation of data on average monthly earnings for 2015, for the period from January to October 2015 recalculated data were used due to the change in the data sources.
Linked content:- Methodological explanations
Average monthly gross earnings
znesek v EUR
Average monthly net earnings
znesek v EUR
Index of average monthly gross earnings
povprečna mesečna bruto plača na zaposleno osebo pri pravnih osebah v občini / povprečna mesečna bruto plača na zaposleno osebo pri pravnih osebah v Sloveniji x 100
Index of average monthly net earnings
povprečna mesečna neto plača na zaposleno osebo pri pravnih osebah v občini / povprečna mesečna neto plača na zaposleno osebo pri pravnih osebah v Sloveniji x 100
Average earnings for overtime work
znesek v EUR
Average monthly gross earnings per paid hour
znesek v EUR
Average monthly net earnings per paid hour
znesek v EUR
Index of average monthly gross earnings per paid hour
Index of average monthly net earnings per paid hour
Persons in paid employment with overdue payments
% med vsemi zaposlenimi v občini
Persons in paid employment who worked overtime
% med vsemi zaposlenimi v občini
INDICATOR: Index of average monthly gross earnings per paid hour , YEAR: 2015
In the calculation of indices of average monthly gross earnings per paid hour for the period from January 2014 to October 2015 recalculated data were used due to the change in the data sources. They are available on
INDICATOR: Index of average monthly net earnings per paid hour , YEAR: 2015
In the calculation of indices of average monthly net earnings per paid hour for the period from January 2014 to October 2015 recalculated data were used due to the change in the data sources. They are available on